Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Braedon Lewis 2023-03-19 12:57:34 -04:00
commit b49ad727ee
93 changed files with 57538 additions and 0 deletions

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* text=auto

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.
## Get latest from
# User-specific files
# User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio)
# Mono auto generated files
# Build results
# Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory
# Uncomment if you have tasks that create the project's static files in wwwroot
# Visual Studio 2017 auto generated files
Generated\ Files/
# MSTest test Results
# NUnit
# Build Results of an ATL Project
# Benchmark Results
# .NET Core
# ASP.NET Scaffolding
# StyleCop
# Files built by Visual Studio
# Chutzpah Test files
# Visual C++ cache files
# Visual Studio profiler
# Visual Studio Trace Files
# TFS 2012 Local Workspace
# Guidance Automation Toolkit
# ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in
# TeamCity is a build add-in
# DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool
# AxoCover is a Code Coverage Tool
# Coverlet is a free, cross platform Code Coverage Tool
# Visual Studio code coverage results
# NCrunch
# MightyMoose
# Web workbench (sass)
# Installshield output folder
# DocProject is a documentation generator add-in
# Click-Once directory
# Publish Web Output
# Note: Comment the next line if you want to checkin your web deploy settings,
# but database connection strings (with potential passwords) will be unencrypted
# Microsoft Azure Web App publish settings. Comment the next line if you want to
# checkin your Azure Web App publish settings, but sensitive information contained
# in these scripts will be unencrypted
# NuGet Packages
# NuGet Symbol Packages
# The packages folder can be ignored because of Package Restore
# except build/, which is used as an MSBuild target.
# Uncomment if necessary however generally it will be regenerated when needed
# NuGet v3's project.json files produces more ignorable files
# Microsoft Azure Build Output
# Microsoft Azure Emulator
# Windows Store app package directories and files
# Visual Studio cache files
# files ending in .cache can be ignored
# but keep track of directories ending in .cache
# Others
# Including strong name files can present a security risk
# (
# Since there are multiple workflows, uncomment next line to ignore bower_components
# (
# RIA/Silverlight projects
# Backup & report files from converting an old project file
# to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed,
# because we have git ;-)
# SQL Server files
# Business Intelligence projects
*- [Bb]ackup.rdl
*- [Bb]ackup ([0-9]).rdl
*- [Bb]ackup ([0-9][0-9]).rdl
# Microsoft Fakes
# GhostDoc plugin setting file
# Node.js Tools for Visual Studio
# Visual Studio 6 build log
# Visual Studio 6 workspace options file
# Visual Studio 6 auto-generated workspace file (contains which files were open etc.)
# Visual Studio 6 auto-generated project file (contains which files were open etc.)
# Visual Studio 6 workspace and project file (working project files containing files to include in project)
# Visual Studio 6 technical files
# Visual Studio LightSwitch build output
# Paket dependency manager
# FAKE - F# Make
# CodeRush personal settings
# Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS)
# Cake - Uncomment if you are using it
# tools/**
# !tools/packages.config
# Tabs Studio
# Telerik's JustMock configuration file
# BizTalk build output
# OpenCover UI analysis results
# Azure Stream Analytics local run output
# MSBuild Binary and Structured Log
# NVidia Nsight GPU debugger configuration file
# MFractors (Xamarin productivity tool) working folder
# Local History for Visual Studio
# Visual Studio History (VSHistory) files
# BeatPulse healthcheck temp database
# Backup folder for Package Reference Convert tool in Visual Studio 2017
# Ionide (cross platform F# VS Code tools) working folder
# Fody - auto-generated XML schema
# VS Code files for those working on multiple tools
# Local History for Visual Studio Code
# Windows Installer files from build outputs
# JetBrains Rider

beef/BeefProj.toml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
FileVersion = 1
Name = "raylib-beef"
StartupObject = "beef.Program"
DefaultNamespace = "beef"

beef/BeefSpace.toml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
FileVersion = 1
Projects = {raylib-beef = {Path = "."}}
StartupProject = "raylib-beef"

beef/BeefSpace_User.toml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
FileVersion = 1
LastConfig = "Debug"
LastPlatform = "Win64"
RecentFilesList = ["src\\"]
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Height = 908
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RequestedHeight = 200.0
SizePriority = 200.0
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TabLabel = "Workspace"
TabWidth = 115.0
Type = "ProjectPanel"
IsFillWidget = true
Permanent = true
RequestedWidth = 150.0
RequestedHeight = 150.0
SizePriority = 150.0
DefaultDocumentsTabbedView = true
Type = "TabbedView"
Active = true
TabLabel = ""
TabWidth = 106.0
Type = "SourceViewPanel"
FilePath = "src\\"
CursorPos = 76
ProjectName = "raylib-beef"
RequestedWidth = 250.0
RequestedHeight = 250.0
Type = "DockingFrame"
SplitType = 1
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TabWidth = 97.0
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TabLabel = "Immediate"
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Type = "ImmediatePanel"
Active = true
TabLabel = "Output"
TabWidth = 90.0
Type = "OutputPanel"
Title = ""

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
IDE Process 8516
-out:c:\Dev\raylib-beef\beef\build\Debug_Win64\raylib-beef\raylib-beef.exe C:\Dev\raylib-beef\beef/build/Debug_Win64/corlib/corlib__.lib C:\Dev\raylib-beef\beef/build/Debug_Win64/raylib-beef/raylib-beef__.lib C:\Dev\raylib-beef\beef/build/Debug_Win64/raylib-beef/vdata.obj -defaultlib:libcmtd -nologo -incremental:no -pdb:c:\Dev\raylib-beef\beef\build\Debug_Win64\raylib-beef\raylib-beef.pdb -debug -opt:noref -libpath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.22000.0\um\x64" -libpath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.22000.0\ucrt\x64" -libpath:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.35.32215\lib\x64" -libpath:"C:\Program Files\BeefLang\bin\lib\x64" -libpath:c:\Dev\raylib-beef\beef\build\Debug_Win64\raylib-beef Beef042RT64.lib Beef042Dbg64.lib /ignore:4099

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Material
/// Material shader
public Shader shader;
/// Material maps array (MAX_MATERIAL_MAPS)
public MaterialMap * maps;
/// Material generic parameters (if required)
public float[4] @params;
public this(Shader shader, MaterialMap * maps, float[4] @params)
this.shader = shader;
this.maps = maps;
this.params = @params;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
namespace beef;
using Raylib;
class Program
public static int Main()
return 0;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
using System;
namespace Raylib;
public struct RenderTexture
// OpenGL framebuffer object id
public int id;
// Color buffer attachment texture
public Texture texture;
// Depth buffer attachment texture
public Texture depth;
public this(int id, Texture texture, Texture depth)
{ = id;
this.texture = texture;
this.depth = depth;

beef/recovery/index.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
c:\Dev\raylib-beef\beef\src\test\ BFC698AC4E10695ED31AAB47ADBB91F6 0880BB8D2D2DD86E15919D346569685C 222
c:\Dev\raylib-beef\beef\src\test\ 23F18076295C7EFD5C4FB3F597CD1B2D 1578C895B1171CBF04FBBB82851AC82F 88968

beef/src/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
namespace beef;
using Raylib;
class Program
public static int Main()
return 0;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct AudioStream
/// Pointer to internal data used by the audio system
public rAudioBuffer * buffer;
/// Pointer to internal data processor, useful for audio effects
public rAudioProcessor * processor;
/// Frequency (samples per second)
public int sampleRate;
/// Bit depth (bits per sample): 8, 16, 32 (24 not supported)
public int sampleSize;
/// Number of channels (1-mono, 2-stereo, ...)
public int channels;
public this(rAudioBuffer * buffer, rAudioProcessor * processor, int sampleRate, int sampleSize, int channels)
this.buffer = buffer;
this.processor = processor;
this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
this.sampleSize = sampleSize;
this.channels = channels;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct BoneInfo
/// Bone name
public char8[32] name;
/// Bone parent
public int parent;
public this(char8[32] name, int parent)
{ = name;
this.parent = parent;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct BoundingBox
/// Minimum vertex box-corner
public Vector3 min;
/// Maximum vertex box-corner
public Vector3 max;
public this(Vector3 min, Vector3 max)
this.min = min;
this.max = max;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
/// Logging: Redirect trace log messages
public function void TraceLogCallback(int logLevel, char8 * text, void* args);
/// FileIO: Load binary data
public function char8 * LoadFileDataCallback(char8 * fileName, int * bytesRead);
/// FileIO: Save binary data
public function bool SaveFileDataCallback(char8 * fileName, void * data, int bytesToWrite);
/// FileIO: Load text data
public function char8 * LoadFileTextCallback(char8 * fileName);
/// FileIO: Save text data
public function bool SaveFileTextCallback(char8 * fileName, char8 * text);
public function void AudioCallback(void * bufferData, int frames);

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Camera2D
/// Camera offset (displacement from target)
public Vector2 offset;
/// Camera target (rotation and zoom origin)
public Vector2 target;
/// Camera rotation in degrees
public float rotation;
/// Camera zoom (scaling), should be 1.0f by default
public float zoom;
public this(Vector2 offset, Vector2 target, float rotation, float zoom)
this.offset = offset; = target;
this.rotation = rotation;
this.zoom = zoom;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
typealias Camera = Camera3D;
public struct Camera3D
/// Camera position
public Vector3 position;
/// Camera target it looks-at
public Vector3 target;
/// Camera up vector (rotation over its axis)
public Vector3 up;
/// Camera field-of-view aperture in Y (degrees) in perspective, used as near plane width in orthographic
public float fovy;
public int projection;
public this(Vector3 position, Vector3 target, Vector3 up, float fovy, int projection)
this.position = position; = target;
this.up = up;
this.fovy = fovy;
this.projection = projection;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Color
/// Color red value
public char8 r;
/// Color green value
public char8 g;
/// Color blue value
public char8 b;
/// Color alpha value
public char8 a;
public this(char8 r, char8 g, char8 b, char8 a)
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
this.a = a;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct FilePathList
/// Filepaths max entries
public int capacity;
/// Filepaths entries count
public int count;
/// Filepaths entries
public char8 ** paths;
public this(int capacity, int count, char8 ** paths)
this.capacity = capacity;
this.count = count;
this.paths = paths;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Font
/// Base size (default chars height)
public int baseSize;
/// Number of glyph characters
public int glyphCount;
/// Padding around the glyph characters
public int glyphPadding;
/// Texture atlas containing the glyphs
public Texture2D texture;
/// Rectangles in texture for the glyphs
public Rectangle * recs;
/// Glyphs info data
public GlyphInfo * glyphs;
public this(int baseSize, int glyphCount, int glyphPadding, Texture2D texture, Rectangle * recs, GlyphInfo * glyphs)
this.baseSize = baseSize;
this.glyphCount = glyphCount;
this.glyphPadding = glyphPadding;
this.texture = texture;
this.recs = recs;
this.glyphs = glyphs;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct GlyphInfo
/// Character value (Unicode)
public int value;
/// Character offset X when drawing
public int offsetX;
/// Character offset Y when drawing
public int offsetY;
/// Character advance position X
public int advanceX;
/// Character image data
public Image image;
public this(int value, int offsetX, int offsetY, int advanceX, Image image)
this.value = value;
this.offsetX = offsetX;
this.offsetY = offsetY;
this.advanceX = advanceX;
this.image = image;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Image
/// Image raw data
public void * data;
/// Image base width
public int width;
/// Image base height
public int height;
/// Mipmap levels, 1 by default
public int mipmaps;
/// Data format (PixelFormat type)
public int format;
public this(void * data, int width, int height, int mipmaps, int format)
{ = data;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.mipmaps = mipmaps;
this.format = format;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Material
/// Material shader
public Shader shader;
/// Material maps array (MAX_MATERIAL_MAPS)
public MaterialMap * maps;
/// Material generic parameters (if required)
public float[4] @params;
public this(Shader shader, MaterialMap * maps, float[4] @params)
this.shader = shader;
this.maps = maps;
this.params = @params;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct MaterialMap
/// Material map texture
public Texture2D texture;
/// Material map color
public Color color;
/// Material map value
public float value;
public this(Texture2D texture, Color color, float value)
this.texture = texture;
this.color = color;
this.value = value;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Matrix
/// Matrix first row (4 components)
public float m0;
/// Matrix first row (4 components)
public float m4;
/// Matrix first row (4 components)
public float m8;
/// Matrix first row (4 components)
public float m12;
/// Matrix second row (4 components)
public float m1;
/// Matrix second row (4 components)
public float m5;
/// Matrix second row (4 components)
public float m9;
/// Matrix second row (4 components)
public float m13;
/// Matrix third row (4 components)
public float m2;
/// Matrix third row (4 components)
public float m6;
/// Matrix third row (4 components)
public float m10;
/// Matrix third row (4 components)
public float m14;
/// Matrix fourth row (4 components)
public float m3;
/// Matrix fourth row (4 components)
public float m7;
/// Matrix fourth row (4 components)
public float m11;
/// Matrix fourth row (4 components)
public float m15;
public this(float m0, float m4, float m8, float m12, float m1, float m5, float m9, float m13, float m2, float m6, float m10, float m14, float m3, float m7, float m11, float m15)
this.m0 = m0;
this.m4 = m4;
this.m8 = m8;
this.m12 = m12;
this.m1 = m1;
this.m5 = m5;
this.m9 = m9;
this.m13 = m13;
this.m2 = m2;
this.m6 = m6;
this.m10 = m10;
this.m14 = m14;
this.m3 = m3;
this.m7 = m7;
this.m11 = m11;
this.m15 = m15;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Mesh
/// Number of vertices stored in arrays
public int vertexCount;
/// Number of triangles stored (indexed or not)
public int triangleCount;
/// Vertex position (XYZ - 3 components per vertex) (shader-location = 0)
public float * vertices;
/// Vertex texture coordinates (UV - 2 components per vertex) (shader-location = 1)
public float * texcoords;
/// Vertex texture second coordinates (UV - 2 components per vertex) (shader-location = 5)
public float * texcoords2;
/// Vertex normals (XYZ - 3 components per vertex) (shader-location = 2)
public float * normals;
/// Vertex tangents (XYZW - 4 components per vertex) (shader-location = 4)
public float * tangents;
/// Vertex colors (RGBA - 4 components per vertex) (shader-location = 3)
public char8 * colors;
/// Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed)
public short * indices;
/// Animated vertex positions (after bones transformations)
public float * animVertices;
/// Animated normals (after bones transformations)
public float * animNormals;
/// Vertex bone ids, max 255 bone ids, up to 4 bones influence by vertex (skinning)
public char8 * boneIds;
/// Vertex bone weight, up to 4 bones influence by vertex (skinning)
public float * boneWeights;
/// OpenGL Vertex Array Object id
public int vaoId;
/// OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects id (default vertex data)
public int * vboId;
public this(int vertexCount, int triangleCount, float * vertices, float * texcoords, float * texcoords2, float * normals, float * tangents, char8 * colors, short * indices, float * animVertices, float * animNormals, char8 * boneIds, float * boneWeights, int vaoId, int * vboId)
this.vertexCount = vertexCount;
this.triangleCount = triangleCount;
this.vertices = vertices;
this.texcoords = texcoords;
this.texcoords2 = texcoords2;
this.normals = normals;
this.tangents = tangents;
this.colors = colors;
this.indices = indices;
this.animVertices = animVertices;
this.animNormals = animNormals;
this.boneIds = boneIds;
this.boneWeights = boneWeights;
this.vaoId = vaoId;
this.vboId = vboId;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Model
/// Local transform matrix
public Matrix transform;
/// Number of meshes
public int meshCount;
/// Number of materials
public int materialCount;
/// Meshes array
public Mesh * meshes;
/// Materials array
public Material * materials;
/// Mesh material number
public int * meshMaterial;
/// Number of bones
public int boneCount;
/// Bones information (skeleton)
public BoneInfo * bones;
/// Bones base transformation (pose)
public Transform * bindPose;
public this(Matrix transform, int meshCount, int materialCount, Mesh * meshes, Material * materials, int * meshMaterial, int boneCount, BoneInfo * bones, Transform * bindPose)
this.transform = transform;
this.meshCount = meshCount;
this.materialCount = materialCount;
this.meshes = meshes;
this.materials = materials;
this.meshMaterial = meshMaterial;
this.boneCount = boneCount;
this.bones = bones;
this.bindPose = bindPose;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct ModelAnimation
/// Number of bones
public int boneCount;
/// Number of animation frames
public int frameCount;
/// Bones information (skeleton)
public BoneInfo * bones;
/// Poses array by frame
public Transform ** framePoses;
public this(int boneCount, int frameCount, BoneInfo * bones, Transform ** framePoses)
this.boneCount = boneCount;
this.frameCount = frameCount;
this.bones = bones;
this.framePoses = framePoses;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Music
/// Audio stream
public AudioStream stream;
/// Total number of frames (considering channels)
public int frameCount;
/// Music looping enable
public bool looping;
/// Type of music context (audio filetype)
public int ctxType;
/// Audio context data, depends on type
public void * ctxData;
public this(AudioStream stream, int frameCount, bool looping, int ctxType, void * ctxData)
{ = stream;
this.frameCount = frameCount;
this.looping = looping;
this.ctxType = ctxType;
this.ctxData = ctxData;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct NPatchInfo
/// Texture source rectangle
public Rectangle source;
/// Left border offset
public int left;
/// Top border offset
public int top;
/// Right border offset
public int right;
/// Bottom border offset
public int bottom;
/// Layout of the n-patch: 3x3, 1x3 or 3x1
public int layout;
public this(Rectangle source, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int layout)
this.source = source;
this.left = left; = top;
this.right = right;
this.bottom = bottom;
this.layout = layout;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Ray
/// Ray position (origin)
public Vector3 position;
/// Ray direction
public Vector3 direction;
public this(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction)
this.position = position;
this.direction = direction;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct RayCollision
/// Did the ray hit something?
public bool hit;
/// Distance to the nearest hit
public float distance;
/// Point of the nearest hit
public Vector3 point;
/// Surface normal of hit
public Vector3 normal;
public this(bool hit, float distance, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal)
this.hit = hit;
this.distance = distance;
this.point = point;
this.normal = normal;

beef/src/test/ Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Rectangle
/// Rectangle top-left corner position x
public float x;
/// Rectangle top-left corner position y
public float y;
/// Rectangle width
public float width;
/// Rectangle height
public float height;
public this(float x, float y, float width, float height)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
typealias RenderTexture2D = RenderTexture;
public struct RenderTexture
/// OpenGL framebuffer object id
public int id;
/// Color buffer attachment texture
public Texture texture;
/// Depth buffer attachment texture
public Texture depth;
public this(int id, Texture texture, Texture depth)
{ = id;
this.texture = texture;
this.depth = depth;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Shader
/// Shader program id
public int id;
/// Shader locations array (RL_MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS)
public int * locs;
public this(int id, int * locs)
{ = id;
this.locs = locs;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Sound
/// Audio stream
public AudioStream stream;
/// Total number of frames (considering channels)
public int frameCount;
public this(AudioStream stream, int frameCount)
{ = stream;
this.frameCount = frameCount;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
typealias Texture2D = Texture;
public struct Texture
/// OpenGL texture id
public int id;
/// Texture base width
public int width;
/// Texture base height
public int height;
/// Mipmap levels, 1 by default
public int mipmaps;
/// Data format (PixelFormat type)
public int format;
public this(int id, int width, int height, int mipmaps, int format)
{ = id;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.mipmaps = mipmaps;
this.format = format;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Transform
/// Translation
public Vector3 translation;
/// Rotation
public Quaternion rotation;
/// Scale
public Vector3 scale;
public this(Vector3 translation, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale)
this.translation = translation;
this.rotation = rotation;
this.scale = scale;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Vector2
/// Vector x component
public float x;
/// Vector y component
public float y;
public this(float x, float y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Vector3
/// Vector x component
public float x;
/// Vector y component
public float y;
/// Vector z component
public float z;
public this(float x, float y, float z)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
typealias Quaternion = Vector4;
public struct Vector4
/// Vector x component
public float x;
/// Vector y component
public float y;
/// Vector z component
public float z;
/// Vector w component
public float w;
public this(float x, float y, float z, float w)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.w = w;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct VrDeviceInfo
/// Horizontal resolution in pixels
public int hResolution;
/// Vertical resolution in pixels
public int vResolution;
/// Horizontal size in meters
public float hScreenSize;
/// Vertical size in meters
public float vScreenSize;
/// Screen center in meters
public float vScreenCenter;
/// Distance between eye and display in meters
public float eyeToScreenDistance;
/// Lens separation distance in meters
public float lensSeparationDistance;
/// IPD (distance between pupils) in meters
public float interpupillaryDistance;
/// Lens distortion constant parameters
public float[4] lensDistortionValues;
/// Chromatic aberration correction parameters
public float[4] chromaAbCorrection;
public this(int hResolution, int vResolution, float hScreenSize, float vScreenSize, float vScreenCenter, float eyeToScreenDistance, float lensSeparationDistance, float interpupillaryDistance, float[4] lensDistortionValues, float[4] chromaAbCorrection)
this.hResolution = hResolution;
this.vResolution = vResolution;
this.hScreenSize = hScreenSize;
this.vScreenSize = vScreenSize;
this.vScreenCenter = vScreenCenter;
this.eyeToScreenDistance = eyeToScreenDistance;
this.lensSeparationDistance = lensSeparationDistance;
this.interpupillaryDistance = interpupillaryDistance;
this.lensDistortionValues = lensDistortionValues;
this.chromaAbCorrection = chromaAbCorrection;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct VrStereoConfig
/// VR projection matrices (per eye)
public Matrix[2] projection;
/// VR view offset matrices (per eye)
public Matrix[2] viewOffset;
/// VR left lens center
public float[2] leftLensCenter;
/// VR right lens center
public float[2] rightLensCenter;
/// VR left screen center
public float[2] leftScreenCenter;
/// VR right screen center
public float[2] rightScreenCenter;
/// VR distortion scale
public float[2] scale;
/// VR distortion scale in
public float[2] scaleIn;
public this(Matrix[2] projection, Matrix[2] viewOffset, float[2] leftLensCenter, float[2] rightLensCenter, float[2] leftScreenCenter, float[2] rightScreenCenter, float[2] scale, float[2] scaleIn)
this.projection = projection;
this.viewOffset = viewOffset;
this.leftLensCenter = leftLensCenter;
this.rightLensCenter = rightLensCenter;
this.leftScreenCenter = leftScreenCenter;
this.rightScreenCenter = rightScreenCenter;
this.scale = scale;
this.scaleIn = scaleIn;

beef/src/test/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
using System;
using System.Interop;
namespace Raylib;
public struct Wave
/// Total number of frames (considering channels)
public int frameCount;
/// Frequency (samples per second)
public int sampleRate;
/// Bit depth (bits per sample): 8, 16, 32 (24 not supported)
public int sampleSize;
/// Number of channels (1-mono, 2-stereo, ...)
public int channels;
/// Buffer data pointer
public void * data;
public this(int frameCount, int sampleRate, int sampleSize, int channels, void * data)
this.frameCount = frameCount;
this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
this.sampleSize = sampleSize;
this.channels = channels; = data;

generator/API.cs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace RaylibBeefGenerator
// Root myDeserializedClass = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(myJsonResponse);
public class Alias
public string Type { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public class Callback
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string ReturnType { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public List<Param> Params { get; set; } = new();
public class Define
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Type { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public object Value { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public class Enum
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public List<Value> Values { get; set; } = new();
public class Field
public string Type { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public class Function
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string ReturnType { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public List<Param> Params { get; set; } = new();
public class Param
public string Type { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public class Root
public List<Define> Defines { get; set; } = new();
public List<Struct> Structs { get; set; } = new();
public List<Alias> Aliases { get; set; } = new();
public List<Enum> Enums { get; set; } = new();
public List<Callback> Callbacks { get; set; } = new();
public List<Function> Functions { get; set; } = new();
public class Struct
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public List<Field> Fields { get; set; } = new();
public class Value
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public int? Value_ { get; set; } = 0;
public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;

generator/Program.cs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace RaylibBeefGenerator
public static class Program
// Number of tabs we are in.
private static int TabIndex = 0;
// Current Output Beef Code
private static StringBuilder OutputString = new StringBuilder();
private static string OutputDir = @"C:\Dev\raylib-beef\beef\src\test\";
private static Root API;
#region Output Defines
private static string Namespace = "Raylib";
public static void Main(string[] args)
string raylibjson = @"C:\Dev\raylib-beef\raylib-api\raylib.json";
API = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(File.ReadAllText(raylibjson));
for (int i = 0; i < API.Structs.Count; i++)
OutputString = new();
for (int i = 0; i < API.Callbacks.Count; i++)
var callback = API.Callbacks[i];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(callback.Description)) AppendLine($"/// {callback.Description}");
AppendLine($"public function {callback.ReturnType.ConvertTypes()} {callback.Name}({callback.Params.Parameters2String()});");
public static void StructBf(Struct structu)
OutputString = new();
var alias = API.Aliases.Find(c => c.Type == structu.Name);
if (alias != null)
AppendLine($"typealias {alias.Name} = {alias.Type};");
AppendLine($"public struct {structu.Name}");
var constructorLine = "public this(";
for (int i = 0; i < structu.Fields.Count; i++)
var field = structu.Fields[i];
AppendLine($"/// {field.Description}");
AppendLine($"public {field.Type.ConvertTypes()} {field.Name.ConvertName()};");
constructorLine += $"{field.Type.ConvertTypes()} {field.Name}";
if (i < structu.Fields.Count - 1) constructorLine += ", ";
constructorLine += ")";
for (int i = 0; i < structu.Fields.Count; i++)
var field = structu.Fields[i];
AppendLine($"this.{field.Name} = {field.Name};");
public static void RaylibBf()
OutputString = new();
for (int i = 0; i < API.Functions.Count; i++)
var func = API.Functions[i];
AppendLine($"[CallingConvention(.Cdecl), LinkName(\"{func.Name}\")]");
AppendLine($"/// {func.Description}");
AppendLine($"public static extern {func.ReturnType.ConvertTypes()} {func.Name.ConvertName()}({Parameters2String(func.Params)});");
public static string Parameters2String(this List<Param> @params)
var paramStr = string.Empty;
for (int p = 0; p < @params.Count; p++)
var param = @params[p];
var t = ConvertTypes(param.Type);
if (t == "...") { paramStr = paramStr[..^2]; continue; }; // Dunno what this is about, or how to convert it.
paramStr += $"{t} {param.Name.ConvertName()}";
if (p < @params.Count - 1)
paramStr += ", ";
return paramStr;
public static void UniversalHeader()
AppendLine("using System;");
AppendLine("using System.Interop;");
AppendLine($"namespace {Namespace};");
public static void WriteToFile(string name)
File.WriteAllText(OutputDir + name + ".bf", OutputString.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Converts the API types to Beef types.
/// </summary>
public static string ConvertTypes(this string input)
input = ReplaceWholeWord(input, "char", "char8");
input = ReplaceWholeWord(input, "long", "int32");
input = ReplaceWholeWord(input, "va_list", "void*");
if (input.StartsWith("const"))
input = input.Remove(0, 6);
if (input.StartsWith("unsigned"))
input = input.Remove(0, 9);
switch (input)
case "unsigned int":
return "c_uint";
return input;
public static string ConvertName(this string input)
input = ReplaceWholeWord(input, "append", "@append");
input = ReplaceWholeWord(input, "box", "@box");
input = ReplaceWholeWord(input, "params", "@params");
return input;
public static string ReplaceWholeWord(this string original, string wordToFind, string replacement, RegexOptions regexOptions = RegexOptions.None)
string pattern = @$"\b{wordToFind}\b";
return Regex.Replace(original, pattern, replacement);
public static void AppendLine(string content)
var output = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < TabIndex; i++)
output += " ";
output += content;
public static void IncreaseTab()
public static void DecreaseTab()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="13.0.3" />

raylib-api/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

raylib-api/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# License
Copyright (c) 2023 Rob Loach (@RobLoach)
This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

raylib-api/Makefile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
git clone --depth 2 vendor/raylib-parser
git clone --depth 1 --branch $(RAYLIB_VERSION) vendor/raylib
git clone --depth 1 vendor/reasings
git clone --depth 1 vendor/rmem
git clone --depth 1 vendor/raygui
git clone --depth 1 vendor/rres
vendor: vendor/raylib-parser vendor/raylib vendor/reasings vendor/rmem vendor/raygui vendor/rres
$(PARSER): vendor
$(MAKE) -C vendor/raylib-parser/parser
parse: $(PARSER)
$(PARSER) -i $(RAYLIB)/src/raylib.h -o raylib.$(EXTENSION) -f $(FORMAT) -d RLAPI
$(PARSER) -i $(RAYLIB)/src/raymath.h -o raymath.$(EXTENSION) -f $(FORMAT) -d RMAPI
$(PARSER) -i $(RAYLIB)/src/rlgl.h -o rlgl.$(EXTENSION) -f $(FORMAT) -d RLAPI -t "RLGL IMPLEMENTATION"
$(PARSER) -i vendor/reasings/src/reasings.h -o reasings.$(EXTENSION) -f $(FORMAT) -d EASEDEF
$(PARSER) -i vendor/raygui/src/raygui.h -o raygui.$(EXTENSION) -f $(FORMAT) -d RAYGUIAPI -t "RAYGUI IMPLEMENTATION"
$(PARSER) -i vendor/rmem/src/rmem.h -o rmem.$(EXTENSION) -f $(FORMAT) -d RMEMAPI -t "RMEM IMPLEMENTATION"
$(PARSER) -i vendor/rres/src/rres.h -o rres.$(EXTENSION) -f $(FORMAT) -d RRESAPI -t "RRES IMPLEMENTATION"
rm -rf vendor

raylib-api/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# raylib-api [![@raylib/api](]( "@raylib/api on npm")
Exports of the [raylib]( API through [raylib's parser](
**Target Version:** 4.5.0
## Features
Versioned exports of the latest raylib APIs through the latest version of the [parser](
- reasings
- raygui
- raylib
- raymath
- rlgl
- rmem
- rres
## Usage
Since this is just data, there are a few ways to use *raylib-api*...
### [Node.js](
``` bash
npm install @raylib/api
``` js
const raylibApi = require('@raylib/api')
### git
``` bash
# Clone
git clone
# Submodule
git submodule add
## Update
To update the exported APIs based on the latest parser, run:
See [Makefile](Makefile) for more.
## License
*raylib-api* is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified,
BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check [LICENSE](LICENSE) for further details.
*Copyright (c) 2022 Rob Loach ([@RobLoach](*

raylib-api/index.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module.exports = {
raylib: require('./raylib.json'),
raymath: require('./raymath.json'),
rlgl: require('./rlgl.json'),
rmem: require('./rmem.json'),
reasings: require('./reasings.json'),
raygui: require('./raygui.json'),
rres: require('./rres.json')

raylib-api/package.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"name": "@raylib/api",
"version": "4.5.0",
"description": "raylib-api: Exports of the raylib API in various file formats.",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "node index.js",
"update": "make"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"keywords": [
"files": [
"author": "Rob Loach",
"license": "Zlib",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": ""

raylib-api/raygui.json Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

raylib-api/raygui.lua Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

raylib-api/raygui.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
Defines found: 10
Define 001: RAYGUI_H
Value: "3.2"
Define 003: RAYGUIAPI
Value: __declspec(dllexport)
Description: We are building the library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)
Define 004: RAYGUI_MALLOC(sz)
Value: malloc(sz)
Define 005: RAYGUI_CALLOC(n,sz)
Value: calloc(n,sz)
Define 006: RAYGUI_FREE(p)
Value: free(p)
Define 008: RAYGUI_LOG(...)
Name: RAYGUI_LOG(...)
Value: printf(__VA_ARGS__)
Type: INT
Value: 0
Type: INT
Value: 1
Structures found: 9
Struct 01: Vector2 (2 fields)
Name: Vector2
Description: Vector2 type
Field[1]: float x
Field[2]: float y
Struct 02: Vector3 (3 fields)
Name: Vector3
Description: Vector3 type // -- ConvertHSVtoRGB(), ConvertRGBtoHSV()
Field[1]: float x
Field[2]: float y
Field[3]: float z
Struct 03: Color (4 fields)
Name: Color
Description: Color type, RGBA (32bit)
Field[1]: unsigned char r
Field[2]: unsigned char g
Field[3]: unsigned char b
Field[4]: unsigned char a
Struct 04: Rectangle (4 fields)
Name: Rectangle
Description: Rectangle type
Field[1]: float x
Field[2]: float y
Field[3]: float width
Field[4]: float height
Struct 05: Texture2D (5 fields)
Name: Texture2D
Description: It should be redesigned to be provided by user
Field[1]: unsigned int id // OpenGL texture id
Field[2]: int width // Texture base width
Field[3]: int height // Texture base height
Field[4]: int mipmaps // Mipmap levels, 1 by default
Field[5]: int format // Data format (PixelFormat type)
Struct 06: Image (5 fields)
Name: Image
Description: Image, pixel data stored in CPU memory (RAM)
Field[1]: void * data // Image raw data
Field[2]: int width // Image base width
Field[3]: int height // Image base height
Field[4]: int mipmaps // Mipmap levels, 1 by default
Field[5]: int format // Data format (PixelFormat type)
Struct 07: GlyphInfo (5 fields)
Name: GlyphInfo
Description: GlyphInfo, font characters glyphs info
Field[1]: int value // Character value (Unicode)
Field[2]: int offsetX // Character offset X when drawing
Field[3]: int offsetY // Character offset Y when drawing
Field[4]: int advanceX // Character advance position X
Field[5]: Image image // Character image data
Struct 08: Font (6 fields)
Name: Font
Description: It should be redesigned to be provided by user
Field[1]: int baseSize // Base size (default chars height)
Field[2]: int glyphCount // Number of glyph characters
Field[3]: int glyphPadding // Padding around the glyph characters
Field[4]: Texture2D texture // Texture atlas containing the glyphs
Field[5]: Rectangle * recs // Rectangles in texture for the glyphs
Field[6]: GlyphInfo * glyphs // Glyphs info data
Struct 09: GuiStyleProp (3 fields)
Name: GuiStyleProp
Description: Style property
Field[1]: unsigned short controlId
Field[2]: unsigned short propertyId
Field[3]: unsigned int propertyValue
Aliases found: 0
Enums found: 17
Enum 01: GuiState (4 values)
Name: GuiState
Description: Gui control state
Enum 02: GuiTextAlignment (3 values)
Name: GuiTextAlignment
Description: Gui control text alignment
Enum 03: GuiControl (16 values)
Name: GuiControl
Description: Gui controls
Value[DEFAULT]: 0
Value[LABEL]: 1
Value[BUTTON]: 2
Value[TOGGLE]: 3
Value[SLIDER]: 4
Value[CHECKBOX]: 6
Value[COMBOBOX]: 7
Value[TEXTBOX]: 9
Value[VALUEBOX]: 10
Value[SPINNER]: 11
Value[LISTVIEW]: 12
Value[SCROLLBAR]: 14
Value[STATUSBAR]: 15
Enum 04: GuiControlProperty (16 values)
Name: GuiControlProperty
Description: Gui base properties for every control
Value[RESERVED]: 15
Enum 05: GuiDefaultProperty (4 values)
Name: GuiDefaultProperty
Description: DEFAULT extended properties
Value[TEXT_SIZE]: 16
Value[LINE_COLOR]: 18
Enum 06: GuiToggleProperty (1 values)
Name: GuiToggleProperty
Description: Toggle/ToggleGroup
Enum 07: GuiSliderProperty (2 values)
Name: GuiSliderProperty
Description: Slider/SliderBar
Enum 08: GuiProgressBarProperty (1 values)
Name: GuiProgressBarProperty
Description: ProgressBar
Enum 09: GuiScrollBarProperty (6 values)
Name: GuiScrollBarProperty
Description: ScrollBar
Value[ARROWS_SIZE]: 16
Enum 10: GuiCheckBoxProperty (1 values)
Name: GuiCheckBoxProperty
Description: CheckBox
Enum 11: GuiComboBoxProperty (2 values)
Name: GuiComboBoxProperty
Description: ComboBox
Enum 12: GuiDropdownBoxProperty (2 values)
Name: GuiDropdownBoxProperty
Description: DropdownBox
Enum 13: GuiTextBoxProperty (2 values)
Name: GuiTextBoxProperty
Description: TextBox/TextBoxMulti/ValueBox/Spinner
Enum 14: GuiSpinnerProperty (2 values)
Name: GuiSpinnerProperty
Description: Spinner
Enum 15: GuiListViewProperty (4 values)
Name: GuiListViewProperty
Description: ListView
Enum 16: GuiColorPickerProperty (5 values)
Name: GuiColorPickerProperty
Description: ColorPicker
Enum 17: GuiIconName (256 values)
Name: GuiIconName
Value[ICON_NONE]: 0
Value[ICON_FILE_CUT]: 17
Value[ICON_PENCIL]: 22
Value[ICON_RUBBER]: 28
Value[ICON_TEXT_T]: 30
Value[ICON_TEXT_A]: 31
Value[ICON_SCALE]: 32
Value[ICON_RESIZE]: 33
Value[ICON_CROP]: 36
Value[ICON_LENS]: 42
Value[ICON_LENS_BIG]: 43
Value[ICON_EYE_ON]: 44
Value[ICON_EYE_OFF]: 45
Value[ICON_FILTER]: 47
Value[ICON_UNDO]: 56
Value[ICON_REDO]: 57
Value[ICON_REREDO]: 58
Value[ICON_MUTATE]: 59
Value[ICON_ROTATE]: 60
Value[ICON_REPEAT]: 61
Value[ICON_TARGET]: 64
Value[ICON_BOX]: 80
Value[ICON_BOX_TOP]: 81
Value[ICON_BOX_LEFT]: 87
Value[ICON_POT]: 91
Value[ICON_BOX_GRID]: 96
Value[ICON_GRID]: 97
Value[ICON_GRID_FILL]: 101
Value[ICON_ZOOM_BIG]: 105
Value[ICON_ZOOM_ALL]: 106
Value[ICON_OK_TICK]: 112
Value[ICON_CROSS]: 113
Value[ICON_ARROW_UP]: 117
Value[ICON_AUDIO]: 122
Value[ICON_FX]: 123
Value[ICON_WAVE]: 124
Value[ICON_MAGNET]: 136
Value[ICON_LOCK_OPEN]: 138
Value[ICON_CLOCK]: 139
Value[ICON_TOOLS]: 140
Value[ICON_GEAR]: 141
Value[ICON_GEAR_BIG]: 142
Value[ICON_BIN]: 143
Value[ICON_LASER]: 145
Value[ICON_COIN]: 146
Value[ICON_1UP]: 148
Value[ICON_PLAYER]: 149
Value[ICON_KEY]: 151
Value[ICON_DEMON]: 152
Value[ICON_GEAR_EX]: 154
Value[ICON_CRACK]: 155
Value[ICON_STAR]: 157
Value[ICON_DOOR]: 158
Value[ICON_EXIT]: 159
Value[ICON_MODE_2D]: 160
Value[ICON_MODE_3D]: 161
Value[ICON_CUBE]: 162
Value[ICON_CAMERA]: 169
Value[ICON_SPECIAL]: 170
Value[ICON_LINK_NET]: 171
Value[ICON_LINK]: 174
Value[ICON_MAILBOX]: 180
Value[ICON_MONITOR]: 181
Value[ICON_PRINTER]: 182
Value[ICON_HOUSE]: 185
Value[ICON_HEART]: 186
Value[ICON_CORNER]: 187
Value[ICON_LIFE_BARS]: 190
Value[ICON_INFO]: 191
Value[ICON_HELP]: 193
Value[ICON_LAYERS]: 197
Value[ICON_WINDOW]: 198
Value[ICON_HIDPI]: 199
Value[ICON_HEX]: 201
Value[ICON_SHIELD]: 202
Value[ICON_FILE_NEW]: 203
Value[ICON_ALARM]: 205
Value[ICON_CPU]: 206
Value[ICON_ROM]: 207
Value[ICON_STEP_OVER]: 208
Value[ICON_STEP_INTO]: 209
Value[ICON_STEP_OUT]: 210
Value[ICON_RESTART]: 211
Value[ICON_REG_EXP]: 216
Value[ICON_FOLDER]: 217
Value[ICON_FILE]: 218
Value[ICON_219]: 219
Value[ICON_220]: 220
Value[ICON_221]: 221
Value[ICON_222]: 222
Value[ICON_223]: 223
Value[ICON_224]: 224
Value[ICON_225]: 225
Value[ICON_226]: 226
Value[ICON_227]: 227
Value[ICON_228]: 228
Value[ICON_229]: 229
Value[ICON_230]: 230
Value[ICON_231]: 231
Value[ICON_232]: 232
Value[ICON_233]: 233
Value[ICON_234]: 234
Value[ICON_235]: 235
Value[ICON_236]: 236
Value[ICON_237]: 237
Value[ICON_238]: 238
Value[ICON_239]: 239
Value[ICON_240]: 240
Value[ICON_241]: 241
Value[ICON_242]: 242
Value[ICON_243]: 243
Value[ICON_244]: 244
Value[ICON_245]: 245
Value[ICON_246]: 246
Value[ICON_247]: 247
Value[ICON_248]: 248
Value[ICON_249]: 249
Value[ICON_250]: 250
Value[ICON_251]: 251
Value[ICON_252]: 252
Value[ICON_253]: 253
Value[ICON_254]: 254
Value[ICON_255]: 255
Callbacks found: 0
Functions found: 54
Function 001: GuiEnable() (0 input parameters)
Name: GuiEnable
Return type: void
Description: Enable gui controls (global state)
No input parameters
Function 002: GuiDisable() (0 input parameters)
Name: GuiDisable
Return type: void
Description: Disable gui controls (global state)
No input parameters
Function 003: GuiLock() (0 input parameters)
Name: GuiLock
Return type: void
Description: Lock gui controls (global state)
No input parameters
Function 004: GuiUnlock() (0 input parameters)
Name: GuiUnlock
Return type: void
Description: Unlock gui controls (global state)
No input parameters
Function 005: GuiIsLocked() (0 input parameters)
Name: GuiIsLocked
Return type: bool
Description: Check if gui is locked (global state)
No input parameters
Function 006: GuiFade() (1 input parameters)
Name: GuiFade
Return type: void
Description: Set gui controls alpha (global state), alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f
Param[1]: alpha (type: float)
Function 007: GuiSetState() (1 input parameters)
Name: GuiSetState
Return type: void
Description: Set gui state (global state)
Param[1]: state (type: int)
Function 008: GuiGetState() (0 input parameters)
Name: GuiGetState
Return type: int
Description: Get gui state (global state)
No input parameters
Function 009: GuiSetFont() (1 input parameters)
Name: GuiSetFont
Return type: void
Description: Set gui custom font (global state)
Param[1]: font (type: Font)
Function 010: GuiGetFont() (0 input parameters)
Name: GuiGetFont
Return type: Font
Description: Get gui custom font (global state)
No input parameters
Function 011: GuiSetStyle() (3 input parameters)
Name: GuiSetStyle
Return type: void
Description: Set one style property
Param[1]: control (type: int)
Param[2]: property (type: int)
Param[3]: value (type: int)
Function 012: GuiGetStyle() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiGetStyle
Return type: int
Description: Get one style property
Param[1]: control (type: int)
Param[2]: property (type: int)
Function 013: GuiWindowBox() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiWindowBox
Return type: bool
Description: Window Box control, shows a window that can be closed
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: title (type: const char *)
Function 014: GuiGroupBox() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiGroupBox
Return type: void
Description: Group Box control with text name
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Function 015: GuiLine() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiLine
Return type: void
Description: Line separator control, could contain text
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Function 016: GuiPanel() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiPanel
Return type: void
Description: Panel control, useful to group controls
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Function 017: GuiTabBar() (4 input parameters)
Name: GuiTabBar
Return type: int
Description: Tab Bar control, returns TAB to be closed or -1
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char **)
Param[3]: count (type: int)
Param[4]: active (type: int *)
Function 018: GuiScrollPanel() (4 input parameters)
Name: GuiScrollPanel
Return type: Rectangle
Description: Scroll Panel control
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: content (type: Rectangle)
Param[4]: scroll (type: Vector2 *)
Function 019: GuiLabel() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiLabel
Return type: void
Description: Label control, shows text
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Function 020: GuiButton() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiButton
Return type: bool
Description: Button control, returns true when clicked
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Function 021: GuiLabelButton() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiLabelButton
Return type: bool
Description: Label button control, show true when clicked
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Function 022: GuiToggle() (3 input parameters)
Name: GuiToggle
Return type: bool
Description: Toggle Button control, returns true when active
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: active (type: bool)
Function 023: GuiToggleGroup() (3 input parameters)
Name: GuiToggleGroup
Return type: int
Description: Toggle Group control, returns active toggle index
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: active (type: int)
Function 024: GuiCheckBox() (3 input parameters)
Name: GuiCheckBox
Return type: bool
Description: Check Box control, returns true when active
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: checked (type: bool)
Function 025: GuiComboBox() (3 input parameters)
Name: GuiComboBox
Return type: int
Description: Combo Box control, returns selected item index
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: active (type: int)
Function 026: GuiDropdownBox() (4 input parameters)
Name: GuiDropdownBox
Return type: bool
Description: Dropdown Box control, returns selected item
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: active (type: int *)
Param[4]: editMode (type: bool)
Function 027: GuiSpinner() (6 input parameters)
Name: GuiSpinner
Return type: bool
Description: Spinner control, returns selected value
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: value (type: int *)
Param[4]: minValue (type: int)
Param[5]: maxValue (type: int)
Param[6]: editMode (type: bool)
Function 028: GuiValueBox() (6 input parameters)
Name: GuiValueBox
Return type: bool
Description: Value Box control, updates input text with numbers
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: value (type: int *)
Param[4]: minValue (type: int)
Param[5]: maxValue (type: int)
Param[6]: editMode (type: bool)
Function 029: GuiTextBox() (4 input parameters)
Name: GuiTextBox
Return type: bool
Description: Text Box control, updates input text
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: char *)
Param[3]: textSize (type: int)
Param[4]: editMode (type: bool)
Function 030: GuiTextBoxMulti() (4 input parameters)
Name: GuiTextBoxMulti
Return type: bool
Description: Text Box control with multiple lines
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: char *)
Param[3]: textSize (type: int)
Param[4]: editMode (type: bool)
Function 031: GuiSlider() (6 input parameters)
Name: GuiSlider
Return type: float
Description: Slider control, returns selected value
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: textLeft (type: const char *)
Param[3]: textRight (type: const char *)
Param[4]: value (type: float)
Param[5]: minValue (type: float)
Param[6]: maxValue (type: float)
Function 032: GuiSliderBar() (6 input parameters)
Name: GuiSliderBar
Return type: float
Description: Slider Bar control, returns selected value
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: textLeft (type: const char *)
Param[3]: textRight (type: const char *)
Param[4]: value (type: float)
Param[5]: minValue (type: float)
Param[6]: maxValue (type: float)
Function 033: GuiProgressBar() (6 input parameters)
Name: GuiProgressBar
Return type: float
Description: Progress Bar control, shows current progress value
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: textLeft (type: const char *)
Param[3]: textRight (type: const char *)
Param[4]: value (type: float)
Param[5]: minValue (type: float)
Param[6]: maxValue (type: float)
Function 034: GuiStatusBar() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiStatusBar
Return type: void
Description: Status Bar control, shows info text
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Function 035: GuiDummyRec() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiDummyRec
Return type: void
Description: Dummy control for placeholders
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Function 036: GuiGrid() (4 input parameters)
Name: GuiGrid
Return type: Vector2
Description: Grid control, returns mouse cell position
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: spacing (type: float)
Param[4]: subdivs (type: int)
Function 037: GuiListView() (4 input parameters)
Name: GuiListView
Return type: int
Description: List View control, returns selected list item index
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: scrollIndex (type: int *)
Param[4]: active (type: int)
Function 038: GuiListViewEx() (6 input parameters)
Name: GuiListViewEx
Return type: int
Description: List View with extended parameters
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char **)
Param[3]: count (type: int)
Param[4]: focus (type: int *)
Param[5]: scrollIndex (type: int *)
Param[6]: active (type: int)
Function 039: GuiMessageBox() (4 input parameters)
Name: GuiMessageBox
Return type: int
Description: Message Box control, displays a message
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: title (type: const char *)
Param[3]: message (type: const char *)
Param[4]: buttons (type: const char *)
Function 040: GuiTextInputBox() (7 input parameters)
Name: GuiTextInputBox
Return type: int
Description: Text Input Box control, ask for text, supports secret
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: title (type: const char *)
Param[3]: message (type: const char *)
Param[4]: buttons (type: const char *)
Param[5]: text (type: char *)
Param[6]: textMaxSize (type: int)
Param[7]: secretViewActive (type: int *)
Function 041: GuiColorPicker() (3 input parameters)
Name: GuiColorPicker
Return type: Color
Description: Color Picker control (multiple color controls)
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: color (type: Color)
Function 042: GuiColorPanel() (3 input parameters)
Name: GuiColorPanel
Return type: Color
Description: Color Panel control
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: color (type: Color)
Function 043: GuiColorBarAlpha() (3 input parameters)
Name: GuiColorBarAlpha
Return type: float
Description: Color Bar Alpha control
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: alpha (type: float)
Function 044: GuiColorBarHue() (3 input parameters)
Name: GuiColorBarHue
Return type: float
Description: Color Bar Hue control
Param[1]: bounds (type: Rectangle)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Param[3]: value (type: float)
Function 045: GuiLoadStyle() (1 input parameters)
Name: GuiLoadStyle
Return type: void
Description: Load style file over global style variable (.rgs)
Param[1]: fileName (type: const char *)
Function 046: GuiLoadStyleDefault() (0 input parameters)
Name: GuiLoadStyleDefault
Return type: void
Description: Load style default over global style
No input parameters
Function 047: GuiEnableTooltip() (0 input parameters)
Name: GuiEnableTooltip
Return type: void
Description: Enable gui tooltips (global state)
No input parameters
Function 048: GuiDisableTooltip() (0 input parameters)
Name: GuiDisableTooltip
Return type: void
Description: Disable gui tooltips (global state)
No input parameters
Function 049: GuiSetTooltip() (1 input parameters)
Name: GuiSetTooltip
Return type: void
Description: Set tooltip string
Param[1]: tooltip (type: const char *)
Function 050: GuiIconText() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiIconText
Return type: const char *
Description: Get text with icon id prepended (if supported)
Param[1]: iconId (type: int)
Param[2]: text (type: const char *)
Function 051: GuiGetIcons() (0 input parameters)
Name: GuiGetIcons
Return type: unsigned int *
Description: Get raygui icons data pointer
No input parameters
Function 052: GuiLoadIcons() (2 input parameters)
Name: GuiLoadIcons
Return type: char **
Description: Load raygui icons file (.rgi) into internal icons data
Param[1]: fileName (type: const char *)
Param[2]: loadIconsName (type: bool)
Function 053: GuiDrawIcon() (5 input parameters)
Name: GuiDrawIcon
Return type: void
Param[1]: iconId (type: int)
Param[2]: posX (type: int)
Param[3]: posY (type: int)
Param[4]: pixelSize (type: int)
Param[5]: color (type: Color)
Function 054: GuiSetIconScale() (1 input parameters)
Name: GuiSetIconScale
Return type: void
Description: Set icon drawing size
Param[1]: scale (type: int)

raylib-api/raygui.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
<Defines count="10">
<Define name="RAYGUI_H" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RAYGUI_VERSION" type="STRING" value="3.2" desc="" />
<Define name="RAYGUIAPI" type="UNKNOWN" value="__declspec(dllexport)" desc="We are building the library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)" />
<Define name="RAYGUI_MALLOC(sz)" type="MACRO" value="malloc(sz)" desc="" />
<Define name="RAYGUI_CALLOC(n,sz)" type="MACRO" value="calloc(n,sz)" desc="" />
<Define name="RAYGUI_FREE(p)" type="MACRO" value="free(p)" desc="" />
<Define name="RAYGUI_SUPPORT_LOG_INFO" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RAYGUI_LOG(...)" type="MACRO" value="printf(__VA_ARGS__)" desc="" />
<Define name="SCROLLBAR_LEFT_SIDE" type="INT" value="0" desc="" />
<Define name="SCROLLBAR_RIGHT_SIDE" type="INT" value="1" desc="" />
<Structs count="9">
<Struct name="Vector2" fieldCount="2" desc="Vector2 type">
<Field type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Struct name="Vector3" fieldCount="3" desc="Vector3 type // -- ConvertHSVtoRGB(), ConvertRGBtoHSV()">
<Field type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Struct name="Color" fieldCount="4" desc="Color type, RGBA (32bit)">
<Field type="unsigned char" name="r" desc="" />
<Field type="unsigned char" name="g" desc="" />
<Field type="unsigned char" name="b" desc="" />
<Field type="unsigned char" name="a" desc="" />
<Struct name="Rectangle" fieldCount="4" desc="Rectangle type">
<Field type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="width" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="height" desc="" />
<Struct name="Texture2D" fieldCount="5" desc="It should be redesigned to be provided by user">
<Field type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="OpenGL texture id" />
<Field type="int" name="width" desc="Texture base width" />
<Field type="int" name="height" desc="Texture base height" />
<Field type="int" name="mipmaps" desc="Mipmap levels, 1 by default" />
<Field type="int" name="format" desc="Data format (PixelFormat type)" />
<Struct name="Image" fieldCount="5" desc="Image, pixel data stored in CPU memory (RAM)">
<Field type="void *" name="data" desc="Image raw data" />
<Field type="int" name="width" desc="Image base width" />
<Field type="int" name="height" desc="Image base height" />
<Field type="int" name="mipmaps" desc="Mipmap levels, 1 by default" />
<Field type="int" name="format" desc="Data format (PixelFormat type)" />
<Struct name="GlyphInfo" fieldCount="5" desc="GlyphInfo, font characters glyphs info">
<Field type="int" name="value" desc="Character value (Unicode)" />
<Field type="int" name="offsetX" desc="Character offset X when drawing" />
<Field type="int" name="offsetY" desc="Character offset Y when drawing" />
<Field type="int" name="advanceX" desc="Character advance position X" />
<Field type="Image" name="image" desc="Character image data" />
<Struct name="Font" fieldCount="6" desc="It should be redesigned to be provided by user">
<Field type="int" name="baseSize" desc="Base size (default chars height)" />
<Field type="int" name="glyphCount" desc="Number of glyph characters" />
<Field type="int" name="glyphPadding" desc="Padding around the glyph characters" />
<Field type="Texture2D" name="texture" desc="Texture atlas containing the glyphs" />
<Field type="Rectangle *" name="recs" desc="Rectangles in texture for the glyphs" />
<Field type="GlyphInfo *" name="glyphs" desc="Glyphs info data" />
<Struct name="GuiStyleProp" fieldCount="3" desc="Style property">
<Field type="unsigned short" name="controlId" desc="" />
<Field type="unsigned short" name="propertyId" desc="" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="propertyValue" desc="" />
<Aliases count="0">
<Enums count="17">
<Enum name="GuiState" valueCount="4" desc="Gui control state">
<Value name="STATE_NORMAL" integer="0" desc="" />
<Value name="STATE_FOCUSED" integer="1" desc="" />
<Value name="STATE_PRESSED" integer="2" desc="" />
<Value name="STATE_DISABLED" integer="3" desc="" />
<Enum name="GuiTextAlignment" valueCount="3" desc="Gui control text alignment">
<Value name="TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT" integer="0" desc="" />
<Value name="TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER" integer="1" desc="" />
<Value name="TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT" integer="2" desc="" />
<Enum name="GuiControl" valueCount="16" desc="Gui controls">
<Value name="DEFAULT" integer="0" desc="" />
<Value name="LABEL" integer="1" desc="Used also for: LABELBUTTON" />
<Value name="BUTTON" integer="2" desc="" />
<Value name="TOGGLE" integer="3" desc="Used also for: TOGGLEGROUP" />
<Value name="SLIDER" integer="4" desc="Used also for: SLIDERBAR" />
<Value name="PROGRESSBAR" integer="5" desc="" />
<Value name="CHECKBOX" integer="6" desc="" />
<Value name="COMBOBOX" integer="7" desc="" />
<Value name="DROPDOWNBOX" integer="8" desc="" />
<Value name="TEXTBOX" integer="9" desc="Used also for: TEXTBOXMULTI" />
<Value name="VALUEBOX" integer="10" desc="" />
<Value name="SPINNER" integer="11" desc="Uses: BUTTON, VALUEBOX" />
<Value name="LISTVIEW" integer="12" desc="" />
<Value name="COLORPICKER" integer="13" desc="" />
<Value name="SCROLLBAR" integer="14" desc="" />
<Value name="STATUSBAR" integer="15" desc="" />
<Enum name="GuiControlProperty" valueCount="16" desc="Gui base properties for every control">
<Value name="BORDER_COLOR_NORMAL" integer="0" desc="" />
<Value name="BASE_COLOR_NORMAL" integer="1" desc="" />
<Value name="TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL" integer="2" desc="" />
<Value name="BORDER_COLOR_FOCUSED" integer="3" desc="" />
<Value name="BASE_COLOR_FOCUSED" integer="4" desc="" />
<Value name="TEXT_COLOR_FOCUSED" integer="5" desc="" />
<Value name="BORDER_COLOR_PRESSED" integer="6" desc="" />
<Value name="BASE_COLOR_PRESSED" integer="7" desc="" />
<Value name="TEXT_COLOR_PRESSED" integer="8" desc="" />
<Value name="BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED" integer="9" desc="" />
<Value name="BASE_COLOR_DISABLED" integer="10" desc="" />
<Value name="TEXT_COLOR_DISABLED" integer="11" desc="" />
<Value name="BORDER_WIDTH" integer="12" desc="" />
<Value name="TEXT_PADDING" integer="13" desc="" />
<Value name="TEXT_ALIGNMENT" integer="14" desc="" />
<Value name="RESERVED" integer="15" desc="" />
<Enum name="GuiDefaultProperty" valueCount="4" desc="DEFAULT extended properties">
<Value name="TEXT_SIZE" integer="16" desc="Text size (glyphs max height)" />
<Value name="TEXT_SPACING" integer="17" desc="Text spacing between glyphs" />
<Value name="LINE_COLOR" integer="18" desc="Line control color" />
<Value name="BACKGROUND_COLOR" integer="19" desc="Background color" />
<Enum name="GuiToggleProperty" valueCount="1" desc="Toggle/ToggleGroup">
<Value name="GROUP_PADDING" integer="16" desc="ToggleGroup separation between toggles" />
<Enum name="GuiSliderProperty" valueCount="2" desc="Slider/SliderBar">
<Value name="SLIDER_WIDTH" integer="16" desc="Slider size of internal bar" />
<Value name="SLIDER_PADDING" integer="17" desc="Slider/SliderBar internal bar padding" />
<Enum name="GuiProgressBarProperty" valueCount="1" desc="ProgressBar">
<Value name="PROGRESS_PADDING" integer="16" desc="ProgressBar internal padding" />
<Enum name="GuiScrollBarProperty" valueCount="6" desc="ScrollBar">
<Value name="ARROWS_SIZE" integer="16" desc="" />
<Value name="ARROWS_VISIBLE" integer="17" desc="" />
<Value name="SCROLL_SLIDER_PADDING" integer="18" desc="(SLIDERBAR, SLIDER_PADDING)" />
<Value name="SCROLL_SLIDER_SIZE" integer="19" desc="" />
<Value name="SCROLL_PADDING" integer="20" desc="" />
<Value name="SCROLL_SPEED" integer="21" desc="" />
<Enum name="GuiCheckBoxProperty" valueCount="1" desc="CheckBox">
<Value name="CHECK_PADDING" integer="16" desc="CheckBox internal check padding" />
<Enum name="GuiComboBoxProperty" valueCount="2" desc="ComboBox">
<Value name="COMBO_BUTTON_WIDTH" integer="16" desc="ComboBox right button width" />
<Value name="COMBO_BUTTON_SPACING" integer="17" desc="ComboBox button separation" />
<Enum name="GuiDropdownBoxProperty" valueCount="2" desc="DropdownBox">
<Value name="ARROW_PADDING" integer="16" desc="DropdownBox arrow separation from border and items" />
<Value name="DROPDOWN_ITEMS_SPACING" integer="17" desc="DropdownBox items separation" />
<Enum name="GuiTextBoxProperty" valueCount="2" desc="TextBox/TextBoxMulti/ValueBox/Spinner">
<Value name="TEXT_INNER_PADDING" integer="16" desc="TextBox/TextBoxMulti/ValueBox/Spinner inner text padding" />
<Value name="TEXT_LINES_SPACING" integer="17" desc="TextBoxMulti lines separation" />
<Enum name="GuiSpinnerProperty" valueCount="2" desc="Spinner">
<Value name="SPIN_BUTTON_WIDTH" integer="16" desc="Spinner left/right buttons width" />
<Value name="SPIN_BUTTON_SPACING" integer="17" desc="Spinner buttons separation" />
<Enum name="GuiListViewProperty" valueCount="4" desc="ListView">
<Value name="LIST_ITEMS_HEIGHT" integer="16" desc="ListView items height" />
<Value name="LIST_ITEMS_SPACING" integer="17" desc="ListView items separation" />
<Value name="SCROLLBAR_WIDTH" integer="18" desc="ListView scrollbar size (usually width)" />
<Value name="SCROLLBAR_SIDE" integer="19" desc="ListView scrollbar side (0-left, 1-right)" />
<Enum name="GuiColorPickerProperty" valueCount="5" desc="ColorPicker">
<Value name="COLOR_SELECTOR_SIZE" integer="16" desc="" />
<Value name="HUEBAR_WIDTH" integer="17" desc="ColorPicker right hue bar width" />
<Value name="HUEBAR_PADDING" integer="18" desc="ColorPicker right hue bar separation from panel" />
<Value name="HUEBAR_SELECTOR_HEIGHT" integer="19" desc="ColorPicker right hue bar selector height" />
<Value name="HUEBAR_SELECTOR_OVERFLOW" integer="20" desc="ColorPicker right hue bar selector overflow" />
<Enum name="GuiIconName" valueCount="256" desc="">
<Value name="ICON_NONE" integer="0" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FOLDER_FILE_OPEN" integer="1" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILE_SAVE_CLASSIC" integer="2" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FOLDER_OPEN" integer="3" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FOLDER_SAVE" integer="4" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILE_OPEN" integer="5" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILE_SAVE" integer="6" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILE_EXPORT" integer="7" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILE_ADD" integer="8" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILE_DELETE" integer="9" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILETYPE_TEXT" integer="10" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILETYPE_AUDIO" integer="11" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILETYPE_IMAGE" integer="12" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILETYPE_PLAY" integer="13" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILETYPE_VIDEO" integer="14" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILETYPE_INFO" integer="15" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILE_COPY" integer="16" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILE_CUT" integer="17" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILE_PASTE" integer="18" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CURSOR_HAND" integer="19" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CURSOR_POINTER" integer="20" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CURSOR_CLASSIC" integer="21" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PENCIL" integer="22" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PENCIL_BIG" integer="23" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BRUSH_CLASSIC" integer="24" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BRUSH_PAINTER" integer="25" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_WATER_DROP" integer="26" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_COLOR_PICKER" integer="27" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_RUBBER" integer="28" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_COLOR_BUCKET" integer="29" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TEXT_T" integer="30" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TEXT_A" integer="31" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_SCALE" integer="32" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_RESIZE" integer="33" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILTER_POINT" integer="34" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILTER_BILINEAR" integer="35" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CROP" integer="36" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CROP_ALPHA" integer="37" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_SQUARE_TOGGLE" integer="38" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_SYMMETRY" integer="39" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_SYMMETRY_HORIZONTAL" integer="40" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_SYMMETRY_VERTICAL" integer="41" desc="" />
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<Value name="ICON_LENS_BIG" integer="43" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_EYE_ON" integer="44" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_EYE_OFF" integer="45" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILTER_TOP" integer="46" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILTER" integer="47" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TARGET_POINT" integer="48" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TARGET_SMALL" integer="49" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TARGET_BIG" integer="50" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TARGET_MOVE" integer="51" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CURSOR_MOVE" integer="52" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CURSOR_SCALE" integer="53" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CURSOR_SCALE_RIGHT" integer="54" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CURSOR_SCALE_LEFT" integer="55" desc="" />
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<Value name="ICON_REDO" integer="57" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_REREDO" integer="58" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_MUTATE" integer="59" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ROTATE" integer="60" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_REPEAT" integer="61" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_SHUFFLE" integer="62" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_EMPTYBOX" integer="63" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TARGET" integer="64" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TARGET_SMALL_FILL" integer="65" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TARGET_BIG_FILL" integer="66" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TARGET_MOVE_FILL" integer="67" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CURSOR_MOVE_FILL" integer="68" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CURSOR_SCALE_FILL" integer="69" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CURSOR_SCALE_RIGHT_FILL" integer="70" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CURSOR_SCALE_LEFT_FILL" integer="71" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_UNDO_FILL" integer="72" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_REDO_FILL" integer="73" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_REREDO_FILL" integer="74" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_MUTATE_FILL" integer="75" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ROTATE_FILL" integer="76" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_REPEAT_FILL" integer="77" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_SHUFFLE_FILL" integer="78" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_EMPTYBOX_SMALL" integer="79" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX" integer="80" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_TOP" integer="81" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_TOP_RIGHT" integer="82" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_RIGHT" integer="83" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_BOTTOM_RIGHT" integer="84" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_BOTTOM" integer="85" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_BOTTOM_LEFT" integer="86" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_LEFT" integer="87" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_TOP_LEFT" integer="88" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_CENTER" integer="89" desc="" />
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<Value name="ICON_POT" integer="91" desc="" />
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<Value name="ICON_ALPHA_CLEAR" integer="93" desc="" />
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<Value name="ICON_GRID" integer="97" desc="" />
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<Value name="ICON_GRID_FILL" integer="101" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_MULTISIZE" integer="102" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ZOOM_SMALL" integer="103" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ZOOM_MEDIUM" integer="104" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ZOOM_BIG" integer="105" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ZOOM_ALL" integer="106" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ZOOM_CENTER" integer="107" desc="" />
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<Value name="ICON_BOX_DOTS_BIG" integer="109" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_CONCENTRIC" integer="110" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BOX_GRID_BIG" integer="111" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_OK_TICK" integer="112" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CROSS" integer="113" desc="" />
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<Value name="ICON_ARROW_RIGHT" integer="115" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ARROW_DOWN" integer="116" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ARROW_UP" integer="117" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ARROW_LEFT_FILL" integer="118" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ARROW_RIGHT_FILL" integer="119" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ARROW_DOWN_FILL" integer="120" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ARROW_UP_FILL" integer="121" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_AUDIO" integer="122" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FX" integer="123" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_WAVE" integer="124" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_WAVE_SINUS" integer="125" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_WAVE_SQUARE" integer="126" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_WAVE_TRIANGULAR" integer="127" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CROSS_SMALL" integer="128" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PLAYER_PREVIOUS" integer="129" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PLAYER_PLAY_BACK" integer="130" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PLAYER_PLAY" integer="131" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PLAYER_PAUSE" integer="132" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PLAYER_STOP" integer="133" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PLAYER_NEXT" integer="134" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PLAYER_RECORD" integer="135" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_MAGNET" integer="136" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_LOCK_CLOSE" integer="137" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_LOCK_OPEN" integer="138" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CLOCK" integer="139" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TOOLS" integer="140" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_GEAR" integer="141" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_GEAR_BIG" integer="142" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BIN" integer="143" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_HAND_POINTER" integer="144" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_LASER" integer="145" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_COIN" integer="146" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_EXPLOSION" integer="147" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_1UP" integer="148" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PLAYER" integer="149" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PLAYER_JUMP" integer="150" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_KEY" integer="151" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_DEMON" integer="152" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TEXT_POPUP" integer="153" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_GEAR_EX" integer="154" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CRACK" integer="155" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CRACK_POINTS" integer="156" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_STAR" integer="157" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_DOOR" integer="158" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_EXIT" integer="159" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_MODE_2D" integer="160" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_MODE_3D" integer="161" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CUBE" integer="162" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CUBE_FACE_TOP" integer="163" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CUBE_FACE_LEFT" integer="164" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CUBE_FACE_FRONT" integer="165" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CUBE_FACE_BOTTOM" integer="166" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CUBE_FACE_RIGHT" integer="167" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CUBE_FACE_BACK" integer="168" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CAMERA" integer="169" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_SPECIAL" integer="170" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_LINK_NET" integer="171" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_LINK_BOXES" integer="172" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_LINK_MULTI" integer="173" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_LINK" integer="174" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_LINK_BROKE" integer="175" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_TEXT_NOTES" integer="176" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_NOTEBOOK" integer="177" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_SUITCASE" integer="178" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_SUITCASE_ZIP" integer="179" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_MAILBOX" integer="180" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_MONITOR" integer="181" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PRINTER" integer="182" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PHOTO_CAMERA" integer="183" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_PHOTO_CAMERA_FLASH" integer="184" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_HOUSE" integer="185" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_HEART" integer="186" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CORNER" integer="187" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_VERTICAL_BARS" integer="188" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_VERTICAL_BARS_FILL" integer="189" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_LIFE_BARS" integer="190" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_INFO" integer="191" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CROSSLINE" integer="192" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_HELP" integer="193" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILETYPE_ALPHA" integer="194" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILETYPE_HOME" integer="195" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_LAYERS_VISIBLE" integer="196" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_LAYERS" integer="197" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_WINDOW" integer="198" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_HIDPI" integer="199" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILETYPE_BINARY" integer="200" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_HEX" integer="201" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_SHIELD" integer="202" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILE_NEW" integer="203" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FOLDER_ADD" integer="204" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ALARM" integer="205" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CPU" integer="206" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_ROM" integer="207" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_STEP_OVER" integer="208" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_STEP_INTO" integer="209" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_STEP_OUT" integer="210" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_RESTART" integer="211" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BREAKPOINT_ON" integer="212" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BREAKPOINT_OFF" integer="213" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_BURGER_MENU" integer="214" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_CASE_SENSITIVE" integer="215" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_REG_EXP" integer="216" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FOLDER" integer="217" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_FILE" integer="218" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_219" integer="219" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_220" integer="220" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_221" integer="221" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_222" integer="222" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_223" integer="223" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_224" integer="224" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_225" integer="225" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_226" integer="226" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_227" integer="227" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_228" integer="228" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_229" integer="229" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_230" integer="230" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_231" integer="231" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_232" integer="232" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_233" integer="233" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_234" integer="234" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_235" integer="235" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_236" integer="236" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_237" integer="237" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_238" integer="238" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_239" integer="239" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_240" integer="240" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_241" integer="241" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_242" integer="242" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_243" integer="243" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_244" integer="244" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_245" integer="245" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_246" integer="246" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_247" integer="247" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_248" integer="248" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_249" integer="249" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_250" integer="250" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_251" integer="251" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_252" integer="252" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_253" integer="253" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_254" integer="254" desc="" />
<Value name="ICON_255" integer="255" desc="" />
<Callbacks count="0">
<Functions count="54">
<Function name="GuiEnable" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Enable gui controls (global state)">
<Function name="GuiDisable" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable gui controls (global state)">
<Function name="GuiLock" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Lock gui controls (global state)">
<Function name="GuiUnlock" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Unlock gui controls (global state)">
<Function name="GuiIsLocked" retType="bool" paramCount="0" desc="Check if gui is locked (global state)">
<Function name="GuiFade" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set gui controls alpha (global state), alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f">
<Param type="float" name="alpha" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiSetState" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set gui state (global state)">
<Param type="int" name="state" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiGetState" retType="int" paramCount="0" desc="Get gui state (global state)">
<Function name="GuiSetFont" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set gui custom font (global state)">
<Param type="Font" name="font" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiGetFont" retType="Font" paramCount="0" desc="Get gui custom font (global state)">
<Function name="GuiSetStyle" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="Set one style property">
<Param type="int" name="control" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="property" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="value" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiGetStyle" retType="int" paramCount="2" desc="Get one style property">
<Param type="int" name="control" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="property" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiWindowBox" retType="bool" paramCount="2" desc="Window Box control, shows a window that can be closed">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="title" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiGroupBox" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Group Box control with text name">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiLine" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Line separator control, could contain text">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiPanel" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Panel control, useful to group controls">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiTabBar" retType="int" paramCount="4" desc="Tab Bar control, returns TAB to be closed or -1">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char **" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="count" desc="" />
<Param type="int *" name="active" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiScrollPanel" retType="Rectangle" paramCount="4" desc="Scroll Panel control">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="Rectangle" name="content" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2 *" name="scroll" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiLabel" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Label control, shows text">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiButton" retType="bool" paramCount="2" desc="Button control, returns true when clicked">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiLabelButton" retType="bool" paramCount="2" desc="Label button control, show true when clicked">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiToggle" retType="bool" paramCount="3" desc="Toggle Button control, returns true when active">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="active" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiToggleGroup" retType="int" paramCount="3" desc="Toggle Group control, returns active toggle index">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="active" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiCheckBox" retType="bool" paramCount="3" desc="Check Box control, returns true when active">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="checked" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiComboBox" retType="int" paramCount="3" desc="Combo Box control, returns selected item index">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="active" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiDropdownBox" retType="bool" paramCount="4" desc="Dropdown Box control, returns selected item">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="int *" name="active" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="editMode" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiSpinner" retType="bool" paramCount="6" desc="Spinner control, returns selected value">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="int *" name="value" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="minValue" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="maxValue" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="editMode" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiValueBox" retType="bool" paramCount="6" desc="Value Box control, updates input text with numbers">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="int *" name="value" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="minValue" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="maxValue" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="editMode" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiTextBox" retType="bool" paramCount="4" desc="Text Box control, updates input text">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="textSize" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="editMode" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiTextBoxMulti" retType="bool" paramCount="4" desc="Text Box control with multiple lines">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="textSize" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="editMode" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiSlider" retType="float" paramCount="6" desc="Slider control, returns selected value">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="textLeft" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="textRight" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="value" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="minValue" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="maxValue" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiSliderBar" retType="float" paramCount="6" desc="Slider Bar control, returns selected value">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="textLeft" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="textRight" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="value" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="minValue" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="maxValue" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiProgressBar" retType="float" paramCount="6" desc="Progress Bar control, shows current progress value">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="textLeft" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="textRight" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="value" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="minValue" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="maxValue" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiStatusBar" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Status Bar control, shows info text">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiDummyRec" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Dummy control for placeholders">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiGrid" retType="Vector2" paramCount="4" desc="Grid control, returns mouse cell position">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="spacing" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="subdivs" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiListView" retType="int" paramCount="4" desc="List View control, returns selected list item index">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="int *" name="scrollIndex" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="active" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiListViewEx" retType="int" paramCount="6" desc="List View with extended parameters">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char **" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="count" desc="" />
<Param type="int *" name="focus" desc="" />
<Param type="int *" name="scrollIndex" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="active" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiMessageBox" retType="int" paramCount="4" desc="Message Box control, displays a message">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="title" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="message" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="buttons" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiTextInputBox" retType="int" paramCount="7" desc="Text Input Box control, ask for text, supports secret">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="title" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="message" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="buttons" desc="" />
<Param type="char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="textMaxSize" desc="" />
<Param type="int *" name="secretViewActive" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiColorPicker" retType="Color" paramCount="3" desc="Color Picker control (multiple color controls)">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="Color" name="color" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiColorPanel" retType="Color" paramCount="3" desc="Color Panel control">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="Color" name="color" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiColorBarAlpha" retType="float" paramCount="3" desc="Color Bar Alpha control">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="alpha" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiColorBarHue" retType="float" paramCount="3" desc="Color Bar Hue control">
<Param type="Rectangle" name="bounds" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="value" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiLoadStyle" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Load style file over global style variable (.rgs)">
<Param type="const char *" name="fileName" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiLoadStyleDefault" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Load style default over global style">
<Function name="GuiEnableTooltip" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Enable gui tooltips (global state)">
<Function name="GuiDisableTooltip" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable gui tooltips (global state)">
<Function name="GuiSetTooltip" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set tooltip string">
<Param type="const char *" name="tooltip" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiIconText" retType="const char *" paramCount="2" desc="Get text with icon id prepended (if supported)">
<Param type="int" name="iconId" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="text" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiGetIcons" retType="unsigned int *" paramCount="0" desc="Get raygui icons data pointer">
<Function name="GuiLoadIcons" retType="char **" paramCount="2" desc="Load raygui icons file (.rgi) into internal icons data">
<Param type="const char *" name="fileName" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="loadIconsName" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiDrawIcon" retType="void" paramCount="5" desc="">
<Param type="int" name="iconId" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="posX" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="posY" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="pixelSize" desc="" />
<Param type="Color" name="color" desc="" />
<Function name="GuiSetIconScale" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set icon drawing size">
<Param type="int" name="scale" desc="" />

raylib-api/raylib.json Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

raylib-api/raylib.lua Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

raylib-api/raylib.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

raylib-api/raylib.xml Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

raylib-api/raymath.json Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

raylib-api/raymath.lua Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

raylib-api/raymath.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
Defines found: 13
Define 001: RAYMATH_H
Define 002: RMAPI
Value: __declspec(dllexport) extern inline
Description: We are building raylib as a Win32 shared library (.dll).
Define 003: PI
Name: PI
Value: 3.14159265358979323846
Define 004: EPSILON
Value: 0.000001
Define 005: DEG2RAD
Value: (PI/180.0f)
Define 006: RAD2DEG
Value: (180.0f/PI)
Define 007: MatrixToFloat(mat)
Name: MatrixToFloat(mat)
Value: (MatrixToFloatV(mat).v)
Define 008: Vector3ToFloat(vec)
Name: Vector3ToFloat(vec)
Value: (Vector3ToFloatV(vec).v)
Define 009: RL_VECTOR2_TYPE
Define 010: RL_VECTOR3_TYPE
Define 011: RL_VECTOR4_TYPE
Define 013: RL_MATRIX_TYPE
Structures found: 6
Struct 01: Vector2 (2 fields)
Name: Vector2
Description: Vector2 type
Field[1]: float x
Field[2]: float y
Struct 02: Vector3 (3 fields)
Name: Vector3
Description: Vector3 type
Field[1]: float x
Field[2]: float y
Field[3]: float z
Struct 03: Vector4 (4 fields)
Name: Vector4
Description: Vector4 type
Field[1]: float x
Field[2]: float y
Field[3]: float z
Field[4]: float w
Struct 04: Matrix (16 fields)
Name: Matrix
Description: Matrix type (OpenGL style 4x4 - right handed, column major)
Field[1]: float m0 // Matrix first row (4 components)
Field[2]: float m4 // Matrix first row (4 components)
Field[3]: float m8 // Matrix first row (4 components)
Field[4]: float m12 // Matrix first row (4 components)
Field[5]: float m1 // Matrix second row (4 components)
Field[6]: float m5 // Matrix second row (4 components)
Field[7]: float m9 // Matrix second row (4 components)
Field[8]: float m13 // Matrix second row (4 components)
Field[9]: float m2 // Matrix third row (4 components)
Field[10]: float m6 // Matrix third row (4 components)
Field[11]: float m10 // Matrix third row (4 components)
Field[12]: float m14 // Matrix third row (4 components)
Field[13]: float m3 // Matrix fourth row (4 components)
Field[14]: float m7 // Matrix fourth row (4 components)
Field[15]: float m11 // Matrix fourth row (4 components)
Field[16]: float m15 // Matrix fourth row (4 components)
Struct 05: float3 (1 fields)
Name: float3
Description: NOTE: Helper types to be used instead of array return types for *ToFloat functions
Field[1]: float[3] v
Struct 06: float16 (1 fields)
Name: float16
Field[1]: float[16] v
Aliases found: 1
Alias 001: Quaternion
Type: Vector4
Name: Quaternion
Description: Quaternion type
Enums found: 0
Callbacks found: 0
Functions found: 112
Function 001: Clamp() (3 input parameters)
Name: Clamp
Return type: float
Param[1]: value (type: float)
Param[2]: min (type: float)
Param[3]: max (type: float)
Function 002: Lerp() (3 input parameters)
Name: Lerp
Return type: float
Param[1]: start (type: float)
Param[2]: end (type: float)
Param[3]: amount (type: float)
Function 003: Normalize() (3 input parameters)
Name: Normalize
Return type: float
Param[1]: value (type: float)
Param[2]: start (type: float)
Param[3]: end (type: float)
Function 004: Remap() (5 input parameters)
Name: Remap
Return type: float
Param[1]: value (type: float)
Param[2]: inputStart (type: float)
Param[3]: inputEnd (type: float)
Param[4]: outputStart (type: float)
Param[5]: outputEnd (type: float)
Function 005: Wrap() (3 input parameters)
Name: Wrap
Return type: float
Param[1]: value (type: float)
Param[2]: min (type: float)
Param[3]: max (type: float)
Function 006: FloatEquals() (2 input parameters)
Name: FloatEquals
Return type: int
Param[1]: x (type: float)
Param[2]: y (type: float)
Function 007: Vector2Zero() (0 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Zero
Return type: Vector2
No input parameters
Function 008: Vector2One() (0 input parameters)
Name: Vector2One
Return type: Vector2
No input parameters
Function 009: Vector2Add() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Add
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector2)
Function 010: Vector2AddValue() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2AddValue
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: add (type: float)
Function 011: Vector2Subtract() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Subtract
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector2)
Function 012: Vector2SubtractValue() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2SubtractValue
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: sub (type: float)
Function 013: Vector2Length() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Length
Return type: float
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Function 014: Vector2LengthSqr() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector2LengthSqr
Return type: float
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Function 015: Vector2DotProduct() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2DotProduct
Return type: float
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector2)
Function 016: Vector2Distance() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Distance
Return type: float
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector2)
Function 017: Vector2DistanceSqr() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2DistanceSqr
Return type: float
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector2)
Function 018: Vector2Angle() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Angle
Return type: float
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector2)
Function 019: Vector2LineAngle() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2LineAngle
Return type: float
Param[1]: start (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: end (type: Vector2)
Function 020: Vector2Scale() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Scale
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: scale (type: float)
Function 021: Vector2Multiply() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Multiply
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector2)
Function 022: Vector2Negate() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Negate
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Function 023: Vector2Divide() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Divide
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector2)
Function 024: Vector2Normalize() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Normalize
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Function 025: Vector2Transform() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Transform
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: mat (type: Matrix)
Function 026: Vector2Lerp() (3 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Lerp
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector2)
Param[3]: amount (type: float)
Function 027: Vector2Reflect() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Reflect
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: normal (type: Vector2)
Function 028: Vector2Rotate() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Rotate
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: angle (type: float)
Function 029: Vector2MoveTowards() (3 input parameters)
Name: Vector2MoveTowards
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: target (type: Vector2)
Param[3]: maxDistance (type: float)
Function 030: Vector2Invert() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Invert
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Function 031: Vector2Clamp() (3 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Clamp
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: min (type: Vector2)
Param[3]: max (type: Vector2)
Function 032: Vector2ClampValue() (3 input parameters)
Name: Vector2ClampValue
Return type: Vector2
Param[1]: v (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: min (type: float)
Param[3]: max (type: float)
Function 033: Vector2Equals() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector2Equals
Return type: int
Param[1]: p (type: Vector2)
Param[2]: q (type: Vector2)
Function 034: Vector3Zero() (0 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Zero
Return type: Vector3
No input parameters
Function 035: Vector3One() (0 input parameters)
Name: Vector3One
Return type: Vector3
No input parameters
Function 036: Vector3Add() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Add
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Function 037: Vector3AddValue() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3AddValue
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: add (type: float)
Function 038: Vector3Subtract() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Subtract
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Function 039: Vector3SubtractValue() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3SubtractValue
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: sub (type: float)
Function 040: Vector3Scale() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Scale
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: scalar (type: float)
Function 041: Vector3Multiply() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Multiply
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Function 042: Vector3CrossProduct() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3CrossProduct
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Function 043: Vector3Perpendicular() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Perpendicular
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Function 044: Vector3Length() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Length
Return type: float
Param[1]: v (type: const Vector3)
Function 045: Vector3LengthSqr() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector3LengthSqr
Return type: float
Param[1]: v (type: const Vector3)
Function 046: Vector3DotProduct() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3DotProduct
Return type: float
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Function 047: Vector3Distance() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Distance
Return type: float
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Function 048: Vector3DistanceSqr() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3DistanceSqr
Return type: float
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Function 049: Vector3Angle() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Angle
Return type: float
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Function 050: Vector3Negate() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Negate
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Function 051: Vector3Divide() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Divide
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Function 052: Vector3Normalize() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Normalize
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Function 053: Vector3OrthoNormalize() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3OrthoNormalize
Return type: void
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3 *)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3 *)
Function 054: Vector3Transform() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Transform
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: mat (type: Matrix)
Function 055: Vector3RotateByQuaternion() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3RotateByQuaternion
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: q (type: Quaternion)
Function 056: Vector3RotateByAxisAngle() (3 input parameters)
Name: Vector3RotateByAxisAngle
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: axis (type: Vector3)
Param[3]: angle (type: float)
Function 057: Vector3Lerp() (3 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Lerp
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Param[3]: amount (type: float)
Function 058: Vector3Reflect() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Reflect
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: normal (type: Vector3)
Function 059: Vector3Min() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Min
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Function 060: Vector3Max() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Max
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v1 (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: v2 (type: Vector3)
Function 061: Vector3Barycenter() (4 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Barycenter
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: p (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: a (type: Vector3)
Param[3]: b (type: Vector3)
Param[4]: c (type: Vector3)
Function 062: Vector3Unproject() (3 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Unproject
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: source (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: projection (type: Matrix)
Param[3]: view (type: Matrix)
Function 063: Vector3ToFloatV() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector3ToFloatV
Return type: float3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Function 064: Vector3Invert() (1 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Invert
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Function 065: Vector3Clamp() (3 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Clamp
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: min (type: Vector3)
Param[3]: max (type: Vector3)
Function 066: Vector3ClampValue() (3 input parameters)
Name: Vector3ClampValue
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: min (type: float)
Param[3]: max (type: float)
Function 067: Vector3Equals() (2 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Equals
Return type: int
Param[1]: p (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: q (type: Vector3)
Function 068: Vector3Refract() (3 input parameters)
Name: Vector3Refract
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: v (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: n (type: Vector3)
Param[3]: r (type: float)
Function 069: MatrixDeterminant() (1 input parameters)
Name: MatrixDeterminant
Return type: float
Param[1]: mat (type: Matrix)
Function 070: MatrixTrace() (1 input parameters)
Name: MatrixTrace
Return type: float
Param[1]: mat (type: Matrix)
Function 071: MatrixTranspose() (1 input parameters)
Name: MatrixTranspose
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: mat (type: Matrix)
Function 072: MatrixInvert() (1 input parameters)
Name: MatrixInvert
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: mat (type: Matrix)
Function 073: MatrixIdentity() (0 input parameters)
Name: MatrixIdentity
Return type: Matrix
No input parameters
Function 074: MatrixAdd() (2 input parameters)
Name: MatrixAdd
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: left (type: Matrix)
Param[2]: right (type: Matrix)
Function 075: MatrixSubtract() (2 input parameters)
Name: MatrixSubtract
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: left (type: Matrix)
Param[2]: right (type: Matrix)
Function 076: MatrixMultiply() (2 input parameters)
Name: MatrixMultiply
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: left (type: Matrix)
Param[2]: right (type: Matrix)
Function 077: MatrixTranslate() (3 input parameters)
Name: MatrixTranslate
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: x (type: float)
Param[2]: y (type: float)
Param[3]: z (type: float)
Function 078: MatrixRotate() (2 input parameters)
Name: MatrixRotate
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: axis (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: angle (type: float)
Function 079: MatrixRotateX() (1 input parameters)
Name: MatrixRotateX
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: angle (type: float)
Function 080: MatrixRotateY() (1 input parameters)
Name: MatrixRotateY
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: angle (type: float)
Function 081: MatrixRotateZ() (1 input parameters)
Name: MatrixRotateZ
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: angle (type: float)
Function 082: MatrixRotateXYZ() (1 input parameters)
Name: MatrixRotateXYZ
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: angle (type: Vector3)
Function 083: MatrixRotateZYX() (1 input parameters)
Name: MatrixRotateZYX
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: angle (type: Vector3)
Function 084: MatrixScale() (3 input parameters)
Name: MatrixScale
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: x (type: float)
Param[2]: y (type: float)
Param[3]: z (type: float)
Function 085: MatrixFrustum() (6 input parameters)
Name: MatrixFrustum
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: left (type: double)
Param[2]: right (type: double)
Param[3]: bottom (type: double)
Param[4]: top (type: double)
Param[5]: near (type: double)
Param[6]: far (type: double)
Function 086: MatrixPerspective() (4 input parameters)
Name: MatrixPerspective
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: fovy (type: double)
Param[2]: aspect (type: double)
Param[3]: near (type: double)
Param[4]: far (type: double)
Function 087: MatrixOrtho() (6 input parameters)
Name: MatrixOrtho
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: left (type: double)
Param[2]: right (type: double)
Param[3]: bottom (type: double)
Param[4]: top (type: double)
Param[5]: near (type: double)
Param[6]: far (type: double)
Function 088: MatrixLookAt() (3 input parameters)
Name: MatrixLookAt
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: eye (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: target (type: Vector3)
Param[3]: up (type: Vector3)
Function 089: MatrixToFloatV() (1 input parameters)
Name: MatrixToFloatV
Return type: float16
Param[1]: mat (type: Matrix)
Function 090: QuaternionAdd() (2 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionAdd
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q1 (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: q2 (type: Quaternion)
Function 091: QuaternionAddValue() (2 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionAddValue
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: add (type: float)
Function 092: QuaternionSubtract() (2 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionSubtract
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q1 (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: q2 (type: Quaternion)
Function 093: QuaternionSubtractValue() (2 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionSubtractValue
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: sub (type: float)
Function 094: QuaternionIdentity() (0 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionIdentity
Return type: Quaternion
No input parameters
Function 095: QuaternionLength() (1 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionLength
Return type: float
Param[1]: q (type: Quaternion)
Function 096: QuaternionNormalize() (1 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionNormalize
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q (type: Quaternion)
Function 097: QuaternionInvert() (1 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionInvert
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q (type: Quaternion)
Function 098: QuaternionMultiply() (2 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionMultiply
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q1 (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: q2 (type: Quaternion)
Function 099: QuaternionScale() (2 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionScale
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: mul (type: float)
Function 100: QuaternionDivide() (2 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionDivide
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q1 (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: q2 (type: Quaternion)
Function 101: QuaternionLerp() (3 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionLerp
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q1 (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: q2 (type: Quaternion)
Param[3]: amount (type: float)
Function 102: QuaternionNlerp() (3 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionNlerp
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q1 (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: q2 (type: Quaternion)
Param[3]: amount (type: float)
Function 103: QuaternionSlerp() (3 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionSlerp
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q1 (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: q2 (type: Quaternion)
Param[3]: amount (type: float)
Function 104: QuaternionFromVector3ToVector3() (2 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionFromVector3ToVector3
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: from (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: to (type: Vector3)
Function 105: QuaternionFromMatrix() (1 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionFromMatrix
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: mat (type: Matrix)
Function 106: QuaternionToMatrix() (1 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionToMatrix
Return type: Matrix
Param[1]: q (type: Quaternion)
Function 107: QuaternionFromAxisAngle() (2 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionFromAxisAngle
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: axis (type: Vector3)
Param[2]: angle (type: float)
Function 108: QuaternionToAxisAngle() (3 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionToAxisAngle
Return type: void
Param[1]: q (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: outAxis (type: Vector3 *)
Param[3]: outAngle (type: float *)
Function 109: QuaternionFromEuler() (3 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionFromEuler
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: pitch (type: float)
Param[2]: yaw (type: float)
Param[3]: roll (type: float)
Function 110: QuaternionToEuler() (1 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionToEuler
Return type: Vector3
Param[1]: q (type: Quaternion)
Function 111: QuaternionTransform() (2 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionTransform
Return type: Quaternion
Param[1]: q (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: mat (type: Matrix)
Function 112: QuaternionEquals() (2 input parameters)
Name: QuaternionEquals
Return type: int
Param[1]: p (type: Quaternion)
Param[2]: q (type: Quaternion)

raylib-api/raymath.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
<Defines count="13">
<Define name="RAYMATH_H" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RMAPI" type="UNKNOWN" value="__declspec(dllexport) extern inline" desc="We are building raylib as a Win32 shared library (.dll)." />
<Define name="PI" type="FLOAT" value="3.14159265358979323846" desc="" />
<Define name="EPSILON" type="FLOAT" value="0.000001" desc="" />
<Define name="DEG2RAD" type="FLOAT_MATH" value="(PI/180.0f)" desc="" />
<Define name="RAD2DEG" type="FLOAT_MATH" value="(180.0f/PI)" desc="" />
<Define name="MatrixToFloat(mat)" type="MACRO" value="(MatrixToFloatV(mat).v)" desc="" />
<Define name="Vector3ToFloat(vec)" type="MACRO" value="(Vector3ToFloatV(vec).v)" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_VECTOR2_TYPE" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_VECTOR3_TYPE" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_VECTOR4_TYPE" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_QUATERNION_TYPE" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_MATRIX_TYPE" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Structs count="6">
<Struct name="Vector2" fieldCount="2" desc="Vector2 type">
<Field type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Struct name="Vector3" fieldCount="3" desc="Vector3 type">
<Field type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Struct name="Vector4" fieldCount="4" desc="Vector4 type">
<Field type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Field type="float" name="w" desc="" />
<Struct name="Matrix" fieldCount="16" desc="Matrix type (OpenGL style 4x4 - right handed, column major)">
<Field type="float" name="m0" desc="Matrix first row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m4" desc="Matrix first row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m8" desc="Matrix first row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m12" desc="Matrix first row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m1" desc="Matrix second row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m5" desc="Matrix second row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m9" desc="Matrix second row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m13" desc="Matrix second row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m2" desc="Matrix third row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m6" desc="Matrix third row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m10" desc="Matrix third row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m14" desc="Matrix third row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m3" desc="Matrix fourth row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m7" desc="Matrix fourth row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m11" desc="Matrix fourth row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m15" desc="Matrix fourth row (4 components)" />
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<Struct name="float16" fieldCount="1" desc="">
<Field type="float[16]" name="v" desc="" />
<Aliases count="1">
<Alias type="Quaternion" name="Vector4" desc="Quaternion type" />
<Enums count="0">
<Callbacks count="0">
<Functions count="112">
<Function name="Clamp" retType="float" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="value" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="min" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="max" desc="" />
<Function name="Lerp" retType="float" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="start" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="end" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="amount" desc="" />
<Function name="Normalize" retType="float" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="value" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="start" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="end" desc="" />
<Function name="Remap" retType="float" paramCount="5" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="value" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="inputStart" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="inputEnd" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="outputStart" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="outputEnd" desc="" />
<Function name="Wrap" retType="float" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="value" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="min" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="max" desc="" />
<Function name="FloatEquals" retType="int" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
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<Function name="Vector2One" retType="Vector2" paramCount="0" desc="">
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<Param type="Vector2" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="v2" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2AddValue" retType="Vector2" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="add" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector2" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="sub" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector2" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector2" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="v2" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2DistanceSqr" retType="float" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector2" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="v2" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2LineAngle" retType="float" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="start" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="end" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Scale" retType="Vector2" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="scale" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Multiply" retType="Vector2" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="v2" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Negate" retType="Vector2" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Divide" retType="Vector2" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="v2" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Normalize" retType="Vector2" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Transform" retType="Vector2" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="Matrix" name="mat" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Lerp" retType="Vector2" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="v2" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="amount" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Reflect" retType="Vector2" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="normal" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Rotate" retType="Vector2" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="angle" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="target" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="maxDistance" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Invert" retType="Vector2" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Clamp" retType="Vector2" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="min" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="max" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2ClampValue" retType="Vector2" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="min" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="max" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector2Equals" retType="int" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector2" name="p" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector2" name="q" desc="" />
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<Function name="Vector3One" retType="Vector3" paramCount="0" desc="">
<Function name="Vector3Add" retType="Vector3" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector3AddValue" retType="Vector3" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="add" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector3Subtract" retType="Vector3" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector3SubtractValue" retType="Vector3" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="sub" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector3Scale" retType="Vector3" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="scalar" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector3Divide" retType="Vector3" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="v1" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Function name="Vector3OrthoNormalize" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="">
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<Param type="Vector3 *" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="Matrix" name="mat" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="axis" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="angle" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="amount" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="normal" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v2" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="a" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="c" desc="" />
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<Param type="Matrix" name="projection" desc="" />
<Param type="Matrix" name="view" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Function name="Vector3Clamp" retType="Vector3" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="min" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="max" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="min" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="max" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="p" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="q" desc="" />
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<Param type="Vector3" name="v" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="n" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="r" desc="" />
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<Param type="Matrix" name="mat" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixTrace" retType="float" paramCount="1" desc="">
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<Param type="Matrix" name="mat" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixInvert" retType="Matrix" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Matrix" name="mat" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixIdentity" retType="Matrix" paramCount="0" desc="">
<Function name="MatrixAdd" retType="Matrix" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Matrix" name="left" desc="" />
<Param type="Matrix" name="right" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixSubtract" retType="Matrix" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Matrix" name="left" desc="" />
<Param type="Matrix" name="right" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixMultiply" retType="Matrix" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Matrix" name="left" desc="" />
<Param type="Matrix" name="right" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixTranslate" retType="Matrix" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixRotate" retType="Matrix" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="axis" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="angle" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixRotateX" retType="Matrix" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="angle" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixRotateY" retType="Matrix" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="angle" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixRotateZ" retType="Matrix" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="angle" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixRotateXYZ" retType="Matrix" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="angle" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixRotateZYX" retType="Matrix" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="angle" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixScale" retType="Matrix" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixFrustum" retType="Matrix" paramCount="6" desc="">
<Param type="double" name="left" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="right" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="bottom" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="top" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="near" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="far" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixPerspective" retType="Matrix" paramCount="4" desc="">
<Param type="double" name="fovy" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="aspect" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="near" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="far" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixOrtho" retType="Matrix" paramCount="6" desc="">
<Param type="double" name="left" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="right" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="bottom" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="top" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="near" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="far" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixLookAt" retType="Matrix" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="eye" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="target" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="up" desc="" />
<Function name="MatrixToFloatV" retType="float16" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Matrix" name="mat" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionAdd" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q1" desc="" />
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q2" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionAddValue" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="add" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionSubtract" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q1" desc="" />
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q2" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionSubtractValue" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="sub" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionIdentity" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="0" desc="">
<Function name="QuaternionLength" retType="float" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionNormalize" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionInvert" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionMultiply" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q1" desc="" />
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q2" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionScale" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="mul" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionDivide" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q1" desc="" />
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q2" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionLerp" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q1" desc="" />
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q2" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="amount" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionNlerp" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q1" desc="" />
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q2" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="amount" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionSlerp" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q1" desc="" />
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q2" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="amount" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionFromVector3ToVector3" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="from" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3" name="to" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionFromMatrix" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Matrix" name="mat" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionToMatrix" retType="Matrix" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionFromAxisAngle" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Vector3" name="axis" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="angle" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionToAxisAngle" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />
<Param type="Vector3 *" name="outAxis" desc="" />
<Param type="float *" name="outAngle" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionFromEuler" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="float" name="pitch" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="yaw" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="roll" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionToEuler" retType="Vector3" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionTransform" retType="Quaternion" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />
<Param type="Matrix" name="mat" desc="" />
<Function name="QuaternionEquals" retType="int" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="Quaternion" name="p" desc="" />
<Param type="Quaternion" name="q" desc="" />

raylib-api/reasings.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
"defines": [
"name": "REASINGS_H",
"type": "GUARD",
"value": "",
"description": ""
"type": "GUARD",
"value": "",
"description": "NOTE: By default, compile functions as static inline"
"name": "EASEDEF",
"type": "UNKNOWN",
"value": "static inline",
"description": ""
"name": "PI",
"type": "FLOAT",
"value": 3.14159265358979323846,
"description": "Required as PI is not always defined in math.h"
"structs": [
"aliases": [
"enums": [
"callbacks": [
"functions": [
"name": "EaseLinearNone",
"description": "Ease: Linear",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseLinearIn",
"description": "Ease: Linear In",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseLinearOut",
"description": "Ease: Linear Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseLinearInOut",
"description": "Ease: Linear In Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseSineIn",
"description": "Ease: Sine In",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseSineOut",
"description": "Ease: Sine Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseSineInOut",
"description": "Ease: Sine Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseCircIn",
"description": "Ease: Circular In",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseCircOut",
"description": "Ease: Circular Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseCircInOut",
"description": "Ease: Circular In Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseCubicIn",
"description": "Ease: Cubic In",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseCubicOut",
"description": "Ease: Cubic Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseCubicInOut",
"description": "Ease: Cubic In Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseQuadIn",
"description": "Ease: Quadratic In",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseQuadOut",
"description": "Ease: Quadratic Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseQuadInOut",
"description": "Ease: Quadratic In Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseExpoIn",
"description": "Ease: Exponential In",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseExpoOut",
"description": "Ease: Exponential Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseExpoInOut",
"description": "Ease: Exponential In Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseBackIn",
"description": "Ease: Back In",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseBackOut",
"description": "Ease: Back Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseBackInOut",
"description": "Ease: Back In Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseBounceOut",
"description": "Ease: Bounce Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseBounceIn",
"description": "Ease: Bounce In",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseBounceInOut",
"description": "Ease: Bounce In Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseElasticIn",
"description": "Ease: Elastic In",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseElasticOut",
"description": "Ease: Elastic Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"
"name": "EaseElasticInOut",
"description": "Ease: Elastic In Out",
"returnType": "float",
"params": [
"type": "float",
"name": "t"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "d"

raylib-api/reasings.lua Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
return {
defines = {
name = "REASINGS_H",
type = "GUARD",
value = "",
description = ""
type = "GUARD",
value = "",
description = "NOTE: By default, compile functions as static inline"
name = "EASEDEF",
type = "UNKNOWN",
value = "static inline",
description = ""
name = "PI",
type = "FLOAT",
value = 3.14159265358979323846,
description = "Required as PI is not always defined in math.h"
structs = {
aliases = {
enums = {
callbacks = {
functions = {
name = "EaseLinearNone",
description = "Ease: Linear",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseLinearIn",
description = "Ease: Linear In",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseLinearOut",
description = "Ease: Linear Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseLinearInOut",
description = "Ease: Linear In Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseSineIn",
description = "Ease: Sine In",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseSineOut",
description = "Ease: Sine Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseSineInOut",
description = "Ease: Sine Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseCircIn",
description = "Ease: Circular In",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseCircOut",
description = "Ease: Circular Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseCircInOut",
description = "Ease: Circular In Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseCubicIn",
description = "Ease: Cubic In",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseCubicOut",
description = "Ease: Cubic Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseCubicInOut",
description = "Ease: Cubic In Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseQuadIn",
description = "Ease: Quadratic In",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseQuadOut",
description = "Ease: Quadratic Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseQuadInOut",
description = "Ease: Quadratic In Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseExpoIn",
description = "Ease: Exponential In",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseExpoOut",
description = "Ease: Exponential Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseExpoInOut",
description = "Ease: Exponential In Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseBackIn",
description = "Ease: Back In",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseBackOut",
description = "Ease: Back Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseBackInOut",
description = "Ease: Back In Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseBounceOut",
description = "Ease: Bounce Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseBounceIn",
description = "Ease: Bounce In",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseBounceInOut",
description = "Ease: Bounce In Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseElasticIn",
description = "Ease: Elastic In",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseElasticOut",
description = "Ease: Elastic Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}
name = "EaseElasticInOut",
description = "Ease: Elastic In Out",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "t"},
{type = "float", name = "b"},
{type = "float", name = "c"},
{type = "float", name = "d"}

raylib-api/reasings.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
Defines found: 4
Define 001: REASINGS_H
Description: NOTE: By default, compile functions as static inline
Define 003: EASEDEF
Value: static inline
Define 004: PI
Name: PI
Value: 3.14159265358979323846
Description: Required as PI is not always defined in math.h
Structures found: 0
Aliases found: 0
Enums found: 0
Callbacks found: 0
Functions found: 28
Function 001: EaseLinearNone() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseLinearNone
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Linear
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 002: EaseLinearIn() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseLinearIn
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Linear In
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 003: EaseLinearOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseLinearOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Linear Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 004: EaseLinearInOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseLinearInOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Linear In Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 005: EaseSineIn() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseSineIn
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Sine In
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 006: EaseSineOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseSineOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Sine Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 007: EaseSineInOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseSineInOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Sine Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 008: EaseCircIn() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseCircIn
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Circular In
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 009: EaseCircOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseCircOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Circular Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 010: EaseCircInOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseCircInOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Circular In Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 011: EaseCubicIn() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseCubicIn
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Cubic In
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 012: EaseCubicOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseCubicOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Cubic Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 013: EaseCubicInOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseCubicInOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Cubic In Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 014: EaseQuadIn() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseQuadIn
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Quadratic In
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 015: EaseQuadOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseQuadOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Quadratic Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 016: EaseQuadInOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseQuadInOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Quadratic In Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 017: EaseExpoIn() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseExpoIn
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Exponential In
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 018: EaseExpoOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseExpoOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Exponential Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 019: EaseExpoInOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseExpoInOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Exponential In Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 020: EaseBackIn() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseBackIn
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Back In
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 021: EaseBackOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseBackOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Back Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 022: EaseBackInOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseBackInOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Back In Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 023: EaseBounceOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseBounceOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Bounce Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 024: EaseBounceIn() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseBounceIn
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Bounce In
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 025: EaseBounceInOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseBounceInOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Bounce In Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 026: EaseElasticIn() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseElasticIn
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Elastic In
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 027: EaseElasticOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseElasticOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Elastic Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)
Function 028: EaseElasticInOut() (4 input parameters)
Name: EaseElasticInOut
Return type: float
Description: Ease: Elastic In Out
Param[1]: t (type: float)
Param[2]: b (type: float)
Param[3]: c (type: float)
Param[4]: d (type: float)

raylib-api/reasings.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
<Defines count="4">
<Define name="REASINGS_H" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="REASINGS_STATIC_INLINE" type="GUARD" value="" desc="NOTE: By default, compile functions as static inline" />
<Define name="EASEDEF" type="UNKNOWN" value="static inline" desc="" />
<Define name="PI" type="FLOAT" value="3.14159265358979323846" desc="Required as PI is not always defined in math.h" />
<Structs count="0">
<Aliases count="0">
<Enums count="0">
<Callbacks count="0">
<Functions count="28">
<Function name="EaseLinearNone" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Linear">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseLinearIn" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Linear In">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseLinearOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Linear Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseLinearInOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Linear In Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseSineIn" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Sine In">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseSineOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Sine Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseSineInOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Sine Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseCircIn" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Circular In">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseCircOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Circular Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseCircInOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Circular In Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseCubicIn" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Cubic In">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseCubicOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Cubic Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseCubicInOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Cubic In Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseQuadIn" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Quadratic In">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseQuadOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Quadratic Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseQuadInOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Quadratic In Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseExpoIn" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Exponential In">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseExpoOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Exponential Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseExpoInOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Exponential In Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseBackIn" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Back In">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseBackOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Back Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseBackInOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Back In Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseBounceOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Bounce Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseBounceIn" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Bounce In">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseBounceInOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Bounce In Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseElasticIn" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Elastic In">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseElasticOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Elastic Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />
<Function name="EaseElasticInOut" retType="float" paramCount="4" desc="Ease: Elastic In Out">
<Param type="float" name="t" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="c" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="d" desc="" />

raylib-api/rlgl.json Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

raylib-api/rlgl.lua Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

raylib-api/rlgl.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

raylib-api/rlgl.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
<Defines count="86">
<Define name="RLGL_H" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RLGL_VERSION" type="STRING" value="4.5" desc="" />
<Define name="RLAPI" type="UNKNOWN" value="__declspec(dllexport)" desc="We are building the library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)" />
<Define name="TRACELOG(level, ...)" type="MACRO" value="(void)0" desc="" />
<Define name="TRACELOGD(...)" type="MACRO" value="(void)0" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_MALLOC(sz)" type="MACRO" value="malloc(sz)" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_CALLOC(n,sz)" type="MACRO" value="calloc(n,sz)" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_REALLOC(n,sz)" type="MACRO" value="realloc(n,sz)" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_FREE(p)" type="MACRO" value="free(p)" desc="" />
<Define name="GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RLGL_RENDER_TEXTURES_HINT" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_BUFFER_ELEMENTS" type="INT" value="8192" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_BUFFERS" type="INT" value="1" desc="Default number of batch buffers (multi-buffering)" />
<Define name="RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_DRAWCALLS" type="INT" value="256" desc="Default number of batch draw calls (by state changes: mode, texture)" />
<Define name="RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS" type="INT" value="4" desc="Maximum number of textures units that can be activated on batch drawing (SetShaderValueTexture())" />
<Define name="RL_MAX_MATRIX_STACK_SIZE" type="INT" value="32" desc="Maximum size of Matrix stack" />
<Define name="RL_MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS" type="INT" value="32" desc="Maximum number of shader locations supported" />
<Define name="RL_CULL_DISTANCE_NEAR" type="DOUBLE" value="0.01" desc="Default near cull distance" />
<Define name="RL_CULL_DISTANCE_FAR" type="DOUBLE" value="1000.0" desc="Default far cull distance" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S" type="INT" value="0x2802" desc="GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T" type="INT" value="0x2803" desc="GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER" type="INT" value="0x2800" desc="GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER" type="INT" value="0x2801" desc="GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST" type="INT" value="0x2600" desc="GL_NEAREST" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR" type="INT" value="0x2601" desc="GL_LINEAR" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_MIP_NEAREST" type="INT" value="0x2700" desc="GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST_MIP_LINEAR" type="INT" value="0x2702" desc="GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIP_NEAREST" type="INT" value="0x2701" desc="GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_MIP_LINEAR" type="INT" value="0x2703" desc="GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_ANISOTROPIC" type="INT" value="0x3000" desc="Anisotropic filter (custom identifier)" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_MIPMAP_BIAS_RATIO" type="INT" value="0x4000" desc="Texture mipmap bias, percentage ratio (custom identifier)" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT" type="INT" value="0x2901" desc="GL_REPEAT" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_CLAMP" type="INT" value="0x812F" desc="GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_MIRROR_REPEAT" type="INT" value="0x8370" desc="GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_MIRROR_CLAMP" type="INT" value="0x8742" desc="GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_EXT" />
<Define name="RL_MODELVIEW" type="INT" value="0x1700" desc="GL_MODELVIEW" />
<Define name="RL_PROJECTION" type="INT" value="0x1701" desc="GL_PROJECTION" />
<Define name="RL_TEXTURE" type="INT" value="0x1702" desc="GL_TEXTURE" />
<Define name="RL_LINES" type="INT" value="0x0001" desc="GL_LINES" />
<Define name="RL_TRIANGLES" type="INT" value="0x0004" desc="GL_TRIANGLES" />
<Define name="RL_QUADS" type="INT" value="0x0007" desc="GL_QUADS" />
<Define name="RL_UNSIGNED_BYTE" type="INT" value="0x1401" desc="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE" />
<Define name="RL_FLOAT" type="INT" value="0x1406" desc="GL_FLOAT" />
<Define name="RL_STREAM_DRAW" type="INT" value="0x88E0" desc="GL_STREAM_DRAW" />
<Define name="RL_STREAM_READ" type="INT" value="0x88E1" desc="GL_STREAM_READ" />
<Define name="RL_STREAM_COPY" type="INT" value="0x88E2" desc="GL_STREAM_COPY" />
<Define name="RL_STATIC_DRAW" type="INT" value="0x88E4" desc="GL_STATIC_DRAW" />
<Define name="RL_STATIC_READ" type="INT" value="0x88E5" desc="GL_STATIC_READ" />
<Define name="RL_STATIC_COPY" type="INT" value="0x88E6" desc="GL_STATIC_COPY" />
<Define name="RL_DYNAMIC_DRAW" type="INT" value="0x88E8" desc="GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW" />
<Define name="RL_DYNAMIC_READ" type="INT" value="0x88E9" desc="GL_DYNAMIC_READ" />
<Define name="RL_DYNAMIC_COPY" type="INT" value="0x88EA" desc="GL_DYNAMIC_COPY" />
<Define name="RL_FRAGMENT_SHADER" type="INT" value="0x8B30" desc="GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER" />
<Define name="RL_VERTEX_SHADER" type="INT" value="0x8B31" desc="GL_VERTEX_SHADER" />
<Define name="RL_COMPUTE_SHADER" type="INT" value="0x91B9" desc="GL_COMPUTE_SHADER" />
<Define name="RL_ZERO" type="INT" value="0" desc="GL_ZERO" />
<Define name="RL_ONE" type="INT" value="1" desc="GL_ONE" />
<Define name="RL_SRC_COLOR" type="INT" value="0x0300" desc="GL_SRC_COLOR" />
<Define name="RL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR" type="INT" value="0x0301" desc="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR" />
<Define name="RL_SRC_ALPHA" type="INT" value="0x0302" desc="GL_SRC_ALPHA" />
<Define name="RL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA" type="INT" value="0x0303" desc="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA" />
<Define name="RL_DST_ALPHA" type="INT" value="0x0304" desc="GL_DST_ALPHA" />
<Define name="RL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA" type="INT" value="0x0305" desc="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA" />
<Define name="RL_DST_COLOR" type="INT" value="0x0306" desc="GL_DST_COLOR" />
<Define name="RL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR" type="INT" value="0x0307" desc="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR" />
<Define name="RL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE" type="INT" value="0x0308" desc="GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE" />
<Define name="RL_CONSTANT_COLOR" type="INT" value="0x8001" desc="GL_CONSTANT_COLOR" />
<Define name="RL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR" type="INT" value="0x8002" desc="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR" />
<Define name="RL_CONSTANT_ALPHA" type="INT" value="0x8003" desc="GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA" />
<Define name="RL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA" type="INT" value="0x8004" desc="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA" />
<Define name="RL_FUNC_ADD" type="INT" value="0x8006" desc="GL_FUNC_ADD" />
<Define name="RL_MIN" type="INT" value="0x8007" desc="GL_MIN" />
<Define name="RL_MAX" type="INT" value="0x8008" desc="GL_MAX" />
<Define name="RL_FUNC_SUBTRACT" type="INT" value="0x800A" desc="GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT" />
<Define name="RL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT" type="INT" value="0x800B" desc="GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT" />
<Define name="RL_BLEND_EQUATION" type="INT" value="0x8009" desc="GL_BLEND_EQUATION" />
<Define name="RL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB" type="INT" value="0x8009" desc="GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB // (Same as BLEND_EQUATION)" />
<Define name="RL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA" type="INT" value="0x883D" desc="GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA" />
<Define name="RL_BLEND_DST_RGB" type="INT" value="0x80C8" desc="GL_BLEND_DST_RGB" />
<Define name="RL_BLEND_SRC_RGB" type="INT" value="0x80C9" desc="GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB" />
<Define name="RL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA" type="INT" value="0x80CA" desc="GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA" />
<Define name="RL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA" type="INT" value="0x80CB" desc="GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA" />
<Define name="RL_BLEND_COLOR" type="INT" value="0x8005" desc="GL_BLEND_COLOR" />
<Define name="RL_MATRIX_TYPE" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_DIFFUSE" type="UNKNOWN" value="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_ALBEDO" desc="" />
<Structs count="4">
<Struct name="Matrix" fieldCount="16" desc="Matrix, 4x4 components, column major, OpenGL style, right handed">
<Field type="float" name="m0" desc="Matrix first row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m4" desc="Matrix first row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m8" desc="Matrix first row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m12" desc="Matrix first row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m1" desc="Matrix second row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m5" desc="Matrix second row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m9" desc="Matrix second row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m13" desc="Matrix second row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m2" desc="Matrix third row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m6" desc="Matrix third row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m10" desc="Matrix third row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m14" desc="Matrix third row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m3" desc="Matrix fourth row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m7" desc="Matrix fourth row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m11" desc="Matrix fourth row (4 components)" />
<Field type="float" name="m15" desc="Matrix fourth row (4 components)" />
<Struct name="rlVertexBuffer" fieldCount="12" desc="Dynamic vertex buffers (position + texcoords + colors + indices arrays)">
<Field type="int" name="elementCount" desc="Number of elements in the buffer (QUADS)" />
<Field type="float *" name="vertices" desc="Vertex position (XYZ - 3 components per vertex) (shader-location = 0)" />
<Field type="float *" name="texcoords" desc="Vertex texture coordinates (UV - 2 components per vertex) (shader-location = 1)" />
<Field type="unsigned char *" name="colors" desc="Vertex colors (RGBA - 4 components per vertex) (shader-location = 3)" />
<Field type="#if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11) || defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENunsigned int *" name="indices" desc="Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) (6 indices per quad)" />
<Field type="unsigned int *" name="indices" desc="Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) (6 indices per quad)" />
<Field type="#endif" name="indices" desc="Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) (6 indices per quad)" />
<Field type="#if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2)" name="indices" desc="Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) (6 indices per quad)" />
<Field type="unsigned short *" name="indices" desc="Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) (6 indices per quad)" />
<Field type="#endif" name="vaoId" desc="OpenGL Vertex Array Object id" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="vaoId" desc="OpenGL Vertex Array Object id" />
<Field type="unsigned int[4]" name="vboId" desc="OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects id (4 types of vertex data)" />
<Struct name="rlDrawCall" fieldCount="4" desc="of those state-change happens (this is done in core module)">
<Field type="int" name="mode" desc="Drawing mode: LINES, TRIANGLES, QUADS" />
<Field type="int" name="vertexCount" desc="Number of vertex of the draw" />
<Field type="int" name="vertexAlignment" desc="Number of vertex required for index alignment (LINES, TRIANGLES)" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="textureId" desc="Texture id to be used on the draw -> Use to create new draw call if changes" />
<Struct name="rlRenderBatch" fieldCount="6" desc="rlRenderBatch type">
<Field type="int" name="bufferCount" desc="Number of vertex buffers (multi-buffering support)" />
<Field type="int" name="currentBuffer" desc="Current buffer tracking in case of multi-buffering" />
<Field type="rlVertexBuffer *" name="vertexBuffer" desc="Dynamic buffer(s) for vertex data" />
<Field type="rlDrawCall *" name="draws" desc="Draw calls array, depends on textureId" />
<Field type="int" name="drawCounter" desc="Draw calls counter" />
<Field type="float" name="currentDepth" desc="Current depth value for next draw" />
<Aliases count="0">
<Enums count="11">
<Enum name="rlGlVersion" valueCount="5" desc="OpenGL version">
<Value name="RL_OPENGL_11" integer="1" desc="OpenGL 1.1" />
<Value name="RL_OPENGL_21" integer="2" desc="OpenGL 2.1 (GLSL 120)" />
<Value name="RL_OPENGL_33" integer="3" desc="OpenGL 3.3 (GLSL 330)" />
<Value name="RL_OPENGL_43" integer="4" desc="OpenGL 4.3 (using GLSL 330)" />
<Value name="RL_OPENGL_ES_20" integer="5" desc="OpenGL ES 2.0 (GLSL 100)" />
<Enum name="rlTraceLogLevel" valueCount="8" desc="Trace log level">
<Value name="RL_LOG_ALL" integer="0" desc="Display all logs" />
<Value name="RL_LOG_TRACE" integer="1" desc="Trace logging, intended for internal use only" />
<Value name="RL_LOG_DEBUG" integer="2" desc="Debug logging, used for internal debugging, it should be disabled on release builds" />
<Value name="RL_LOG_INFO" integer="3" desc="Info logging, used for program execution info" />
<Value name="RL_LOG_WARNING" integer="4" desc="Warning logging, used on recoverable failures" />
<Value name="RL_LOG_ERROR" integer="5" desc="Error logging, used on unrecoverable failures" />
<Value name="RL_LOG_FATAL" integer="6" desc="Fatal logging, used to abort program: exit(EXIT_FAILURE)" />
<Value name="RL_LOG_NONE" integer="7" desc="Disable logging" />
<Enum name="rlPixelFormat" valueCount="21" desc="Texture pixel formats">
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_GRAYSCALE" integer="1" desc="8 bit per pixel (no alpha)" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA" integer="2" desc="8*2 bpp (2 channels)" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R5G6B5" integer="3" desc="16 bpp" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8" integer="4" desc="24 bpp" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R5G5B5A1" integer="5" desc="16 bpp (1 bit alpha)" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R4G4B4A4" integer="6" desc="16 bpp (4 bit alpha)" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8" integer="7" desc="32 bpp" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R32" integer="8" desc="32 bpp (1 channel - float)" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32" integer="9" desc="32*3 bpp (3 channels - float)" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32A32" integer="10" desc="32*4 bpp (4 channels - float)" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGB" integer="11" desc="4 bpp (no alpha)" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGBA" integer="12" desc="4 bpp (1 bit alpha)" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_DXT3_RGBA" integer="13" desc="8 bpp" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_DXT5_RGBA" integer="14" desc="8 bpp" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB" integer="15" desc="4 bpp" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_ETC2_RGB" integer="16" desc="4 bpp" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_ETC2_EAC_RGBA" integer="17" desc="8 bpp" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_PVRT_RGB" integer="18" desc="4 bpp" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_PVRT_RGBA" integer="19" desc="4 bpp" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_ASTC_4x4_RGBA" integer="20" desc="8 bpp" />
<Value name="RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_ASTC_8x8_RGBA" integer="21" desc="2 bpp" />
<Enum name="rlTextureFilter" valueCount="6" desc="Texture parameters: filter mode">
<Value name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT" integer="0" desc="No filter, just pixel approximation" />
<Value name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_BILINEAR" integer="1" desc="Linear filtering" />
<Value name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_TRILINEAR" integer="2" desc="Trilinear filtering (linear with mipmaps)" />
<Value name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_ANISOTROPIC_4X" integer="3" desc="Anisotropic filtering 4x" />
<Value name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_ANISOTROPIC_8X" integer="4" desc="Anisotropic filtering 8x" />
<Value name="RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_ANISOTROPIC_16X" integer="5" desc="Anisotropic filtering 16x" />
<Enum name="rlBlendMode" valueCount="8" desc="Color blending modes (pre-defined)">
<Value name="RL_BLEND_ALPHA" integer="0" desc="Blend textures considering alpha (default)" />
<Value name="RL_BLEND_ADDITIVE" integer="1" desc="Blend textures adding colors" />
<Value name="RL_BLEND_MULTIPLIED" integer="2" desc="Blend textures multiplying colors" />
<Value name="RL_BLEND_ADD_COLORS" integer="3" desc="Blend textures adding colors (alternative)" />
<Value name="RL_BLEND_SUBTRACT_COLORS" integer="4" desc="Blend textures subtracting colors (alternative)" />
<Value name="RL_BLEND_ALPHA_PREMULTIPLY" integer="5" desc="Blend premultiplied textures considering alpha" />
<Value name="RL_BLEND_CUSTOM" integer="6" desc="Blend textures using custom src/dst factors (use rlSetBlendFactors())" />
<Value name="RL_BLEND_CUSTOM_SEPARATE" integer="7" desc="Blend textures using custom src/dst factors (use rlSetBlendFactorsSeparate())" />
<Enum name="rlShaderLocationIndex" valueCount="26" desc="Shader location point type">
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_POSITION" integer="0" desc="Shader location: vertex attribute: position" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_TEXCOORD01" integer="1" desc="Shader location: vertex attribute: texcoord01" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_TEXCOORD02" integer="2" desc="Shader location: vertex attribute: texcoord02" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_NORMAL" integer="3" desc="Shader location: vertex attribute: normal" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_TANGENT" integer="4" desc="Shader location: vertex attribute: tangent" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_COLOR" integer="5" desc="Shader location: vertex attribute: color" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_MVP" integer="6" desc="Shader location: matrix uniform: model-view-projection" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_VIEW" integer="7" desc="Shader location: matrix uniform: view (camera transform)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_PROJECTION" integer="8" desc="Shader location: matrix uniform: projection" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_MODEL" integer="9" desc="Shader location: matrix uniform: model (transform)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_NORMAL" integer="10" desc="Shader location: matrix uniform: normal" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_VECTOR_VIEW" integer="11" desc="Shader location: vector uniform: view" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_COLOR_DIFFUSE" integer="12" desc="Shader location: vector uniform: diffuse color" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_COLOR_SPECULAR" integer="13" desc="Shader location: vector uniform: specular color" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_COLOR_AMBIENT" integer="14" desc="Shader location: vector uniform: ambient color" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_ALBEDO" integer="15" desc="Shader location: sampler2d texture: albedo (same as: RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_DIFFUSE)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_METALNESS" integer="16" desc="Shader location: sampler2d texture: metalness (same as: RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_SPECULAR)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_NORMAL" integer="17" desc="Shader location: sampler2d texture: normal" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_ROUGHNESS" integer="18" desc="Shader location: sampler2d texture: roughness" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_OCCLUSION" integer="19" desc="Shader location: sampler2d texture: occlusion" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_EMISSION" integer="20" desc="Shader location: sampler2d texture: emission" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_HEIGHT" integer="21" desc="Shader location: sampler2d texture: height" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_CUBEMAP" integer="22" desc="Shader location: samplerCube texture: cubemap" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_IRRADIANCE" integer="23" desc="Shader location: samplerCube texture: irradiance" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_PREFILTER" integer="24" desc="Shader location: samplerCube texture: prefilter" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_BRDF" integer="25" desc="Shader location: sampler2d texture: brdf" />
<Enum name="rlShaderUniformDataType" valueCount="9" desc="Shader uniform data type">
<Value name="RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT" integer="0" desc="Shader uniform type: float" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_VEC2" integer="1" desc="Shader uniform type: vec2 (2 float)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_VEC3" integer="2" desc="Shader uniform type: vec3 (3 float)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_VEC4" integer="3" desc="Shader uniform type: vec4 (4 float)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_INT" integer="4" desc="Shader uniform type: int" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_IVEC2" integer="5" desc="Shader uniform type: ivec2 (2 int)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_IVEC3" integer="6" desc="Shader uniform type: ivec3 (3 int)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_IVEC4" integer="7" desc="Shader uniform type: ivec4 (4 int)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_SAMPLER2D" integer="8" desc="Shader uniform type: sampler2d" />
<Enum name="rlShaderAttributeDataType" valueCount="4" desc="Shader attribute data types">
<Value name="RL_SHADER_ATTRIB_FLOAT" integer="0" desc="Shader attribute type: float" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_ATTRIB_VEC2" integer="1" desc="Shader attribute type: vec2 (2 float)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_ATTRIB_VEC3" integer="2" desc="Shader attribute type: vec3 (3 float)" />
<Value name="RL_SHADER_ATTRIB_VEC4" integer="3" desc="Shader attribute type: vec4 (4 float)" />
<Enum name="rlFramebufferAttachType" valueCount="10" desc="Framebuffer attachment type">
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL0" integer="0" desc="Framebuffer attachment type: color 0" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL1" integer="1" desc="Framebuffer attachment type: color 1" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL2" integer="2" desc="Framebuffer attachment type: color 2" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL3" integer="3" desc="Framebuffer attachment type: color 3" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL4" integer="4" desc="Framebuffer attachment type: color 4" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL5" integer="5" desc="Framebuffer attachment type: color 5" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL6" integer="6" desc="Framebuffer attachment type: color 6" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL7" integer="7" desc="Framebuffer attachment type: color 7" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH" integer="100" desc="Framebuffer attachment type: depth" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL" integer="200" desc="Framebuffer attachment type: stencil" />
<Enum name="rlFramebufferAttachTextureType" valueCount="8" desc="Framebuffer texture attachment type">
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_POSITIVE_X" integer="0" desc="Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, +X side" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVE_X" integer="1" desc="Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, -X side" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_POSITIVE_Y" integer="2" desc="Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, +Y side" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVE_Y" integer="3" desc="Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, -Y side" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_POSITIVE_Z" integer="4" desc="Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, +Z side" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVE_Z" integer="5" desc="Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, -Z side" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE2D" integer="100" desc="Framebuffer texture attachment type: texture2d" />
<Value name="RL_ATTACHMENT_RENDERBUFFER" integer="200" desc="Framebuffer texture attachment type: renderbuffer" />
<Enum name="rlCullMode" valueCount="2" desc="Face culling mode">
<Value name="RL_CULL_FACE_FRONT" integer="0" desc="" />
<Value name="RL_CULL_FACE_BACK" integer="1" desc="" />
<Callbacks count="0">
<Functions count="147">
<Function name="rlMatrixMode" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Choose the current matrix to be transformed">
<Param type="int" name="mode" desc="" />
<Function name="rlPushMatrix" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Push the current matrix to stack">
<Function name="rlPopMatrix" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Pop latest inserted matrix from stack">
<Function name="rlLoadIdentity" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Reset current matrix to identity matrix">
<Function name="rlTranslatef" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="Multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix">
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Function name="rlRotatef" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix">
<Param type="float" name="angle" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Function name="rlScalef" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="Multiply the current matrix by a scaling matrix">
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Function name="rlMultMatrixf" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Multiply the current matrix by another matrix">
<Param type="const float *" name="matf" desc="" />
<Function name="rlFrustum" retType="void" paramCount="6" desc="">
<Param type="double" name="left" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="right" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="bottom" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="top" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="znear" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="zfar" desc="" />
<Function name="rlOrtho" retType="void" paramCount="6" desc="">
<Param type="double" name="left" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="right" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="bottom" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="top" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="znear" desc="" />
<Param type="double" name="zfar" desc="" />
<Function name="rlViewport" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Set the viewport area">
<Param type="int" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="y" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Function name="rlBegin" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Initialize drawing mode (how to organize vertex)">
<Param type="int" name="mode" desc="" />
<Function name="rlEnd" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Finish vertex providing">
<Function name="rlVertex2i" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Define one vertex (position) - 2 int">
<Param type="int" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="y" desc="" />
<Function name="rlVertex2f" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Define one vertex (position) - 2 float">
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Function name="rlVertex3f" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="Define one vertex (position) - 3 float">
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Function name="rlTexCoord2f" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Define one vertex (texture coordinate) - 2 float">
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Function name="rlNormal3f" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="Define one vertex (normal) - 3 float">
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Function name="rlColor4ub" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Define one vertex (color) - 4 byte">
<Param type="unsigned char" name="r" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned char" name="g" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned char" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned char" name="a" desc="" />
<Function name="rlColor3f" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="Define one vertex (color) - 3 float">
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Function name="rlColor4f" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Define one vertex (color) - 4 float">
<Param type="float" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="y" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="z" desc="" />
<Param type="float" name="w" desc="" />
<Function name="rlEnableVertexArray" retType="bool" paramCount="1" desc="Enable vertex array (VAO, if supported)">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="vaoId" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDisableVertexArray" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable vertex array (VAO, if supported)">
<Function name="rlEnableVertexBuffer" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Enable vertex buffer (VBO)">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDisableVertexBuffer" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable vertex buffer (VBO)">
<Function name="rlEnableVertexBufferElement" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Enable vertex buffer element (VBO element)">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDisableVertexBufferElement" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable vertex buffer element (VBO element)">
<Function name="rlEnableVertexAttribute" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Enable vertex attribute index">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="index" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDisableVertexAttribute" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Disable vertex attribute index">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="index" desc="" />
<Function name="rlEnableStatePointer" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Enable attribute state pointer">
<Param type="int" name="vertexAttribType" desc="" />
<Param type="void *" name="buffer" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDisableStatePointer" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Disable attribute state pointer">
<Param type="int" name="vertexAttribType" desc="" />
<Function name="rlActiveTextureSlot" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Select and active a texture slot">
<Param type="int" name="slot" desc="" />
<Function name="rlEnableTexture" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Enable texture">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDisableTexture" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable texture">
<Function name="rlEnableTextureCubemap" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Enable texture cubemap">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDisableTextureCubemap" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable texture cubemap">
<Function name="rlTextureParameters" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="Set texture parameters (filter, wrap)">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="param" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="value" desc="" />
<Function name="rlCubemapParameters" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="Set cubemap parameters (filter, wrap)">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="param" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="value" desc="" />
<Function name="rlEnableShader" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Enable shader program">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDisableShader" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable shader program">
<Function name="rlEnableFramebuffer" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Enable render texture (fbo)">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDisableFramebuffer" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable render texture (fbo), return to default framebuffer">
<Function name="rlActiveDrawBuffers" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Activate multiple draw color buffers">
<Param type="int" name="count" desc="" />
<Function name="rlEnableColorBlend" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Enable color blending">
<Function name="rlDisableColorBlend" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable color blending">
<Function name="rlEnableDepthTest" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Enable depth test">
<Function name="rlDisableDepthTest" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable depth test">
<Function name="rlEnableDepthMask" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Enable depth write">
<Function name="rlDisableDepthMask" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable depth write">
<Function name="rlEnableBackfaceCulling" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Enable backface culling">
<Function name="rlDisableBackfaceCulling" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable backface culling">
<Function name="rlSetCullFace" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set face culling mode">
<Param type="int" name="mode" desc="" />
<Function name="rlEnableScissorTest" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Enable scissor test">
<Function name="rlDisableScissorTest" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable scissor test">
<Function name="rlScissor" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Scissor test">
<Param type="int" name="x" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="y" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Function name="rlEnableWireMode" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Enable wire mode">
<Function name="rlDisableWireMode" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable wire mode">
<Function name="rlSetLineWidth" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set the line drawing width">
<Param type="float" name="width" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGetLineWidth" retType="float" paramCount="0" desc="Get the line drawing width">
<Function name="rlEnableSmoothLines" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Enable line aliasing">
<Function name="rlDisableSmoothLines" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable line aliasing">
<Function name="rlEnableStereoRender" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Enable stereo rendering">
<Function name="rlDisableStereoRender" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Disable stereo rendering">
<Function name="rlIsStereoRenderEnabled" retType="bool" paramCount="0" desc="Check if stereo render is enabled">
<Function name="rlClearColor" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Clear color buffer with color">
<Param type="unsigned char" name="r" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned char" name="g" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned char" name="b" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned char" name="a" desc="" />
<Function name="rlClearScreenBuffers" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Clear used screen buffers (color and depth)">
<Function name="rlCheckErrors" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Check and log OpenGL error codes">
<Function name="rlSetBlendMode" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set blending mode">
<Param type="int" name="mode" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetBlendFactors" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="Set blending mode factor and equation (using OpenGL factors)">
<Param type="int" name="glSrcFactor" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="glDstFactor" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="glEquation" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetBlendFactorsSeparate" retType="void" paramCount="6" desc="Set blending mode factors and equations separately (using OpenGL factors)">
<Param type="int" name="glSrcRGB" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="glDstRGB" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="glSrcAlpha" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="glDstAlpha" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="glEqRGB" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="glEqAlpha" desc="" />
<Function name="rlglInit" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Initialize rlgl (buffers, shaders, textures, states)">
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Function name="rlglClose" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="De-initialize rlgl (buffers, shaders, textures)">
<Function name="rlLoadExtensions" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Load OpenGL extensions (loader function required)">
<Param type="void *" name="loader" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGetVersion" retType="int" paramCount="0" desc="Get current OpenGL version">
<Function name="rlSetFramebufferWidth" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set current framebuffer width">
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGetFramebufferWidth" retType="int" paramCount="0" desc="Get default framebuffer width">
<Function name="rlSetFramebufferHeight" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set current framebuffer height">
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGetFramebufferHeight" retType="int" paramCount="0" desc="Get default framebuffer height">
<Function name="rlGetTextureIdDefault" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="0" desc="Get default texture id">
<Function name="rlGetShaderIdDefault" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="0" desc="Get default shader id">
<Function name="rlGetShaderLocsDefault" retType="int *" paramCount="0" desc="Get default shader locations">
<Function name="rlLoadRenderBatch" retType="rlRenderBatch" paramCount="2" desc="Load a render batch system">
<Param type="int" name="numBuffers" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="bufferElements" desc="" />
<Function name="rlUnloadRenderBatch" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Unload render batch system">
<Param type="rlRenderBatch" name="batch" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDrawRenderBatch" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Draw render batch data (Update->Draw->Reset)">
<Param type="rlRenderBatch *" name="batch" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetRenderBatchActive" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set the active render batch for rlgl (NULL for default internal)">
<Param type="rlRenderBatch *" name="batch" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDrawRenderBatchActive" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Update and draw internal render batch">
<Function name="rlCheckRenderBatchLimit" retType="bool" paramCount="1" desc="Check internal buffer overflow for a given number of vertex">
<Param type="int" name="vCount" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetTexture" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set current texture for render batch and check buffers limits">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlLoadVertexArray" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="0" desc="Load vertex array (vao) if supported">
<Function name="rlLoadVertexBuffer" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="3" desc="Load a vertex buffer attribute">
<Param type="const void *" name="buffer" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="size" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="dynamic" desc="" />
<Function name="rlLoadVertexBufferElement" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="3" desc="Load a new attributes element buffer">
<Param type="const void *" name="buffer" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="size" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="dynamic" desc="" />
<Function name="rlUpdateVertexBuffer" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Update GPU buffer with new data">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="bufferId" desc="" />
<Param type="const void *" name="data" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="dataSize" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="offset" desc="" />
<Function name="rlUpdateVertexBufferElements" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Update vertex buffer elements with new data">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Param type="const void *" name="data" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="dataSize" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="offset" desc="" />
<Function name="rlUnloadVertexArray" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="vaoId" desc="" />
<Function name="rlUnloadVertexBuffer" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="vboId" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetVertexAttribute" retType="void" paramCount="6" desc="">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="index" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="compSize" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="type" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="normalized" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="stride" desc="" />
<Param type="const void *" name="pointer" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetVertexAttributeDivisor" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="index" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="divisor" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetVertexAttributeDefault" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Set vertex attribute default value">
<Param type="int" name="locIndex" desc="" />
<Param type="const void *" name="value" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="attribType" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="count" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDrawVertexArray" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="int" name="offset" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="count" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDrawVertexArrayElements" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="int" name="offset" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="count" desc="" />
<Param type="const void *" name="buffer" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDrawVertexArrayInstanced" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="int" name="offset" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="count" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="instances" desc="" />
<Function name="rlDrawVertexArrayElementsInstanced" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="">
<Param type="int" name="offset" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="count" desc="" />
<Param type="const void *" name="buffer" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="instances" desc="" />
<Function name="rlLoadTexture" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="5" desc="Load texture in GPU">
<Param type="const void *" name="data" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="format" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="mipmapCount" desc="" />
<Function name="rlLoadTextureDepth" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="3" desc="Load depth texture/renderbuffer (to be attached to fbo)">
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="useRenderBuffer" desc="" />
<Function name="rlLoadTextureCubemap" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="3" desc="Load texture cubemap">
<Param type="const void *" name="data" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="size" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="format" desc="" />
<Function name="rlUpdateTexture" retType="void" paramCount="7" desc="Update GPU texture with new data">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="offsetX" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="offsetY" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="format" desc="" />
<Param type="const void *" name="data" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGetGlTextureFormats" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Get OpenGL internal formats">
<Param type="int" name="format" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int *" name="glInternalFormat" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int *" name="glFormat" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int *" name="glType" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGetPixelFormatName" retType="const char *" paramCount="1" desc="Get name string for pixel format">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="format" desc="" />
<Function name="rlUnloadTexture" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Unload texture from GPU memory">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGenTextureMipmaps" retType="void" paramCount="5" desc="Generate mipmap data for selected texture">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="format" desc="" />
<Param type="int *" name="mipmaps" desc="" />
<Function name="rlReadTexturePixels" retType="void *" paramCount="4" desc="Read texture pixel data">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="format" desc="" />
<Function name="rlReadScreenPixels" retType="unsigned char *" paramCount="2" desc="Read screen pixel data (color buffer)">
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Function name="rlLoadFramebuffer" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="2" desc="Load an empty framebuffer">
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Function name="rlFramebufferAttach" retType="void" paramCount="5" desc="Attach texture/renderbuffer to a framebuffer">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="fboId" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="texId" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="attachType" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="texType" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="mipLevel" desc="" />
<Function name="rlFramebufferComplete" retType="bool" paramCount="1" desc="Verify framebuffer is complete">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlUnloadFramebuffer" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Delete framebuffer from GPU">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlLoadShaderCode" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="2" desc="Load shader from code strings">
<Param type="const char *" name="vsCode" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="fsCode" desc="" />
<Function name="rlCompileShader" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="2" desc="Compile custom shader and return shader id (type: RL_VERTEX_SHADER, RL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, RL_COMPUTE_SHADER)">
<Param type="const char *" name="shaderCode" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="type" desc="" />
<Function name="rlLoadShaderProgram" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="2" desc="Load custom shader program">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="vShaderId" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="fShaderId" desc="" />
<Function name="rlUnloadShaderProgram" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Unload shader program">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGetLocationUniform" retType="int" paramCount="2" desc="Get shader location uniform">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="shaderId" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="uniformName" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGetLocationAttrib" retType="int" paramCount="2" desc="Get shader location attribute">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="shaderId" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="attribName" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetUniform" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Set shader value uniform">
<Param type="int" name="locIndex" desc="" />
<Param type="const void *" name="value" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="uniformType" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="count" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetUniformMatrix" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Set shader value matrix">
<Param type="int" name="locIndex" desc="" />
<Param type="Matrix" name="mat" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetUniformSampler" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Set shader value sampler">
<Param type="int" name="locIndex" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="textureId" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetShader" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Set shader currently active (id and locations)">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Param type="int *" name="locs" desc="" />
<Function name="rlLoadComputeShaderProgram" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="1" desc="Load compute shader program">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="shaderId" desc="" />
<Function name="rlComputeShaderDispatch" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="Dispatch compute shader (equivalent to *draw* for graphics pipeline)">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="groupX" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="groupY" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="groupZ" desc="" />
<Function name="rlLoadShaderBuffer" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="3" desc="Load shader storage buffer object (SSBO)">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="size" desc="" />
<Param type="const void *" name="data" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="usageHint" desc="" />
<Function name="rlUnloadShaderBuffer" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Unload shader storage buffer object (SSBO)">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="ssboId" desc="" />
<Function name="rlUpdateShaderBuffer" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Update SSBO buffer data">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Param type="const void *" name="data" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="dataSize" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="offset" desc="" />
<Function name="rlBindShaderBuffer" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Bind SSBO buffer">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="index" desc="" />
<Function name="rlReadShaderBuffer" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Read SSBO buffer data (GPU->CPU)">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Param type="void *" name="dest" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="count" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="offset" desc="" />
<Function name="rlCopyShaderBuffer" retType="void" paramCount="5" desc="Copy SSBO data between buffers">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="destId" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="srcId" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="destOffset" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="srcOffset" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="count" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGetShaderBufferSize" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="1" desc="Get SSBO buffer size">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Function name="rlBindImageTexture" retType="void" paramCount="4" desc="Bind image texture">
<Param type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int" name="index" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="format" desc="" />
<Param type="bool" name="readonly" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGetMatrixModelview" retType="Matrix" paramCount="0" desc="Get internal modelview matrix">
<Function name="rlGetMatrixProjection" retType="Matrix" paramCount="0" desc="Get internal projection matrix">
<Function name="rlGetMatrixTransform" retType="Matrix" paramCount="0" desc="Get internal accumulated transform matrix">
<Function name="rlGetMatrixProjectionStereo" retType="Matrix" paramCount="1" desc="Get internal projection matrix for stereo render (selected eye)">
<Param type="int" name="eye" desc="" />
<Function name="rlGetMatrixViewOffsetStereo" retType="Matrix" paramCount="1" desc="Get internal view offset matrix for stereo render (selected eye)">
<Param type="int" name="eye" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetMatrixProjection" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set a custom projection matrix (replaces internal projection matrix)">
<Param type="Matrix" name="proj" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetMatrixModelview" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set a custom modelview matrix (replaces internal modelview matrix)">
<Param type="Matrix" name="view" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetMatrixProjectionStereo" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Set eyes projection matrices for stereo rendering">
<Param type="Matrix" name="right" desc="" />
<Param type="Matrix" name="left" desc="" />
<Function name="rlSetMatrixViewOffsetStereo" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="Set eyes view offsets matrices for stereo rendering">
<Param type="Matrix" name="right" desc="" />
<Param type="Matrix" name="left" desc="" />
<Function name="rlLoadDrawCube" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Load and draw a cube">
<Function name="rlLoadDrawQuad" retType="void" paramCount="0" desc="Load and draw a quad">

raylib-api/rmem.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
"defines": [
"name": "RMEM_H",
"type": "GUARD",
"value": "",
"description": ""
"name": "RMEMAPI",
"type": "UNKNOWN",
"value": "__declspec(dllexport)",
"description": "We are building library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)"
"name": "RMEM_VERSION",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "v1.3",
"description": "changelog at bottom of header."
"structs": [
"name": "MemNode",
"description": "Memory pool node",
"fields": [
"type": "size_t",
"name": "size",
"description": ""
"type": "MemNode *",
"name": "next",
"description": ""
"type": "MemNode *",
"name": "prev",
"description": ""
"name": "AllocList",
"description": "Freelist implementation",
"fields": [
"type": "MemNode *",
"name": "head",
"description": ""
"type": "MemNode *",
"name": "tail",
"description": ""
"type": "size_t",
"name": "len",
"description": ""
"name": "Arena",
"description": "Arena allocator",
"fields": [
"type": "uintptr_t",
"name": "mem",
"description": ""
"type": "uintptr_t",
"name": "offs",
"description": ""
"type": "size_t",
"name": "size",
"description": ""
"name": "MemPool",
"description": "Memory pool",
"fields": [
"type": "AllocList",
"name": "large",
"description": ""
"type": "AllocList[MEMPOOL_BUCKET_SIZE]",
"name": "buckets",
"description": ""
"type": "Arena",
"name": "arena",
"description": ""
"name": "ObjPool",
"description": "Object pool",
"fields": [
"type": "uintptr_t",
"name": "mem",
"description": ""
"type": "uintptr_t",
"name": "offs",
"description": ""
"type": "size_t",
"name": "objSize",
"description": ""
"type": "size_t",
"name": "freeBlocks",
"description": ""
"type": "size_t",
"name": "memSize",
"description": ""
"name": "BiStack",
"description": "Double-ended stack (aka Deque)",
"fields": [
"type": "uintptr_t",
"name": "mem",
"description": ""
"type": "uintptr_t",
"name": "front",
"description": ""
"type": "uintptr_t",
"name": "back",
"description": ""
"type": "size_t",
"name": "size",
"description": ""
"aliases": [
"enums": [
"callbacks": [
"functions": [
"name": "CreateMemPool",
"description": "",
"returnType": "MemPool",
"params": [
"type": "size_t",
"name": "bytes"
"name": "CreateMemPoolFromBuffer",
"description": "",
"returnType": "MemPool",
"params": [
"type": "void *",
"name": "buf"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "bytes"
"name": "DestroyMemPool",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "MemPool *",
"name": "mempool"
"name": "MemPoolAlloc",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void *",
"params": [
"type": "MemPool *",
"name": "mempool"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "bytes"
"name": "MemPoolRealloc",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void *",
"params": [
"type": "MemPool *",
"name": "mempool"
"type": "void *",
"name": "ptr"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "bytes"
"name": "MemPoolFree",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "MemPool *",
"name": "mempool"
"type": "void *",
"name": "ptr"
"name": "MemPoolCleanUp",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "MemPool *",
"name": "mempool"
"type": "void **",
"name": "ptrref"
"name": "MemPoolReset",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "MemPool *",
"name": "mempool"
"name": "GetMemPoolFreeMemory",
"description": "",
"returnType": "size_t",
"params": [
"type": "const MemPool",
"name": "mempool"
"name": "CreateObjPool",
"description": "",
"returnType": "ObjPool",
"params": [
"type": "size_t",
"name": "objsize"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "len"
"name": "CreateObjPoolFromBuffer",
"description": "",
"returnType": "ObjPool",
"params": [
"type": "void *",
"name": "buf"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "objsize"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "len"
"name": "DestroyObjPool",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "ObjPool *",
"name": "objpool"
"name": "ObjPoolAlloc",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void *",
"params": [
"type": "ObjPool *",
"name": "objpool"
"name": "ObjPoolFree",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "ObjPool *",
"name": "objpool"
"type": "void *",
"name": "ptr"
"name": "ObjPoolCleanUp",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "ObjPool *",
"name": "objpool"
"type": "void **",
"name": "ptrref"
"name": "CreateBiStack",
"description": "",
"returnType": "BiStack",
"params": [
"type": "size_t",
"name": "len"
"name": "CreateBiStackFromBuffer",
"description": "",
"returnType": "BiStack",
"params": [
"type": "void *",
"name": "buf"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "len"
"name": "DestroyBiStack",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "BiStack *",
"name": "destack"
"name": "BiStackAllocFront",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void *",
"params": [
"type": "BiStack *",
"name": "destack"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "len"
"name": "BiStackAllocBack",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void *",
"params": [
"type": "BiStack *",
"name": "destack"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "len"
"name": "BiStackResetFront",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "BiStack *",
"name": "destack"
"name": "BiStackResetBack",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "BiStack *",
"name": "destack"
"name": "BiStackResetAll",
"description": "",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "BiStack *",
"name": "destack"
"name": "BiStackMargins",
"description": "",
"returnType": "intptr_t",
"params": [
"type": "BiStack",
"name": "destack"

raylib-api/rmem.lua Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
return {
defines = {
name = "RMEM_H",
type = "GUARD",
value = "",
description = ""
name = "RMEMAPI",
type = "UNKNOWN",
value = "__declspec(dllexport)",
description = "We are building library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)"
name = "RMEM_VERSION",
type = "STRING",
value = "v1.3",
description = "changelog at bottom of header."
structs = {
name = "MemNode",
description = "Memory pool node",
fields = {
type = "size_t",
name = "size",
description = ""
type = "MemNode *",
name = "next",
description = ""
type = "MemNode *",
name = "prev",
description = ""
name = "AllocList",
description = "Freelist implementation",
fields = {
type = "MemNode *",
name = "head",
description = ""
type = "MemNode *",
name = "tail",
description = ""
type = "size_t",
name = "len",
description = ""
name = "Arena",
description = "Arena allocator",
fields = {
type = "uintptr_t",
name = "mem",
description = ""
type = "uintptr_t",
name = "offs",
description = ""
type = "size_t",
name = "size",
description = ""
name = "MemPool",
description = "Memory pool",
fields = {
type = "AllocList",
name = "large",
description = ""
type = "AllocList[MEMPOOL_BUCKET_SIZE]",
name = "buckets",
description = ""
type = "Arena",
name = "arena",
description = ""
name = "ObjPool",
description = "Object pool",
fields = {
type = "uintptr_t",
name = "mem",
description = ""
type = "uintptr_t",
name = "offs",
description = ""
type = "size_t",
name = "objSize",
description = ""
type = "size_t",
name = "freeBlocks",
description = ""
type = "size_t",
name = "memSize",
description = ""
name = "BiStack",
description = "Double-ended stack (aka Deque)",
fields = {
type = "uintptr_t",
name = "mem",
description = ""
type = "uintptr_t",
name = "front",
description = ""
type = "uintptr_t",
name = "back",
description = ""
type = "size_t",
name = "size",
description = ""
aliases = {
enums = {
callbacks = {
functions = {
name = "CreateMemPool",
description = "",
returnType = "MemPool",
params = {
{type = "size_t", name = "bytes"}
name = "CreateMemPoolFromBuffer",
description = "",
returnType = "MemPool",
params = {
{type = "void *", name = "buf"},
{type = "size_t", name = "bytes"}
name = "DestroyMemPool",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "MemPool *", name = "mempool"}
name = "MemPoolAlloc",
description = "",
returnType = "void *",
params = {
{type = "MemPool *", name = "mempool"},
{type = "size_t", name = "bytes"}
name = "MemPoolRealloc",
description = "",
returnType = "void *",
params = {
{type = "MemPool *", name = "mempool"},
{type = "void *", name = "ptr"},
{type = "size_t", name = "bytes"}
name = "MemPoolFree",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "MemPool *", name = "mempool"},
{type = "void *", name = "ptr"}
name = "MemPoolCleanUp",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "MemPool *", name = "mempool"},
{type = "void **", name = "ptrref"}
name = "MemPoolReset",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "MemPool *", name = "mempool"}
name = "GetMemPoolFreeMemory",
description = "",
returnType = "size_t",
params = {
{type = "const MemPool", name = "mempool"}
name = "CreateObjPool",
description = "",
returnType = "ObjPool",
params = {
{type = "size_t", name = "objsize"},
{type = "size_t", name = "len"}
name = "CreateObjPoolFromBuffer",
description = "",
returnType = "ObjPool",
params = {
{type = "void *", name = "buf"},
{type = "size_t", name = "objsize"},
{type = "size_t", name = "len"}
name = "DestroyObjPool",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "ObjPool *", name = "objpool"}
name = "ObjPoolAlloc",
description = "",
returnType = "void *",
params = {
{type = "ObjPool *", name = "objpool"}
name = "ObjPoolFree",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "ObjPool *", name = "objpool"},
{type = "void *", name = "ptr"}
name = "ObjPoolCleanUp",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "ObjPool *", name = "objpool"},
{type = "void **", name = "ptrref"}
name = "CreateBiStack",
description = "",
returnType = "BiStack",
params = {
{type = "size_t", name = "len"}
name = "CreateBiStackFromBuffer",
description = "",
returnType = "BiStack",
params = {
{type = "void *", name = "buf"},
{type = "size_t", name = "len"}
name = "DestroyBiStack",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "BiStack *", name = "destack"}
name = "BiStackAllocFront",
description = "",
returnType = "void *",
params = {
{type = "BiStack *", name = "destack"},
{type = "size_t", name = "len"}
name = "BiStackAllocBack",
description = "",
returnType = "void *",
params = {
{type = "BiStack *", name = "destack"},
{type = "size_t", name = "len"}
name = "BiStackResetFront",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "BiStack *", name = "destack"}
name = "BiStackResetBack",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "BiStack *", name = "destack"}
name = "BiStackResetAll",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "BiStack *", name = "destack"}
name = "BiStackMargins",
description = "",
returnType = "intptr_t",
params = {
{type = "BiStack", name = "destack"}

raylib-api/rmem.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
Defines found: 3
Define 001: RMEM_H
Name: RMEM_H
Define 002: RMEMAPI
Value: __declspec(dllexport)
Description: We are building library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)
Define 003: RMEM_VERSION
Value: "v1.3"
Description: changelog at bottom of header.
Structures found: 6
Struct 01: MemNode (3 fields)
Name: MemNode
Description: Memory pool node
Field[1]: size_t size
Field[2]: MemNode * next
Field[3]: MemNode * prev
Struct 02: AllocList (3 fields)
Name: AllocList
Description: Freelist implementation
Field[1]: MemNode * head
Field[2]: MemNode * tail
Field[3]: size_t len
Struct 03: Arena (3 fields)
Name: Arena
Description: Arena allocator
Field[1]: uintptr_t mem
Field[2]: uintptr_t offs
Field[3]: size_t size
Struct 04: MemPool (3 fields)
Name: MemPool
Description: Memory pool
Field[1]: AllocList large
Field[2]: AllocList[MEMPOOL_BUCKET_SIZE] buckets
Field[3]: Arena arena
Struct 05: ObjPool (5 fields)
Name: ObjPool
Description: Object pool
Field[1]: uintptr_t mem
Field[2]: uintptr_t offs
Field[3]: size_t objSize
Field[4]: size_t freeBlocks
Field[5]: size_t memSize
Struct 06: BiStack (4 fields)
Name: BiStack
Description: Double-ended stack (aka Deque)
Field[1]: uintptr_t mem
Field[2]: uintptr_t front
Field[3]: uintptr_t back
Field[4]: size_t size
Aliases found: 0
Enums found: 0
Callbacks found: 0
Functions found: 24
Function 001: CreateMemPool() (1 input parameters)
Name: CreateMemPool
Return type: MemPool
Param[1]: bytes (type: size_t)
Function 002: CreateMemPoolFromBuffer() (2 input parameters)
Name: CreateMemPoolFromBuffer
Return type: MemPool
Param[1]: buf (type: void *)
Param[2]: bytes (type: size_t)
Function 003: DestroyMemPool() (1 input parameters)
Name: DestroyMemPool
Return type: void
Param[1]: mempool (type: MemPool *)
Function 004: MemPoolAlloc() (2 input parameters)
Name: MemPoolAlloc
Return type: void *
Param[1]: mempool (type: MemPool *)
Param[2]: bytes (type: size_t)
Function 005: MemPoolRealloc() (3 input parameters)
Name: MemPoolRealloc
Return type: void *
Param[1]: mempool (type: MemPool *)
Param[2]: ptr (type: void *)
Param[3]: bytes (type: size_t)
Function 006: MemPoolFree() (2 input parameters)
Name: MemPoolFree
Return type: void
Param[1]: mempool (type: MemPool *)
Param[2]: ptr (type: void *)
Function 007: MemPoolCleanUp() (2 input parameters)
Name: MemPoolCleanUp
Return type: void
Param[1]: mempool (type: MemPool *)
Param[2]: ptrref (type: void **)
Function 008: MemPoolReset() (1 input parameters)
Name: MemPoolReset
Return type: void
Param[1]: mempool (type: MemPool *)
Function 009: GetMemPoolFreeMemory() (1 input parameters)
Name: GetMemPoolFreeMemory
Return type: size_t
Param[1]: mempool (type: const MemPool)
Function 010: CreateObjPool() (2 input parameters)
Name: CreateObjPool
Return type: ObjPool
Param[1]: objsize (type: size_t)
Param[2]: len (type: size_t)
Function 011: CreateObjPoolFromBuffer() (3 input parameters)
Name: CreateObjPoolFromBuffer
Return type: ObjPool
Param[1]: buf (type: void *)
Param[2]: objsize (type: size_t)
Param[3]: len (type: size_t)
Function 012: DestroyObjPool() (1 input parameters)
Name: DestroyObjPool
Return type: void
Param[1]: objpool (type: ObjPool *)
Function 013: ObjPoolAlloc() (1 input parameters)
Name: ObjPoolAlloc
Return type: void *
Param[1]: objpool (type: ObjPool *)
Function 014: ObjPoolFree() (2 input parameters)
Name: ObjPoolFree
Return type: void
Param[1]: objpool (type: ObjPool *)
Param[2]: ptr (type: void *)
Function 015: ObjPoolCleanUp() (2 input parameters)
Name: ObjPoolCleanUp
Return type: void
Param[1]: objpool (type: ObjPool *)
Param[2]: ptrref (type: void **)
Function 016: CreateBiStack() (1 input parameters)
Name: CreateBiStack
Return type: BiStack
Param[1]: len (type: size_t)
Function 017: CreateBiStackFromBuffer() (2 input parameters)
Name: CreateBiStackFromBuffer
Return type: BiStack
Param[1]: buf (type: void *)
Param[2]: len (type: size_t)
Function 018: DestroyBiStack() (1 input parameters)
Name: DestroyBiStack
Return type: void
Param[1]: destack (type: BiStack *)
Function 019: BiStackAllocFront() (2 input parameters)
Name: BiStackAllocFront
Return type: void *
Param[1]: destack (type: BiStack *)
Param[2]: len (type: size_t)
Function 020: BiStackAllocBack() (2 input parameters)
Name: BiStackAllocBack
Return type: void *
Param[1]: destack (type: BiStack *)
Param[2]: len (type: size_t)
Function 021: BiStackResetFront() (1 input parameters)
Name: BiStackResetFront
Return type: void
Param[1]: destack (type: BiStack *)
Function 022: BiStackResetBack() (1 input parameters)
Name: BiStackResetBack
Return type: void
Param[1]: destack (type: BiStack *)
Function 023: BiStackResetAll() (1 input parameters)
Name: BiStackResetAll
Return type: void
Param[1]: destack (type: BiStack *)
Function 024: BiStackMargins() (1 input parameters)
Name: BiStackMargins
Return type: intptr_t
Param[1]: destack (type: BiStack)

raylib-api/rmem.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
<Defines count="3">
<Define name="RMEM_H" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RMEMAPI" type="UNKNOWN" value="__declspec(dllexport)" desc="We are building library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)" />
<Define name="RMEM_VERSION" type="STRING" value="v1.3" desc="changelog at bottom of header." />
<Structs count="6">
<Struct name="MemNode" fieldCount="3" desc="Memory pool node">
<Field type="size_t" name="size" desc="" />
<Field type="MemNode *" name="next" desc="" />
<Field type="MemNode *" name="prev" desc="" />
<Struct name="AllocList" fieldCount="3" desc="Freelist implementation">
<Field type="MemNode *" name="head" desc="" />
<Field type="MemNode *" name="tail" desc="" />
<Field type="size_t" name="len" desc="" />
<Struct name="Arena" fieldCount="3" desc="Arena allocator">
<Field type="uintptr_t" name="mem" desc="" />
<Field type="uintptr_t" name="offs" desc="" />
<Field type="size_t" name="size" desc="" />
<Struct name="MemPool" fieldCount="3" desc="Memory pool">
<Field type="AllocList" name="large" desc="" />
<Field type="AllocList[MEMPOOL_BUCKET_SIZE]" name="buckets" desc="" />
<Field type="Arena" name="arena" desc="" />
<Struct name="ObjPool" fieldCount="5" desc="Object pool">
<Field type="uintptr_t" name="mem" desc="" />
<Field type="uintptr_t" name="offs" desc="" />
<Field type="size_t" name="objSize" desc="" />
<Field type="size_t" name="freeBlocks" desc="" />
<Field type="size_t" name="memSize" desc="" />
<Struct name="BiStack" fieldCount="4" desc="Double-ended stack (aka Deque)">
<Field type="uintptr_t" name="mem" desc="" />
<Field type="uintptr_t" name="front" desc="" />
<Field type="uintptr_t" name="back" desc="" />
<Field type="size_t" name="size" desc="" />
<Aliases count="0">
<Enums count="0">
<Callbacks count="0">
<Functions count="24">
<Function name="CreateMemPool" retType="MemPool" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="size_t" name="bytes" desc="" />
<Function name="CreateMemPoolFromBuffer" retType="MemPool" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="void *" name="buf" desc="" />
<Param type="size_t" name="bytes" desc="" />
<Function name="DestroyMemPool" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="MemPool *" name="mempool" desc="" />
<Function name="MemPoolAlloc" retType="void *" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="MemPool *" name="mempool" desc="" />
<Param type="size_t" name="bytes" desc="" />
<Function name="MemPoolRealloc" retType="void *" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="MemPool *" name="mempool" desc="" />
<Param type="void *" name="ptr" desc="" />
<Param type="size_t" name="bytes" desc="" />
<Function name="MemPoolFree" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="MemPool *" name="mempool" desc="" />
<Param type="void *" name="ptr" desc="" />
<Function name="MemPoolCleanUp" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="MemPool *" name="mempool" desc="" />
<Param type="void **" name="ptrref" desc="" />
<Function name="MemPoolReset" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="MemPool *" name="mempool" desc="" />
<Function name="GetMemPoolFreeMemory" retType="size_t" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="const MemPool" name="mempool" desc="" />
<Function name="CreateObjPool" retType="ObjPool" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="size_t" name="objsize" desc="" />
<Param type="size_t" name="len" desc="" />
<Function name="CreateObjPoolFromBuffer" retType="ObjPool" paramCount="3" desc="">
<Param type="void *" name="buf" desc="" />
<Param type="size_t" name="objsize" desc="" />
<Param type="size_t" name="len" desc="" />
<Function name="DestroyObjPool" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="ObjPool *" name="objpool" desc="" />
<Function name="ObjPoolAlloc" retType="void *" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="ObjPool *" name="objpool" desc="" />
<Function name="ObjPoolFree" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="ObjPool *" name="objpool" desc="" />
<Param type="void *" name="ptr" desc="" />
<Function name="ObjPoolCleanUp" retType="void" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="ObjPool *" name="objpool" desc="" />
<Param type="void **" name="ptrref" desc="" />
<Function name="CreateBiStack" retType="BiStack" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="size_t" name="len" desc="" />
<Function name="CreateBiStackFromBuffer" retType="BiStack" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="void *" name="buf" desc="" />
<Param type="size_t" name="len" desc="" />
<Function name="DestroyBiStack" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="BiStack *" name="destack" desc="" />
<Function name="BiStackAllocFront" retType="void *" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="BiStack *" name="destack" desc="" />
<Param type="size_t" name="len" desc="" />
<Function name="BiStackAllocBack" retType="void *" paramCount="2" desc="">
<Param type="BiStack *" name="destack" desc="" />
<Param type="size_t" name="len" desc="" />
<Function name="BiStackResetFront" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="BiStack *" name="destack" desc="" />
<Function name="BiStackResetBack" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="BiStack *" name="destack" desc="" />
<Function name="BiStackResetAll" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="BiStack *" name="destack" desc="" />
<Function name="BiStackMargins" retType="intptr_t" paramCount="1" desc="">
<Param type="BiStack" name="destack" desc="" />

raylib-api/rres.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
"defines": [
"name": "RRES_H",
"type": "GUARD",
"value": "",
"description": ""
"name": "RRESAPI",
"type": "UNKNOWN",
"value": "__declspec(dllexport)",
"description": "We are building the library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)"
"name": "RRES_MALLOC(sz)",
"type": "MACRO",
"value": "malloc(sz)",
"description": ""
"name": "RRES_CALLOC(ptr,sz)",
"type": "MACRO",
"value": "calloc(ptr,sz)",
"description": ""
"name": "RRES_REALLOC(ptr,sz)",
"type": "MACRO",
"value": "realloc(ptr,sz)",
"description": ""
"name": "RRES_FREE(ptr)",
"type": "MACRO",
"value": "free(ptr)",
"description": ""
"type": "GUARD",
"value": "",
"description": ""
"name": "RRES_LOG(...)",
"type": "MACRO",
"value": "printf(__VA_ARGS__)",
"description": ""
"type": "INT",
"value": 1024,
"description": ""
"structs": [
"name": "rresFileHeader",
"description": "rres file header (16 bytes)",
"fields": [
"type": "unsigned char[4]",
"name": "id",
"description": "File identifier: rres"
"type": "unsigned short",
"name": "version",
"description": "File version: 100 for version 1.0"
"type": "unsigned short",
"name": "chunkCount",
"description": "Number of resource chunks in the file (MAX: 65535)"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "cdOffset",
"description": "Central Directory offset in file (0 if not available)"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "reserved",
"description": "<reserved>"
"name": "rresResourceChunkInfo",
"description": "rres resource chunk info header (32 bytes)",
"fields": [
"type": "unsigned char[4]",
"name": "type",
"description": "Resource chunk type (FourCC)"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "id",
"description": "Resource chunk identifier (generated from filename CRC32 hash)"
"type": "unsigned char",
"name": "compType",
"description": "Data compression algorithm"
"type": "unsigned char",
"name": "cipherType",
"description": "Data encription algorithm"
"type": "unsigned short",
"name": "flags",
"description": "Data flags (if required)"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "packedSize",
"description": "Data chunk size (compressed/encrypted + custom data appended)"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "baseSize",
"description": "Data base size (uncompressed/unencrypted)"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "nextOffset",
"description": "Next resource chunk global offset (if resource has multiple chunks)"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "reserved",
"description": "<reserved>"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "crc32",
"description": "Data chunk CRC32 (propCount + props[] + data)"
"name": "rresResourceChunkData",
"description": "rres resource chunk data",
"fields": [
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "propCount",
"description": "Resource chunk properties count"
"type": "unsigned int *",
"name": "props",
"description": "Resource chunk properties"
"type": "void *",
"name": "raw",
"description": "Resource chunk raw data"
"name": "rresResourceChunk",
"description": "rres resource chunk",
"fields": [
"type": "rresResourceChunkInfo",
"name": "info",
"description": "Resource chunk info"
"type": "rresResourceChunkData",
"name": "data",
"description": "Resource chunk packed data, contains propCount, props[] and raw data"
"name": "rresResourceMulti",
"description": "NOTE: It supports multiple resource chunks",
"fields": [
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "count",
"description": "Resource chunks count"
"type": "rresResourceChunk *",
"name": "chunks",
"description": "Resource chunks"
"name": "rresDirEntry",
"description": "CDIR: rres central directory entry",
"fields": [
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "id",
"description": "Resource id"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "offset",
"description": "Resource global offset in file"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "reserved",
"description": "reserved"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "fileNameSize",
"description": "Resource fileName size (NULL terminator and 4-byte alignment padding considered)"
"type": "char[RRES_MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]",
"name": "fileName",
"description": "Resource original fileName (NULL terminated and padded to 4-byte alignment)"
"name": "rresCentralDir",
"description": "NOTE: This data conforms the rresResourceChunkData",
"fields": [
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "count",
"description": "Central directory entries count"
"type": "rresDirEntry *",
"name": "entries",
"description": "Central directory entries"
"name": "rresFontGlyphInfo",
"description": "NOTE: And array of this type conforms the rresResourceChunkData",
"fields": [
"type": "int",
"name": "x",
"description": "Glyph rectangle in the atlas image"
"type": "int",
"name": "y",
"description": "Glyph rectangle in the atlas image"
"type": "int",
"name": "width",
"description": "Glyph rectangle in the atlas image"
"type": "int",
"name": "height",
"description": "Glyph rectangle in the atlas image"
"type": "int",
"name": "value",
"description": "Glyph codepoint value"
"type": "int",
"name": "offsetX",
"description": "Glyph drawing offset (from base line)"
"type": "int",
"name": "offsetY",
"description": "Glyph drawing offset (from base line)"
"type": "int",
"name": "advanceX",
"description": "Glyph advance X for next character"
"aliases": [
"enums": [
"callbacks": [
"functions": [
"name": "rresLoadResourceChunk",
"description": "Load one resource chunk for provided id",
"returnType": "rresResourceChunk",
"params": [
"type": "const char *",
"name": "fileName"
"type": "int",
"name": "rresId"
"name": "rresUnloadResourceChunk",
"description": "Unload resource chunk from memory",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "rresResourceChunk",
"name": "chunk"
"name": "rresLoadResourceMulti",
"description": "Load resource for provided id (multiple resource chunks)",
"returnType": "rresResourceMulti",
"params": [
"type": "const char *",
"name": "fileName"
"type": "int",
"name": "rresId"
"name": "rresUnloadResourceMulti",
"description": "Unload resource from memory (multiple resource chunks)",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "rresResourceMulti",
"name": "multi"
"name": "rresLoadResourceChunkInfo",
"description": "Load resource chunk info for provided id",
"returnType": "rresResourceChunkInfo",
"params": [
"type": "const char *",
"name": "fileName"
"type": "int",
"name": "rresId"
"name": "rresLoadResourceChunkInfoAll",
"description": "Load all resource chunks info",
"returnType": "rresResourceChunkInfo *",
"params": [
"type": "const char *",
"name": "fileName"
"type": "unsigned int *",
"name": "chunkCount"
"name": "rresLoadCentralDirectory",
"description": "Load central directory resource chunk from file",
"returnType": "rresCentralDir",
"params": [
"type": "const char *",
"name": "fileName"
"name": "rresUnloadCentralDirectory",
"description": "Unload central directory resource chunk",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "rresCentralDir",
"name": "dir"
"name": "rresGetDataType",
"description": "Get rresResourceDataType from FourCC code",
"returnType": "unsigned int",
"params": [
"type": "const unsigned char *",
"name": "fourCC"
"name": "rresGetResourceId",
"description": "Get resource id for a provided filename",
"returnType": "int",
"params": [
"type": "rresCentralDir",
"name": "dir"
"type": "const char *",
"name": "fileName"
"name": "rresComputeCRC32",
"description": "Compute CRC32 for provided data",
"returnType": "unsigned int",
"params": [
"type": "unsigned char *",
"name": "data"
"type": "int",
"name": "len"
"name": "rresSetCipherPassword",
"description": "Set password to be used on data decryption",
"returnType": "void",
"params": [
"type": "const char *",
"name": "pass"
"name": "rresGetCipherPassword",
"description": "Get password to be used on data decryption",
"returnType": "const char *"

raylib-api/rres.lua Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
return {
defines = {
name = "RRES_H",
type = "GUARD",
value = "",
description = ""
name = "RRESAPI",
type = "UNKNOWN",
value = "__declspec(dllexport)",
description = "We are building the library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)"
name = "RRES_MALLOC(sz)",
type = "MACRO",
value = "malloc(sz)",
description = ""
name = "RRES_CALLOC(ptr,sz)",
type = "MACRO",
value = "calloc(ptr,sz)",
description = ""
name = "RRES_REALLOC(ptr,sz)",
type = "MACRO",
value = "realloc(ptr,sz)",
description = ""
name = "RRES_FREE(ptr)",
type = "MACRO",
value = "free(ptr)",
description = ""
type = "GUARD",
value = "",
description = ""
name = "RRES_LOG(...)",
type = "MACRO",
value = "printf(__VA_ARGS__)",
description = ""
type = "INT",
value = 1024,
description = ""
structs = {
name = "rresFileHeader",
description = "rres file header (16 bytes)",
fields = {
type = "unsigned char[4]",
name = "id",
description = "File identifier: rres"
type = "unsigned short",
name = "version",
description = "File version: 100 for version 1.0"
type = "unsigned short",
name = "chunkCount",
description = "Number of resource chunks in the file (MAX: 65535)"
type = "unsigned int",
name = "cdOffset",
description = "Central Directory offset in file (0 if not available)"
type = "unsigned int",
name = "reserved",
description = "<reserved>"
name = "rresResourceChunkInfo",
description = "rres resource chunk info header (32 bytes)",
fields = {
type = "unsigned char[4]",
name = "type",
description = "Resource chunk type (FourCC)"
type = "unsigned int",
name = "id",
description = "Resource chunk identifier (generated from filename CRC32 hash)"
type = "unsigned char",
name = "compType",
description = "Data compression algorithm"
type = "unsigned char",
name = "cipherType",
description = "Data encription algorithm"
type = "unsigned short",
name = "flags",
description = "Data flags (if required)"
type = "unsigned int",
name = "packedSize",
description = "Data chunk size (compressed/encrypted + custom data appended)"
type = "unsigned int",
name = "baseSize",
description = "Data base size (uncompressed/unencrypted)"
type = "unsigned int",
name = "nextOffset",
description = "Next resource chunk global offset (if resource has multiple chunks)"
type = "unsigned int",
name = "reserved",
description = "<reserved>"
type = "unsigned int",
name = "crc32",
description = "Data chunk CRC32 (propCount + props[] + data)"
name = "rresResourceChunkData",
description = "rres resource chunk data",
fields = {
type = "unsigned int",
name = "propCount",
description = "Resource chunk properties count"
type = "unsigned int *",
name = "props",
description = "Resource chunk properties"
type = "void *",
name = "raw",
description = "Resource chunk raw data"
name = "rresResourceChunk",
description = "rres resource chunk",
fields = {
type = "rresResourceChunkInfo",
name = "info",
description = "Resource chunk info"
type = "rresResourceChunkData",
name = "data",
description = "Resource chunk packed data, contains propCount, props[] and raw data"
name = "rresResourceMulti",
description = "NOTE: It supports multiple resource chunks",
fields = {
type = "unsigned int",
name = "count",
description = "Resource chunks count"
type = "rresResourceChunk *",
name = "chunks",
description = "Resource chunks"
name = "rresDirEntry",
description = "CDIR: rres central directory entry",
fields = {
type = "unsigned int",
name = "id",
description = "Resource id"
type = "unsigned int",
name = "offset",
description = "Resource global offset in file"
type = "unsigned int",
name = "reserved",
description = "reserved"
type = "unsigned int",
name = "fileNameSize",
description = "Resource fileName size (NULL terminator and 4-byte alignment padding considered)"
type = "char[RRES_MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]",
name = "fileName",
description = "Resource original fileName (NULL terminated and padded to 4-byte alignment)"
name = "rresCentralDir",
description = "NOTE: This data conforms the rresResourceChunkData",
fields = {
type = "unsigned int",
name = "count",
description = "Central directory entries count"
type = "rresDirEntry *",
name = "entries",
description = "Central directory entries"
name = "rresFontGlyphInfo",
description = "NOTE: And array of this type conforms the rresResourceChunkData",
fields = {
type = "int",
name = "x",
description = "Glyph rectangle in the atlas image"
type = "int",
name = "y",
description = "Glyph rectangle in the atlas image"
type = "int",
name = "width",
description = "Glyph rectangle in the atlas image"
type = "int",
name = "height",
description = "Glyph rectangle in the atlas image"
type = "int",
name = "value",
description = "Glyph codepoint value"
type = "int",
name = "offsetX",
description = "Glyph drawing offset (from base line)"
type = "int",
name = "offsetY",
description = "Glyph drawing offset (from base line)"
type = "int",
name = "advanceX",
description = "Glyph advance X for next character"
aliases = {
enums = {
callbacks = {
functions = {
name = "rresLoadResourceChunk",
description = "Load one resource chunk for provided id",
returnType = "rresResourceChunk",
params = {
{type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
{type = "int", name = "rresId"}
name = "rresUnloadResourceChunk",
description = "Unload resource chunk from memory",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "rresResourceChunk", name = "chunk"}
name = "rresLoadResourceMulti",
description = "Load resource for provided id (multiple resource chunks)",
returnType = "rresResourceMulti",
params = {
{type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
{type = "int", name = "rresId"}
name = "rresUnloadResourceMulti",
description = "Unload resource from memory (multiple resource chunks)",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "rresResourceMulti", name = "multi"}
name = "rresLoadResourceChunkInfo",
description = "Load resource chunk info for provided id",
returnType = "rresResourceChunkInfo",
params = {
{type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
{type = "int", name = "rresId"}
name = "rresLoadResourceChunkInfoAll",
description = "Load all resource chunks info",
returnType = "rresResourceChunkInfo *",
params = {
{type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
{type = "unsigned int *", name = "chunkCount"}
name = "rresLoadCentralDirectory",
description = "Load central directory resource chunk from file",
returnType = "rresCentralDir",
params = {
{type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
name = "rresUnloadCentralDirectory",
description = "Unload central directory resource chunk",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "rresCentralDir", name = "dir"}
name = "rresGetDataType",
description = "Get rresResourceDataType from FourCC code",
returnType = "unsigned int",
params = {
{type = "const unsigned char *", name = "fourCC"}
name = "rresGetResourceId",
description = "Get resource id for a provided filename",
returnType = "int",
params = {
{type = "rresCentralDir", name = "dir"},
{type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
name = "rresComputeCRC32",
description = "Compute CRC32 for provided data",
returnType = "unsigned int",
params = {
{type = "unsigned char *", name = "data"},
{type = "int", name = "len"}
name = "rresSetCipherPassword",
description = "Set password to be used on data decryption",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "const char *", name = "pass"}
name = "rresGetCipherPassword",
description = "Get password to be used on data decryption",
returnType = "const char *"

raylib-api/rres.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
Defines found: 9
Define 001: RRES_H
Name: RRES_H
Define 002: RRESAPI
Value: __declspec(dllexport)
Description: We are building the library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)
Define 003: RRES_MALLOC(sz)
Value: malloc(sz)
Define 004: RRES_CALLOC(ptr,sz)
Name: RRES_CALLOC(ptr,sz)
Value: calloc(ptr,sz)
Define 005: RRES_REALLOC(ptr,sz)
Name: RRES_REALLOC(ptr,sz)
Value: realloc(ptr,sz)
Define 006: RRES_FREE(ptr)
Name: RRES_FREE(ptr)
Value: free(ptr)
Define 008: RRES_LOG(...)
Name: RRES_LOG(...)
Value: printf(__VA_ARGS__)
Type: INT
Value: 1024
Structures found: 8
Struct 01: rresFileHeader (5 fields)
Name: rresFileHeader
Description: rres file header (16 bytes)
Field[1]: unsigned char[4] id // File identifier: rres
Field[2]: unsigned short version // File version: 100 for version 1.0
Field[3]: unsigned short chunkCount // Number of resource chunks in the file (MAX: 65535)
Field[4]: unsigned int cdOffset // Central Directory offset in file (0 if not available)
Field[5]: unsigned int reserved // <reserved>
Struct 02: rresResourceChunkInfo (10 fields)
Name: rresResourceChunkInfo
Description: rres resource chunk info header (32 bytes)
Field[1]: unsigned char[4] type // Resource chunk type (FourCC)
Field[2]: unsigned int id // Resource chunk identifier (generated from filename CRC32 hash)
Field[3]: unsigned char compType // Data compression algorithm
Field[4]: unsigned char cipherType // Data encription algorithm
Field[5]: unsigned short flags // Data flags (if required)
Field[6]: unsigned int packedSize // Data chunk size (compressed/encrypted + custom data appended)
Field[7]: unsigned int baseSize // Data base size (uncompressed/unencrypted)
Field[8]: unsigned int nextOffset // Next resource chunk global offset (if resource has multiple chunks)
Field[9]: unsigned int reserved // <reserved>
Field[10]: unsigned int crc32 // Data chunk CRC32 (propCount + props[] + data)
Struct 03: rresResourceChunkData (3 fields)
Name: rresResourceChunkData
Description: rres resource chunk data
Field[1]: unsigned int propCount // Resource chunk properties count
Field[2]: unsigned int * props // Resource chunk properties
Field[3]: void * raw // Resource chunk raw data
Struct 04: rresResourceChunk (2 fields)
Name: rresResourceChunk
Description: rres resource chunk
Field[1]: rresResourceChunkInfo info // Resource chunk info
Field[2]: rresResourceChunkData data // Resource chunk packed data, contains propCount, props[] and raw data
Struct 05: rresResourceMulti (2 fields)
Name: rresResourceMulti
Description: NOTE: It supports multiple resource chunks
Field[1]: unsigned int count // Resource chunks count
Field[2]: rresResourceChunk * chunks // Resource chunks
Struct 06: rresDirEntry (5 fields)
Name: rresDirEntry
Description: CDIR: rres central directory entry
Field[1]: unsigned int id // Resource id
Field[2]: unsigned int offset // Resource global offset in file
Field[3]: unsigned int reserved // reserved
Field[4]: unsigned int fileNameSize // Resource fileName size (NULL terminator and 4-byte alignment padding considered)
Field[5]: char[RRES_MAX_FILENAME_SIZE] fileName // Resource original fileName (NULL terminated and padded to 4-byte alignment)
Struct 07: rresCentralDir (2 fields)
Name: rresCentralDir
Description: NOTE: This data conforms the rresResourceChunkData
Field[1]: unsigned int count // Central directory entries count
Field[2]: rresDirEntry * entries // Central directory entries
Struct 08: rresFontGlyphInfo (8 fields)
Name: rresFontGlyphInfo
Description: NOTE: And array of this type conforms the rresResourceChunkData
Field[1]: int x // Glyph rectangle in the atlas image
Field[2]: int y // Glyph rectangle in the atlas image
Field[3]: int width // Glyph rectangle in the atlas image
Field[4]: int height // Glyph rectangle in the atlas image
Field[5]: int value // Glyph codepoint value
Field[6]: int offsetX // Glyph drawing offset (from base line)
Field[7]: int offsetY // Glyph drawing offset (from base line)
Field[8]: int advanceX // Glyph advance X for next character
Aliases found: 0
Enums found: 0
Callbacks found: 0
Functions found: 13
Function 001: rresLoadResourceChunk() (2 input parameters)
Name: rresLoadResourceChunk
Return type: rresResourceChunk
Description: Load one resource chunk for provided id
Param[1]: fileName (type: const char *)
Param[2]: rresId (type: int)
Function 002: rresUnloadResourceChunk() (1 input parameters)
Name: rresUnloadResourceChunk
Return type: void
Description: Unload resource chunk from memory
Param[1]: chunk (type: rresResourceChunk)
Function 003: rresLoadResourceMulti() (2 input parameters)
Name: rresLoadResourceMulti
Return type: rresResourceMulti
Description: Load resource for provided id (multiple resource chunks)
Param[1]: fileName (type: const char *)
Param[2]: rresId (type: int)
Function 004: rresUnloadResourceMulti() (1 input parameters)
Name: rresUnloadResourceMulti
Return type: void
Description: Unload resource from memory (multiple resource chunks)
Param[1]: multi (type: rresResourceMulti)
Function 005: rresLoadResourceChunkInfo() (2 input parameters)
Name: rresLoadResourceChunkInfo
Return type: rresResourceChunkInfo
Description: Load resource chunk info for provided id
Param[1]: fileName (type: const char *)
Param[2]: rresId (type: int)
Function 006: rresLoadResourceChunkInfoAll() (2 input parameters)
Name: rresLoadResourceChunkInfoAll
Return type: rresResourceChunkInfo *
Description: Load all resource chunks info
Param[1]: fileName (type: const char *)
Param[2]: chunkCount (type: unsigned int *)
Function 007: rresLoadCentralDirectory() (1 input parameters)
Name: rresLoadCentralDirectory
Return type: rresCentralDir
Description: Load central directory resource chunk from file
Param[1]: fileName (type: const char *)
Function 008: rresUnloadCentralDirectory() (1 input parameters)
Name: rresUnloadCentralDirectory
Return type: void
Description: Unload central directory resource chunk
Param[1]: dir (type: rresCentralDir)
Function 009: rresGetDataType() (1 input parameters)
Name: rresGetDataType
Return type: unsigned int
Description: Get rresResourceDataType from FourCC code
Param[1]: fourCC (type: const unsigned char *)
Function 010: rresGetResourceId() (2 input parameters)
Name: rresGetResourceId
Return type: int
Description: Get resource id for a provided filename
Param[1]: dir (type: rresCentralDir)
Param[2]: fileName (type: const char *)
Function 011: rresComputeCRC32() (2 input parameters)
Name: rresComputeCRC32
Return type: unsigned int
Description: Compute CRC32 for provided data
Param[1]: data (type: unsigned char *)
Param[2]: len (type: int)
Function 012: rresSetCipherPassword() (1 input parameters)
Name: rresSetCipherPassword
Return type: void
Description: Set password to be used on data decryption
Param[1]: pass (type: const char *)
Function 013: rresGetCipherPassword() (0 input parameters)
Name: rresGetCipherPassword
Return type: const char *
Description: Get password to be used on data decryption
No input parameters

raylib-api/rres.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
<Defines count="9">
<Define name="RRES_H" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RRESAPI" type="UNKNOWN" value="__declspec(dllexport)" desc="We are building the library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)" />
<Define name="RRES_MALLOC(sz)" type="MACRO" value="malloc(sz)" desc="" />
<Define name="RRES_CALLOC(ptr,sz)" type="MACRO" value="calloc(ptr,sz)" desc="" />
<Define name="RRES_REALLOC(ptr,sz)" type="MACRO" value="realloc(ptr,sz)" desc="" />
<Define name="RRES_FREE(ptr)" type="MACRO" value="free(ptr)" desc="" />
<Define name="RRES_SUPPORT_LOG_INFO" type="GUARD" value="" desc="" />
<Define name="RRES_LOG(...)" type="MACRO" value="printf(__VA_ARGS__)" desc="" />
<Define name="RRES_MAX_FILENAME_SIZE" type="INT" value="1024" desc="" />
<Structs count="8">
<Struct name="rresFileHeader" fieldCount="5" desc="rres file header (16 bytes)">
<Field type="unsigned char[4]" name="id" desc="File identifier: rres" />
<Field type="unsigned short" name="version" desc="File version: 100 for version 1.0" />
<Field type="unsigned short" name="chunkCount" desc="Number of resource chunks in the file (MAX: 65535)" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="cdOffset" desc="Central Directory offset in file (0 if not available)" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="reserved" desc="<reserved>" />
<Struct name="rresResourceChunkInfo" fieldCount="10" desc="rres resource chunk info header (32 bytes)">
<Field type="unsigned char[4]" name="type" desc="Resource chunk type (FourCC)" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="Resource chunk identifier (generated from filename CRC32 hash)" />
<Field type="unsigned char" name="compType" desc="Data compression algorithm" />
<Field type="unsigned char" name="cipherType" desc="Data encription algorithm" />
<Field type="unsigned short" name="flags" desc="Data flags (if required)" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="packedSize" desc="Data chunk size (compressed/encrypted + custom data appended)" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="baseSize" desc="Data base size (uncompressed/unencrypted)" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="nextOffset" desc="Next resource chunk global offset (if resource has multiple chunks)" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="reserved" desc="<reserved>" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="crc32" desc="Data chunk CRC32 (propCount + props[] + data)" />
<Struct name="rresResourceChunkData" fieldCount="3" desc="rres resource chunk data">
<Field type="unsigned int" name="propCount" desc="Resource chunk properties count" />
<Field type="unsigned int *" name="props" desc="Resource chunk properties" />
<Field type="void *" name="raw" desc="Resource chunk raw data" />
<Struct name="rresResourceChunk" fieldCount="2" desc="rres resource chunk">
<Field type="rresResourceChunkInfo" name="info" desc="Resource chunk info" />
<Field type="rresResourceChunkData" name="data" desc="Resource chunk packed data, contains propCount, props[] and raw data" />
<Struct name="rresResourceMulti" fieldCount="2" desc="NOTE: It supports multiple resource chunks">
<Field type="unsigned int" name="count" desc="Resource chunks count" />
<Field type="rresResourceChunk *" name="chunks" desc="Resource chunks" />
<Struct name="rresDirEntry" fieldCount="5" desc="CDIR: rres central directory entry">
<Field type="unsigned int" name="id" desc="Resource id" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="offset" desc="Resource global offset in file" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="reserved" desc="reserved" />
<Field type="unsigned int" name="fileNameSize" desc="Resource fileName size (NULL terminator and 4-byte alignment padding considered)" />
<Field type="char[RRES_MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]" name="fileName" desc="Resource original fileName (NULL terminated and padded to 4-byte alignment)" />
<Struct name="rresCentralDir" fieldCount="2" desc="NOTE: This data conforms the rresResourceChunkData">
<Field type="unsigned int" name="count" desc="Central directory entries count" />
<Field type="rresDirEntry *" name="entries" desc="Central directory entries" />
<Struct name="rresFontGlyphInfo" fieldCount="8" desc="NOTE: And array of this type conforms the rresResourceChunkData">
<Field type="int" name="x" desc="Glyph rectangle in the atlas image" />
<Field type="int" name="y" desc="Glyph rectangle in the atlas image" />
<Field type="int" name="width" desc="Glyph rectangle in the atlas image" />
<Field type="int" name="height" desc="Glyph rectangle in the atlas image" />
<Field type="int" name="value" desc="Glyph codepoint value" />
<Field type="int" name="offsetX" desc="Glyph drawing offset (from base line)" />
<Field type="int" name="offsetY" desc="Glyph drawing offset (from base line)" />
<Field type="int" name="advanceX" desc="Glyph advance X for next character" />
<Aliases count="0">
<Enums count="0">
<Callbacks count="0">
<Functions count="13">
<Function name="rresLoadResourceChunk" retType="rresResourceChunk" paramCount="2" desc="Load one resource chunk for provided id">
<Param type="const char *" name="fileName" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="rresId" desc="" />
<Function name="rresUnloadResourceChunk" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Unload resource chunk from memory">
<Param type="rresResourceChunk" name="chunk" desc="" />
<Function name="rresLoadResourceMulti" retType="rresResourceMulti" paramCount="2" desc="Load resource for provided id (multiple resource chunks)">
<Param type="const char *" name="fileName" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="rresId" desc="" />
<Function name="rresUnloadResourceMulti" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Unload resource from memory (multiple resource chunks)">
<Param type="rresResourceMulti" name="multi" desc="" />
<Function name="rresLoadResourceChunkInfo" retType="rresResourceChunkInfo" paramCount="2" desc="Load resource chunk info for provided id">
<Param type="const char *" name="fileName" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="rresId" desc="" />
<Function name="rresLoadResourceChunkInfoAll" retType="rresResourceChunkInfo *" paramCount="2" desc="Load all resource chunks info">
<Param type="const char *" name="fileName" desc="" />
<Param type="unsigned int *" name="chunkCount" desc="" />
<Function name="rresLoadCentralDirectory" retType="rresCentralDir" paramCount="1" desc="Load central directory resource chunk from file">
<Param type="const char *" name="fileName" desc="" />
<Function name="rresUnloadCentralDirectory" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Unload central directory resource chunk">
<Param type="rresCentralDir" name="dir" desc="" />
<Function name="rresGetDataType" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="1" desc="Get rresResourceDataType from FourCC code">
<Param type="const unsigned char *" name="fourCC" desc="" />
<Function name="rresGetResourceId" retType="int" paramCount="2" desc="Get resource id for a provided filename">
<Param type="rresCentralDir" name="dir" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="fileName" desc="" />
<Function name="rresComputeCRC32" retType="unsigned int" paramCount="2" desc="Compute CRC32 for provided data">
<Param type="unsigned char *" name="data" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="len" desc="" />
<Function name="rresSetCipherPassword" retType="void" paramCount="1" desc="Set password to be used on data decryption">
<Param type="const char *" name="pass" desc="" />
<Function name="rresGetCipherPassword" retType="const char *" paramCount="0" desc="Get password to be used on data decryption">

raylib-beef.sln Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 17
VisualStudioVersion = 17.5.33502.453
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "generator", "generator\generator.csproj", "{41E5F3B3-561D-4670-8097-9C5695B0006A}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{41E5F3B3-561D-4670-8097-9C5695B0006A}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{41E5F3B3-561D-4670-8097-9C5695B0006A}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{41E5F3B3-561D-4670-8097-9C5695B0006A}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{41E5F3B3-561D-4670-8097-9C5695B0006A}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
SolutionGuid = {FF8032B5-1C8E-41D9-900E-23666B500305}