2023-03-19 12:57:34 -04:00

1261 lines
28 KiB

return {
defines = {
name = "RAYMATH_H",
type = "GUARD",
value = "",
description = ""
name = "RMAPI",
type = "UNKNOWN",
value = "__declspec(dllexport) extern inline",
description = "We are building raylib as a Win32 shared library (.dll)."
name = "PI",
type = "FLOAT",
value = 3.14159265358979323846,
description = ""
name = "EPSILON",
type = "FLOAT",
value = 0.000001,
description = ""
name = "DEG2RAD",
type = "FLOAT_MATH",
value = "(PI/180.0f)",
description = ""
name = "RAD2DEG",
type = "FLOAT_MATH",
value = "(180.0f/PI)",
description = ""
name = "MatrixToFloat(mat)",
type = "MACRO",
value = "(MatrixToFloatV(mat).v)",
description = ""
name = "Vector3ToFloat(vec)",
type = "MACRO",
value = "(Vector3ToFloatV(vec).v)",
description = ""
name = "RL_VECTOR2_TYPE",
type = "GUARD",
value = "",
description = ""
name = "RL_VECTOR3_TYPE",
type = "GUARD",
value = "",
description = ""
name = "RL_VECTOR4_TYPE",
type = "GUARD",
value = "",
description = ""
type = "GUARD",
value = "",
description = ""
name = "RL_MATRIX_TYPE",
type = "GUARD",
value = "",
description = ""
structs = {
name = "Vector2",
description = "Vector2 type",
fields = {
type = "float",
name = "x",
description = ""
type = "float",
name = "y",
description = ""
name = "Vector3",
description = "Vector3 type",
fields = {
type = "float",
name = "x",
description = ""
type = "float",
name = "y",
description = ""
type = "float",
name = "z",
description = ""
name = "Vector4",
description = "Vector4 type",
fields = {
type = "float",
name = "x",
description = ""
type = "float",
name = "y",
description = ""
type = "float",
name = "z",
description = ""
type = "float",
name = "w",
description = ""
name = "Matrix",
description = "Matrix type (OpenGL style 4x4 - right handed, column major)",
fields = {
type = "float",
name = "m0",
description = "Matrix first row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m4",
description = "Matrix first row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m8",
description = "Matrix first row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m12",
description = "Matrix first row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m1",
description = "Matrix second row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m5",
description = "Matrix second row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m9",
description = "Matrix second row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m13",
description = "Matrix second row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m2",
description = "Matrix third row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m6",
description = "Matrix third row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m10",
description = "Matrix third row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m14",
description = "Matrix third row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m3",
description = "Matrix fourth row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m7",
description = "Matrix fourth row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m11",
description = "Matrix fourth row (4 components)"
type = "float",
name = "m15",
description = "Matrix fourth row (4 components)"
name = "float3",
description = "NOTE: Helper types to be used instead of array return types for *ToFloat functions",
fields = {
type = "float[3]",
name = "v",
description = ""
name = "float16",
description = "",
fields = {
type = "float[16]",
name = "v",
description = ""
aliases = {
type = "Vector4",
name = "Quaternion",
description = "Quaternion type"
enums = {
callbacks = {
functions = {
name = "Clamp",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "value"},
{type = "float", name = "min"},
{type = "float", name = "max"}
name = "Lerp",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "start"},
{type = "float", name = "end"},
{type = "float", name = "amount"}
name = "Normalize",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "value"},
{type = "float", name = "start"},
{type = "float", name = "end"}
name = "Remap",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "value"},
{type = "float", name = "inputStart"},
{type = "float", name = "inputEnd"},
{type = "float", name = "outputStart"},
{type = "float", name = "outputEnd"}
name = "Wrap",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "value"},
{type = "float", name = "min"},
{type = "float", name = "max"}
name = "FloatEquals",
description = "",
returnType = "int",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "x"},
{type = "float", name = "y"}
name = "Vector2Zero",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector2"
name = "Vector2One",
description = "",
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description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector2AddValue",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector2",
params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"},
{type = "float", name = "add"}
name = "Vector2Subtract",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector2SubtractValue",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector2",
params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"},
{type = "float", name = "sub"}
name = "Vector2Length",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"}
name = "Vector2LengthSqr",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"}
name = "Vector2DotProduct",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector2Distance",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector2DistanceSqr",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector2Angle",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector2LineAngle",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "start"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "end"}
name = "Vector2Scale",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"},
{type = "float", name = "scale"}
name = "Vector2Multiply",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector2",
params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector2Negate",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"}
name = "Vector2Divide",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector2Normalize",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"}
name = "Vector2Transform",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector2",
params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"},
{type = "Matrix", name = "mat"}
name = "Vector2Lerp",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "v2"},
{type = "float", name = "amount"}
name = "Vector2Reflect",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "normal"}
name = "Vector2Rotate",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"},
{type = "float", name = "angle"}
name = "Vector2MoveTowards",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "target"},
{type = "float", name = "maxDistance"}
name = "Vector2Invert",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"}
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description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "min"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "max"}
name = "Vector2ClampValue",
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params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "v"},
{type = "float", name = "min"},
{type = "float", name = "max"}
name = "Vector2Equals",
description = "",
returnType = "int",
params = {
{type = "Vector2", name = "p"},
{type = "Vector2", name = "q"}
name = "Vector3Zero",
description = "",
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description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3AddValue",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"},
{type = "float", name = "add"}
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3SubtractValue",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"},
{type = "float", name = "sub"}
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description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"},
{type = "float", name = "scalar"}
name = "Vector3Multiply",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3CrossProduct",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3Perpendicular",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"}
name = "Vector3Length",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "const Vector3", name = "v"}
name = "Vector3LengthSqr",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "const Vector3", name = "v"}
name = "Vector3DotProduct",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3Distance",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3DistanceSqr",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3Angle",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3Negate",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"}
name = "Vector3Divide",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3Normalize",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"}
name = "Vector3OrthoNormalize",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3 *", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3 *", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3Transform",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"},
{type = "Matrix", name = "mat"}
name = "Vector3RotateByQuaternion",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"},
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"}
name = "Vector3RotateByAxisAngle",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "axis"},
{type = "float", name = "angle"}
name = "Vector3Lerp",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"},
{type = "float", name = "amount"}
name = "Vector3Reflect",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "normal"}
name = "Vector3Min",
description = "",
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params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3Max",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "v2"}
name = "Vector3Barycenter",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "p"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "a"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "b"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "c"}
name = "Vector3Unproject",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "source"},
{type = "Matrix", name = "projection"},
{type = "Matrix", name = "view"}
name = "Vector3ToFloatV",
description = "",
returnType = "float3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"}
name = "Vector3Invert",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"}
name = "Vector3Clamp",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "min"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "max"}
name = "Vector3ClampValue",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"},
{type = "float", name = "min"},
{type = "float", name = "max"}
name = "Vector3Equals",
description = "",
returnType = "int",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "p"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "q"}
name = "Vector3Refract",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "v"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "n"},
{type = "float", name = "r"}
name = "MatrixDeterminant",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "Matrix", name = "mat"}
name = "MatrixTrace",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "Matrix", name = "mat"}
name = "MatrixTranspose",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "Matrix", name = "mat"}
name = "MatrixInvert",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "Matrix", name = "mat"}
name = "MatrixIdentity",
description = "",
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name = "MatrixAdd",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "Matrix", name = "left"},
{type = "Matrix", name = "right"}
name = "MatrixSubtract",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "Matrix", name = "left"},
{type = "Matrix", name = "right"}
name = "MatrixMultiply",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "Matrix", name = "left"},
{type = "Matrix", name = "right"}
name = "MatrixTranslate",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "x"},
{type = "float", name = "y"},
{type = "float", name = "z"}
name = "MatrixRotate",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "axis"},
{type = "float", name = "angle"}
name = "MatrixRotateX",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "angle"}
name = "MatrixRotateY",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "angle"}
name = "MatrixRotateZ",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "angle"}
name = "MatrixRotateXYZ",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "angle"}
name = "MatrixRotateZYX",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "angle"}
name = "MatrixScale",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "x"},
{type = "float", name = "y"},
{type = "float", name = "z"}
name = "MatrixFrustum",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "double", name = "left"},
{type = "double", name = "right"},
{type = "double", name = "bottom"},
{type = "double", name = "top"},
{type = "double", name = "near"},
{type = "double", name = "far"}
name = "MatrixPerspective",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "double", name = "fovy"},
{type = "double", name = "aspect"},
{type = "double", name = "near"},
{type = "double", name = "far"}
name = "MatrixOrtho",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "double", name = "left"},
{type = "double", name = "right"},
{type = "double", name = "bottom"},
{type = "double", name = "top"},
{type = "double", name = "near"},
{type = "double", name = "far"}
name = "MatrixLookAt",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "eye"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "target"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "up"}
name = "MatrixToFloatV",
description = "",
returnType = "float16",
params = {
{type = "Matrix", name = "mat"}
name = "QuaternionAdd",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q1"},
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q2"}
name = "QuaternionAddValue",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"},
{type = "float", name = "add"}
name = "QuaternionSubtract",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q1"},
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q2"}
name = "QuaternionSubtractValue",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"},
{type = "float", name = "sub"}
name = "QuaternionIdentity",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion"
name = "QuaternionLength",
description = "",
returnType = "float",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"}
name = "QuaternionNormalize",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"}
name = "QuaternionInvert",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"}
name = "QuaternionMultiply",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q1"},
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q2"}
name = "QuaternionScale",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"},
{type = "float", name = "mul"}
name = "QuaternionDivide",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q1"},
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q2"}
name = "QuaternionLerp",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q1"},
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q2"},
{type = "float", name = "amount"}
name = "QuaternionNlerp",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q1"},
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q2"},
{type = "float", name = "amount"}
name = "QuaternionSlerp",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q1"},
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q2"},
{type = "float", name = "amount"}
name = "QuaternionFromVector3ToVector3",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "from"},
{type = "Vector3", name = "to"}
name = "QuaternionFromMatrix",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Matrix", name = "mat"}
name = "QuaternionToMatrix",
description = "",
returnType = "Matrix",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"}
name = "QuaternionFromAxisAngle",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Vector3", name = "axis"},
{type = "float", name = "angle"}
name = "QuaternionToAxisAngle",
description = "",
returnType = "void",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"},
{type = "Vector3 *", name = "outAxis"},
{type = "float *", name = "outAngle"}
name = "QuaternionFromEuler",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "float", name = "pitch"},
{type = "float", name = "yaw"},
{type = "float", name = "roll"}
name = "QuaternionToEuler",
description = "",
returnType = "Vector3",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"}
name = "QuaternionTransform",
description = "",
returnType = "Quaternion",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"},
{type = "Matrix", name = "mat"}
name = "QuaternionEquals",
description = "",
returnType = "int",
params = {
{type = "Quaternion", name = "p"},
{type = "Quaternion", name = "q"}