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Booklordofthedings edited this page 2025-03-10 12:03:35 +01:00

Beef Styleguide

This is a very basic styleguide for naming things and how to code in Beef.
Its formatted as a list of rules to make it somewhat easier to read and understand.

No rule is absolute and there may be legitimate reasons to break them.


  • Names are either camelCase or PascalCase
  • Classes should be named in PascalCase
  • Structs and enums can be camelCase but dont have to be
    This specifically depends on their usage. If it is supposed to be treated similar to a primitive it should be camelCase, otherwise its PascalCase. (This also means that a class that behaves like a primitive could be named in camelCase, but thats unlikely to occur in practice)
  • Interfaces use the I[Name] syntax
    Optionally with the "-able" postfix
  • Iterators for numerical reasons should use i, j, k, ii
    Two of the same character is fine since its visibly different, but further repetition should be avoided
  • Iterators in foreach type scenarios should use the singular version of the thing they are ( line, entry, key)
  • Public members, properties and functions should use PascalCase
  • Private members or functions should use camelCase and prepend a _ infront of them
  • Local variables use camelCase
  • Otherwise names should indicate what a variable is used for or what it contains
  • val/value as a name should be avoided unless used in a generic setting, or in small scopes
  • Namespaces should use PascalCase
  • Namespaces should be used instead of prefixes
    Prefixes may only be used if the names of objects are very generic or overlap with corlib types
  • Defines use a screaming case with underscores (A_THING_IS_HERE)


  • Indentation uses tabs
  • Preprocessor instructions have no indentation infront of them
  • New Scopes should preferably go onto a newline
    Inline functions are one of the few cases where that doesnt need to be the case
  • Comments that are under 3 lines long can use single line syntax, otherwise multi line comments are appreciated
  • Avoid putting meaningful content in the opening and closing line of a multi line comment
  • If a functions has alot of parameters its allowed to seperate them into multiple lines
    This depends on line size and as such occurs more frequently for definitions rather than calls. If there are parameters that are short, or logically grouped they can go onto the same line as each other
  • Inside of a class the members should be at the top, followed by the constructors and then any functions
  • Functions inside of a class should be ordered so that they are close to related functions

Code Style

  • Avoid large if trees, instead return early
  • Always include a default statement for switches over enums
    If other code extends that enum, a switch statement would then error