Fork 0
mirror of https://code.forgejo.org/actions/setup-python synced 2025-03-17 07:44:07 +01:00
Danny McCormick 39c08a0eaa Initial pass
2019-06-26 21:12:00 -04:00

1102 lines
30 KiB

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
exports.default = normalize;
function _crypto() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('crypto'));
_crypto = function _crypto() {
return data;
return data;
function _path() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('path'));
_path = function _path() {
return data;
return data;
function _glob() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('glob'));
_glob = function _glob() {
return data;
return data;
function _jestValidate() {
const data = require('jest-validate');
_jestValidate = function _jestValidate() {
return data;
return data;
function _jestUtil() {
const data = require('jest-util');
_jestUtil = function _jestUtil() {
return data;
return data;
function _chalk() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('chalk'));
_chalk = function _chalk() {
return data;
return data;
function _micromatch() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('micromatch'));
_micromatch = function _micromatch() {
return data;
return data;
function _realpathNative() {
const data = require('realpath-native');
_realpathNative = function _realpathNative() {
return data;
return data;
function _jestResolve() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('jest-resolve'));
_jestResolve = function _jestResolve() {
return data;
return data;
function _jestRegexUtil() {
const data = require('jest-regex-util');
_jestRegexUtil = function _jestRegexUtil() {
return data;
return data;
function _jestGetType() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('jest-get-type'));
_jestGetType = function _jestGetType() {
return data;
return data;
var _validatePattern = _interopRequireDefault(require('./validatePattern'));
var _getMaxWorkers = _interopRequireDefault(require('./getMaxWorkers'));
var _utils = require('./utils');
var _constants = require('./constants');
var _ReporterValidationErrors = require('./ReporterValidationErrors');
var _Defaults = _interopRequireDefault(require('./Defaults'));
var _Deprecated = _interopRequireDefault(require('./Deprecated'));
var _setFromArgv = _interopRequireDefault(require('./setFromArgv'));
var _ValidConfig = _interopRequireDefault(require('./ValidConfig'));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj};
function _objectSpread(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {};
var ownKeys = Object.keys(source);
if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function') {
ownKeys = ownKeys.concat(
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).filter(function(sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym).enumerable;
ownKeys.forEach(function(key) {
_defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);
return target;
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
if (key in obj) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: value,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
} else {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
const ERROR = `${_utils.BULLET}Validation Error`;
const PRESET_EXTENSIONS = ['.json', '.js'];
const PRESET_NAME = 'jest-preset';
const createConfigError = message =>
new (_jestValidate()).ValidationError(
const mergeOptionWithPreset = (options, preset, optionName) => {
if (options[optionName] && preset[optionName]) {
options[optionName] = _objectSpread(
const setupPreset = (options, optionsPreset) => {
let preset;
const presetPath = (0, _utils.replaceRootDirInPath)(
const presetModule = _jestResolve().default.findNodeModule(
? presetPath
: _path().default.join(presetPath, PRESET_NAME),
basedir: options.rootDir,
try {
// Force re-evaluation to support multiple projects
try {
if (presetModule) {
delete require.cache[require.resolve(presetModule)];
} catch (e) {} // @ts-ignore: `presetModule` can be null?
preset = require(presetModule);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof SyntaxError || error instanceof TypeError) {
throw createConfigError(
` Preset ${_chalk().default.bold(presetPath)} is invalid:\n\n ${
}\n ${error.stack}`
const preset = _jestResolve().default.findNodeModule(presetPath, {
basedir: options.rootDir
if (preset) {
throw createConfigError(
` Module ${_chalk().default.bold(
)} should have "jest-preset.js" or "jest-preset.json" file at the root.`
throw createConfigError(
` Preset ${_chalk().default.bold(presetPath)} not found.`
if (options.setupFiles) {
options.setupFiles = (preset.setupFiles || []).concat(options.setupFiles);
if (options.modulePathIgnorePatterns && preset.modulePathIgnorePatterns) {
options.modulePathIgnorePatterns = preset.modulePathIgnorePatterns.concat(
mergeOptionWithPreset(options, preset, 'moduleNameMapper');
mergeOptionWithPreset(options, preset, 'transform');
return _objectSpread({}, preset, options);
const setupBabelJest = options => {
const transform = options.transform;
let babelJest;
if (transform) {
const customJSPattern = Object.keys(transform).find(pattern => {
const regex = new RegExp(pattern);
return regex.test('a.js') || regex.test('a.jsx');
const customTSPattern = Object.keys(transform).find(pattern => {
const regex = new RegExp(pattern);
return regex.test('a.ts') || regex.test('a.tsx');
if (customJSPattern) {
const customJSTransformer = transform[customJSPattern];
if (customJSTransformer === 'babel-jest') {
babelJest = require.resolve('babel-jest');
transform[customJSPattern] = babelJest;
} else if (customJSTransformer.includes('babel-jest')) {
babelJest = customJSTransformer;
if (customTSPattern) {
const customTSTransformer = transform[customTSPattern];
if (customTSTransformer === 'babel-jest') {
babelJest = require.resolve('babel-jest');
transform[customTSPattern] = babelJest;
} else if (customTSTransformer.includes('babel-jest')) {
babelJest = customTSTransformer;
} else {
babelJest = require.resolve('babel-jest');
options.transform = {
[_constants.DEFAULT_JS_PATTERN]: babelJest
const normalizeCollectCoverageOnlyFrom = (options, key) => {
const initialCollectCoverageFrom = options[key];
const collectCoverageOnlyFrom = Array.isArray(initialCollectCoverageFrom)
? initialCollectCoverageFrom // passed from argv
: Object.keys(initialCollectCoverageFrom); // passed from options
return collectCoverageOnlyFrom.reduce((map, filePath) => {
filePath = _path().default.resolve(
(0, _utils.replaceRootDirInPath)(options.rootDir, filePath)
map[filePath] = true;
return map;
}, Object.create(null));
const normalizeCollectCoverageFrom = (options, key) => {
const initialCollectCoverageFrom = options[key];
let value;
if (!initialCollectCoverageFrom) {
value = [];
if (!Array.isArray(initialCollectCoverageFrom)) {
try {
value = JSON.parse(initialCollectCoverageFrom);
} catch (e) {}
if (options[key] && !Array.isArray(value)) {
value = [initialCollectCoverageFrom];
} else {
value = initialCollectCoverageFrom;
if (value) {
value = value.map(filePath =>
filePath.replace(/^(!?)(<rootDir>\/)(.*)/, '$1$3')
return value;
const normalizeUnmockedModulePathPatterns = (
key // _replaceRootDirTags is specifically well-suited for substituting
// <rootDir> in paths (it deals with properly interpreting relative path
// separators, etc).
// For patterns, direct global substitution is far more ideal, so we
// special case substitutions for patterns here.
) =>
options[key].map(pattern =>
(0, _jestRegexUtil().replacePathSepForRegex)(
pattern.replace(/<rootDir>/g, options.rootDir)
const normalizePreprocessor = options => {
if (options.scriptPreprocessor && options.transform) {
throw createConfigError(` Options: ${_chalk().default.bold(
)} and ${_chalk().default.bold('transform')} cannot be used together.
Please change your configuration to only use ${_chalk().default.bold(
if (options.preprocessorIgnorePatterns && options.transformIgnorePatterns) {
throw createConfigError(` Options ${_chalk().default.bold(
)} and ${_chalk().default.bold(
)} cannot be used together.
Please change your configuration to only use ${_chalk().default.bold(
if (options.scriptPreprocessor) {
options.transform = {
'.*': options.scriptPreprocessor
if (options.preprocessorIgnorePatterns) {
options.transformIgnorePatterns = options.preprocessorIgnorePatterns;
delete options.scriptPreprocessor;
delete options.preprocessorIgnorePatterns;
return options;
const normalizeMissingOptions = (options, configPath, projectIndex) => {
if (!options.name) {
options.name = _crypto()
.update(options.rootDir) // In case we load config from some path that has the same root dir
.update(configPath || '')
if (!options.setupFiles) {
options.setupFiles = [];
return options;
const normalizeRootDir = options => {
// Assert that there *is* a rootDir
if (!options.hasOwnProperty('rootDir')) {
throw createConfigError(
` Configuration option ${_chalk().default.bold(
)} must be specified.`
options.rootDir = _path().default.normalize(options.rootDir);
try {
// try to resolve windows short paths, ignoring errors (permission errors, mostly)
options.rootDir = (0, _realpathNative().sync)(options.rootDir);
} catch (e) {
// ignored
return options;
const normalizeReporters = options => {
const reporters = options.reporters;
if (!reporters || !Array.isArray(reporters)) {
return options;
(0, _ReporterValidationErrors.validateReporters)(reporters);
options.reporters = reporters.map(reporterConfig => {
const normalizedReporterConfig =
typeof reporterConfig === 'string' // if reporter config is a string, we wrap it in an array
? // and pass an empty object for options argument, to normalize
[reporterConfig, {}]
: reporterConfig;
const reporterPath = (0, _utils.replaceRootDirInPath)(
if (reporterPath !== _constants.DEFAULT_REPORTER_LABEL) {
const reporter = _jestResolve().default.findNodeModule(reporterPath, {
basedir: options.rootDir
if (!reporter) {
throw new Error(
`Could not resolve a module for a custom reporter.\n` +
` Module name: ${reporterPath}`
normalizedReporterConfig[0] = reporter;
return normalizedReporterConfig;
return options;
const buildTestPathPattern = argv => {
const patterns = [];
if (argv._) {
if (argv.testPathPattern) {
const replacePosixSep = pattern => {
if (_path().default.sep === '/') {
return pattern;
return pattern.replace(/\//g, '\\\\');
const testPathPattern = patterns.map(replacePosixSep).join('|');
if ((0, _validatePattern.default)(testPathPattern)) {
return testPathPattern;
} else {
return '';
const showTestPathPatternError = testPathPattern => {
(0, _jestUtil().clearLine)(process.stdout);
` Invalid testPattern ${testPathPattern} supplied. ` +
`Running all tests instead.`
function normalize(options, argv, configPath, projectIndex = Infinity) {
const _validate = (0, _jestValidate().validate)(options, {
comment: _utils.DOCUMENTATION_NOTE,
deprecatedConfig: _Deprecated.default,
exampleConfig: _ValidConfig.default,
recursiveBlacklist: [
'collectCoverageOnlyFrom', // 'coverageThreshold' allows to use 'global' and glob strings on the same
hasDeprecationWarnings = _validate.hasDeprecationWarnings;
options = normalizePreprocessor(
normalizeRootDir((0, _setFromArgv.default)(options, argv)),
if (options.preset) {
options = setupPreset(options, options.preset);
if (!options.setupFilesAfterEnv) {
options.setupFilesAfterEnv = [];
if (
options.setupTestFrameworkScriptFile &&
options.setupFilesAfterEnv.length > 0
) {
throw createConfigError(` Options: ${_chalk().default.bold(
)} and ${_chalk().default.bold(
)} cannot be used together.
Please change your configuration to only use ${_chalk().default.bold(
if (options.setupTestFrameworkScriptFile) {
options.testEnvironment = (0, _utils.getTestEnvironment)({
rootDir: options.rootDir,
options.testEnvironment || _Defaults.default.testEnvironment
if (!options.roots && options.testPathDirs) {
options.roots = options.testPathDirs;
delete options.testPathDirs;
if (!options.roots) {
options.roots = [options.rootDir];
if (!options.testRunner || options.testRunner === 'jasmine2') {
options.testRunner = require.resolve('jest-jasmine2');
if (!options.coverageDirectory) {
options.coverageDirectory = _path().default.resolve(
setupBabelJest(options); // TODO: Type this properly
const newOptions = _objectSpread({}, _Defaults.default);
if (options.resolver) {
newOptions.resolver = (0, _utils.resolve)(null, {
filePath: options.resolver,
key: 'resolver',
rootDir: options.rootDir
const optionKeys = Object.keys(options);
optionKeys.reduce((newOptions, key) => {
// The resolver has been resolved separately; skip it
if (key === 'resolver') {
return newOptions;
} // This is cheating, because it claims that all keys of InitialOptions are Required.
// We only really know it's Required for oldOptions[key], not for oldOptions.someOtherKey,
// so oldOptions[key] is the only way it should be used.
const oldOptions = options;
let value;
switch (key) {
case 'collectCoverageOnlyFrom':
value = normalizeCollectCoverageOnlyFrom(oldOptions, key);
case 'setupFiles':
case 'setupFilesAfterEnv':
case 'snapshotSerializers':
const option = oldOptions[key];
value =
option &&
option.map(filePath =>
(0, _utils.resolve)(newOptions.resolver, {
rootDir: options.rootDir
case 'modulePaths':
case 'roots':
const option = oldOptions[key];
value =
option &&
option.map(filePath =>
(0, _utils.replaceRootDirInPath)(options.rootDir, filePath)
case 'collectCoverageFrom':
value = normalizeCollectCoverageFrom(oldOptions, key);
case 'cacheDirectory':
case 'coverageDirectory':
const option = oldOptions[key];
value =
option &&
(0, _utils.replaceRootDirInPath)(options.rootDir, option)
case 'dependencyExtractor':
case 'globalSetup':
case 'globalTeardown':
case 'moduleLoader':
case 'snapshotResolver':
case 'testResultsProcessor':
case 'testRunner':
case 'filter':
const option = oldOptions[key];
value =
option &&
(0, _utils.resolve)(newOptions.resolver, {
filePath: option,
rootDir: options.rootDir
case 'runner':
const option = oldOptions[key];
value =
option &&
(0, _utils.getRunner)(newOptions.resolver, {
filePath: option,
rootDir: options.rootDir
case 'prettierPath':
// We only want this to throw if "prettierPath" is explicitly passed
// from config or CLI, and the requested path isn't found. Otherwise we
// set it to null and throw an error lazily when it is used.
const option = oldOptions[key];
value =
option &&
(0, _utils.resolve)(newOptions.resolver, {
filePath: option,
optional: option === _Defaults.default[key],
rootDir: options.rootDir
case 'moduleNameMapper':
const moduleNameMapper = oldOptions[key];
value =
moduleNameMapper &&
Object.keys(moduleNameMapper).map(regex => {
const item = moduleNameMapper && moduleNameMapper[regex];
return (
item && [
(0, _utils._replaceRootDirTags)(options.rootDir, item)
case 'transform':
const transform = oldOptions[key];
value =
transform &&
Object.keys(transform).map(regex => [
(0, _utils.resolve)(newOptions.resolver, {
filePath: transform[regex],
rootDir: options.rootDir
case 'coveragePathIgnorePatterns':
case 'modulePathIgnorePatterns':
case 'testPathIgnorePatterns':
case 'transformIgnorePatterns':
case 'watchPathIgnorePatterns':
case 'unmockedModulePathPatterns':
value = normalizeUnmockedModulePathPatterns(oldOptions, key);
case 'haste':
value = _objectSpread({}, oldOptions[key]);
if (value.hasteImplModulePath != null) {
const resolvedHasteImpl = (0, _utils.resolve)(newOptions.resolver, {
filePath: (0, _utils.replaceRootDirInPath)(
key: 'haste.hasteImplModulePath',
rootDir: options.rootDir
value.hasteImplModulePath = resolvedHasteImpl || undefined;
case 'projects':
value = (oldOptions[key] || [])
.map(project =>
typeof project === 'string'
? (0, _utils._replaceRootDirTags)(options.rootDir, project)
: project
.reduce((projects, project) => {
// Project can be specified as globs. If a glob matches any files,
// We expand it to these paths. If not, we keep the original path
// for the future resolution.
const globMatches =
typeof project === 'string' ? _glob().default.sync(project) : [];
return projects.concat(globMatches.length ? globMatches : project);
}, []);
case 'moduleDirectories':
case 'testMatch':
const replacedRootDirTags = (0, _utils._replaceRootDirTags)(
(0, _utils.escapeGlobCharacters)(options.rootDir),
if (replacedRootDirTags) {
value = Array.isArray(replacedRootDirTags)
? replacedRootDirTags.map(_jestUtil().replacePathSepForGlob)
: (0, _jestUtil().replacePathSepForGlob)(replacedRootDirTags);
} else {
value = replacedRootDirTags;
case 'testRegex':
const option = oldOptions[key];
value = option
? (Array.isArray(option) ? option : [option]).map(
: [];
case 'moduleFileExtensions': {
value = oldOptions[key];
if (
Array.isArray(value) && // If it's the wrong type, it can throw at a later time
(options.runner === undefined ||
options.runner === _Defaults.default.runner) && // Only require 'js' for the default jest-runner
) {
const errorMessage =
` moduleFileExtensions must include 'js':\n` +
` but instead received:\n` +
` ${_chalk().default.bold.red(JSON.stringify(value))}`; // If `js` is not included, any dependency Jest itself injects into
// the environment, like jasmine or sourcemap-support, will need to
// `require` its modules with a file extension. This is not plausible
// in the long run, so it's way easier to just fail hard early.
// We might consider throwing if `json` is missing as well, as it's a
// fair assumption from modules that they can do
// `require('some-package/package') without the trailing `.json` as it
// works in Node normally.
throw createConfigError(
errorMessage +
"\n Please change your configuration to include 'js'."
case 'bail': {
const bail = oldOptions[key];
if (typeof bail === 'boolean') {
value = bail ? 1 : 0;
} else if (typeof bail === 'string') {
value = 1; // If Jest is invoked as `jest --bail someTestPattern` then need to
// move the pattern from the `bail` configuration and into `argv._`
// to be processed as an extra parameter
} else {
value = oldOptions[key];
case 'displayName': {
const displayName = oldOptions[key];
if (typeof displayName === 'string') {
value = displayName;
* Ensuring that displayName shape is correct here so that the
* reporters can trust the shape of the data
* TODO: Normalize "displayName" such that given a config option
* {
* "displayName": "Test"
* }
* becomes
* {
* displayName: {
* name: "Test",
* color: "white"
* }
* }
* This can't be done now since this will be a breaking change
* for custom reporters
if ((0, _jestGetType().default)(displayName) === 'object') {
const errorMessage =
` Option "${_chalk().default.bold(
)}" must be of type:\n\n` +
' {\n' +
' name: string;\n' +
' color: string;\n' +
' }\n';
const name = displayName.name,
color = displayName.color;
if (
!name ||
!color ||
typeof name !== 'string' ||
typeof color !== 'string'
) {
throw createConfigError(errorMessage);
value = oldOptions[key];
case 'automock':
case 'browser':
case 'cache':
case 'changedSince':
case 'changedFilesWithAncestor':
case 'clearMocks':
case 'collectCoverage':
case 'coverageReporters':
case 'coverageThreshold':
case 'detectLeaks':
case 'detectOpenHandles':
case 'errorOnDeprecated':
case 'expand':
case 'extraGlobals':
case 'globals':
case 'findRelatedTests':
case 'forceCoverageMatch':
case 'forceExit':
case 'lastCommit':
case 'listTests':
case 'logHeapUsage':
case 'maxConcurrency':
case 'mapCoverage':
case 'name':
case 'noStackTrace':
case 'notify':
case 'notifyMode':
case 'onlyChanged':
case 'outputFile':
case 'passWithNoTests':
case 'replname':
case 'reporters':
case 'resetMocks':
case 'resetModules':
case 'restoreMocks':
case 'rootDir':
case 'runTestsByPath':
case 'silent':
case 'skipFilter':
case 'skipNodeResolution':
case 'testEnvironment':
case 'testEnvironmentOptions':
case 'testFailureExitCode':
case 'testLocationInResults':
case 'testNamePattern':
case 'testURL':
case 'timers':
case 'useStderr':
case 'verbose':
case 'watch':
case 'watchAll':
case 'watchman':
value = oldOptions[key];
case 'watchPlugins':
value = (oldOptions[key] || []).map(watchPlugin => {
if (typeof watchPlugin === 'string') {
return {
config: {},
path: (0, _utils.getWatchPlugin)(newOptions.resolver, {
filePath: watchPlugin,
rootDir: options.rootDir
} else {
return {
config: watchPlugin[1] || {},
path: (0, _utils.getWatchPlugin)(newOptions.resolver, {
filePath: watchPlugin[0],
rootDir: options.rootDir
} // @ts-ignore: automock is missing in GlobalConfig, so what
newOptions[key] = value;
return newOptions;
}, newOptions);
try {
// try to resolve windows short paths, ignoring errors (permission errors, mostly)
newOptions.cwd = (0, _realpathNative().sync)(process.cwd());
} catch (e) {
// ignored
newOptions.testSequencer = (0, _utils.getSequencer)(newOptions.resolver, {
filePath: options.testSequencer || _Defaults.default.testSequencer,
rootDir: options.rootDir
newOptions.nonFlagArgs = argv._;
newOptions.testPathPattern = buildTestPathPattern(argv);
newOptions.json = !!argv.json;
newOptions.testFailureExitCode = parseInt(newOptions.testFailureExitCode, 10);
if (
newOptions.lastCommit ||
newOptions.changedFilesWithAncestor ||
) {
newOptions.onlyChanged = true;
if (argv.all) {
newOptions.onlyChanged = false;
} else if (newOptions.testPathPattern) {
// When passing a test path pattern we don't want to only monitor changed
// files unless `--watch` is also passed.
newOptions.onlyChanged = newOptions.watch;
newOptions.updateSnapshot =
argv.ci && !argv.updateSnapshot
? 'none'
: argv.updateSnapshot
? 'all'
: 'new';
newOptions.maxConcurrency = parseInt(newOptions.maxConcurrency, 10);
newOptions.maxWorkers = (0, _getMaxWorkers.default)(argv);
if (newOptions.testRegex.length && options.testMatch) {
throw createConfigError(
` Configuration options ${_chalk().default.bold('testMatch')} and` +
` ${_chalk().default.bold('testRegex')} cannot be used together.`
if (newOptions.testRegex.length && !options.testMatch) {
// Prevent the default testMatch conflicting with any explicitly
// configured `testRegex` value
newOptions.testMatch = [];
} // If argv.json is set, coverageReporters shouldn't print a text report.
if (argv.json) {
newOptions.coverageReporters = (newOptions.coverageReporters || []).filter(
reporter => reporter !== 'text'
} // If collectCoverage is enabled while using --findRelatedTests we need to
// avoid having false negatives in the generated coverage report.
// The following: `--findRelatedTests '/rootDir/file1.js' --coverage`
// Is transformed to: `--findRelatedTests '/rootDir/file1.js' --coverage --collectCoverageFrom 'file1.js'`
// where arguments to `--collectCoverageFrom` should be globs (or relative
// paths to the rootDir)
if (newOptions.collectCoverage && argv.findRelatedTests) {
let collectCoverageFrom = argv._.map(filename => {
filename = (0, _utils.replaceRootDirInPath)(options.rootDir, filename);
return _path().default.isAbsolute(filename)
? _path().default.relative(options.rootDir, filename)
: filename;
}); // Don't override existing collectCoverageFrom options
if (newOptions.collectCoverageFrom) {
collectCoverageFrom = collectCoverageFrom.reduce((patterns, filename) => {
if (
(0, _jestUtil().replacePathSepForGlob)(
_path().default.relative(options.rootDir, filename)
) {
return patterns;
return [...patterns, filename];
}, newOptions.collectCoverageFrom);
newOptions.collectCoverageFrom = collectCoverageFrom;
return {
options: newOptions