import { Args } from "@bp/service/args/args.types"; import { Configs } from "@bp/service/configs/configs.types"; import PullRequestConfigsParser from "@bp/service/configs/pullrequest/pr-configs-parser"; import GitClientFactory from "@bp/service/git/git-client-factory"; import { GitClientType } from "@bp/service/git/git.types"; import { getAxiosMocked } from "../../../support/mock/git-client-mock-support"; import { MERGED_SQUASHED_MR } from "../../../support/mock/gitlab-data"; import GitLabClient from "@bp/service/git/gitlab/gitlab-client"; import GitLabMapper from "@bp/service/git/gitlab/gitlab-mapper"; jest.spyOn(GitLabMapper.prototype, "mapPullRequest"); jest.spyOn(GitLabClient.prototype, "getPullRequest"); jest.mock("axios", () => { return { create: jest.fn(() => ({ get: getAxiosMocked, })), }; }); describe("gitlab merge request config parser", () => { const mergedPRUrl = `${MERGED_SQUASHED_MR.iid}`; let configParser: PullRequestConfigsParser; beforeAll(() => { GitClientFactory.reset(); GitClientFactory.getOrCreate(GitClientType.GITLAB, "whatever", ""); }); beforeEach(() => { configParser = new PullRequestConfigsParser(); }); test("multiple backports", async () => { const args: Args = { dryRun: false, auth: "", pullRequest: mergedPRUrl, targetBranch: "v1, v2, v3", gitUser: "Me", gitEmail: "", title: "New Title", body: "New Body", bodyPrefix: "New Body Prefix -", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], inheritReviewers: false, labels: [], inheritLabels: false, comments: [], squash: true, }; const configs: Configs = await configParser.parseAndValidate(args); expect(GitLabClient.prototype.getPullRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(GitLabClient.prototype.getPullRequest).toBeCalledWith("superuser", "backporting-example", 1, true); expect(GitLabMapper.prototype.mapPullRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(GitLabMapper.prototype.mapPullRequest).toBeCalledWith(expect.anything(), []); expect(configs.dryRun).toEqual(false); expect(configs.auth).toEqual(""); expect(configs.folder).toEqual(process.cwd() + "/bp"); expect(configs.backportPullRequests.length).toEqual(3); expect(configs.backportPullRequests).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "bp-v1-ebb1eca", base: "v1", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], }, { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "bp-v2-ebb1eca", base: "v2", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], }, { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "bp-v3-ebb1eca", base: "v3", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], } ]) ); }); test("multiple backports ignore duplicates", async () => { const args: Args = { dryRun: false, auth: "", pullRequest: mergedPRUrl, targetBranch: "v1, v2, v3, v1", gitUser: "Me", gitEmail: "", title: "New Title", body: "New Body", bodyPrefix: "New Body Prefix -", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], inheritReviewers: false, labels: [], inheritLabels: false, comments: [], squash: true, }; const configs: Configs = await configParser.parseAndValidate(args); expect(GitLabClient.prototype.getPullRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(GitLabClient.prototype.getPullRequest).toBeCalledWith("superuser", "backporting-example", 1, true); expect(GitLabMapper.prototype.mapPullRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(GitLabMapper.prototype.mapPullRequest).toBeCalledWith(expect.anything(), []); expect(configs.dryRun).toEqual(false); expect(configs.auth).toEqual(""); expect(configs.folder).toEqual(process.cwd() + "/bp"); expect(configs.backportPullRequests.length).toEqual(3); expect(configs.backportPullRequests).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "bp-v1-ebb1eca", base: "v1", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], }, { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "bp-v2-ebb1eca", base: "v2", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], }, { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "bp-v3-ebb1eca", base: "v3", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], } ]) ); }); test("multiple backports with custom branch name", async () => { const args: Args = { dryRun: false, auth: "", pullRequest: mergedPRUrl, targetBranch: "v1, v2, v3", gitUser: "Me", gitEmail: "", title: "New Title", body: "New Body", bodyPrefix: "New Body Prefix -", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], inheritReviewers: false, labels: [], inheritLabels: false, comments: [], bpBranchName: "custom-branch", squash: true, }; const configs: Configs = await configParser.parseAndValidate(args); expect(GitLabClient.prototype.getPullRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(GitLabClient.prototype.getPullRequest).toBeCalledWith("superuser", "backporting-example", 1, true); expect(GitLabMapper.prototype.mapPullRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(GitLabMapper.prototype.mapPullRequest).toBeCalledWith(expect.anything(), []); expect(configs.dryRun).toEqual(false); expect(configs.auth).toEqual(""); expect(configs.folder).toEqual(process.cwd() + "/bp"); expect(configs.backportPullRequests.length).toEqual(3); expect(configs.backportPullRequests).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "custom-branch-v1", base: "v1", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], }, { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "custom-branch-v2", base: "v2", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], }, { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "custom-branch-v3", base: "v3", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], } ]) ); }); test("multiple backports with multiple custom branch names", async () => { const args: Args = { dryRun: false, auth: "", pullRequest: mergedPRUrl, targetBranch: "v1, v2, v3", gitUser: "Me", gitEmail: "", title: "New Title", body: "New Body", bodyPrefix: "New Body Prefix -", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], inheritReviewers: false, labels: [], inheritLabels: false, comments: [], bpBranchName: "custom1, custom2, custom3", squash: true, }; const configs: Configs = await configParser.parseAndValidate(args); expect(GitLabClient.prototype.getPullRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(GitLabClient.prototype.getPullRequest).toBeCalledWith("superuser", "backporting-example", 1, true); expect(GitLabMapper.prototype.mapPullRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(GitLabMapper.prototype.mapPullRequest).toBeCalledWith(expect.anything(), []); expect(configs.dryRun).toEqual(false); expect(configs.auth).toEqual(""); expect(configs.folder).toEqual(process.cwd() + "/bp"); expect(configs.backportPullRequests.length).toEqual(3); expect(configs.backportPullRequests).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "custom1", base: "v1", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], }, { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "custom2", base: "v2", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], }, { owner: "superuser", repo: "backporting-example", head: "custom3", base: "v3", title: "New Title", body: "New Body Prefix -New Body", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], labels: [], comments: [], } ]) ); }); test("multiple backports with incorrect number of bp branch names", async () => { const args: Args = { dryRun: false, auth: "", pullRequest: mergedPRUrl, targetBranch: "v1, v2, v3", gitUser: "Me", gitEmail: "", title: "New Title", body: "New Body", bodyPrefix: "New Body Prefix -", reviewers: [], assignees: ["user3", "user4"], inheritReviewers: false, labels: [], inheritLabels: false, comments: [], bpBranchName: "custom-branch1, custom-branch2, custom-branch2, custom-branch3, custom-branch4", }; await expect(() => configParser.parseAndValidate(args)).rejects.toThrow("The number of backport branch names, if provided, must match the number of target branches or just one, provided 4 branch names instead"); }); });