2023-08-03 21:57:11 +02:00
import { Args } from "@bp/service/args/args.types" ;
import { Configs } from "@bp/service/configs/configs.types" ;
import PullRequestConfigsParser from "@bp/service/configs/pullrequest/pr-configs-parser" ;
import GitClientFactory from "@bp/service/git/git-client-factory" ;
import { GitClientType } from "@bp/service/git/git.types" ;
import { mockGitHubClient } from "../../../support/mock/git-client-mock-support" ;
2024-02-23 15:13:34 +01:00
import { resetProcessArgs } from "../../../support/utils" ;
2023-08-03 21:57:11 +02:00
import { MERGED_PR_FIXTURE , REPO , TARGET_OWNER , MULT_COMMITS_PR_FIXTURE } from "../../../support/mock/github-data" ;
import GitHubMapper from "@bp/service/git/github/github-mapper" ;
import GitHubClient from "@bp/service/git/github/github-client" ;
jest . spyOn ( GitHubMapper . prototype , "mapPullRequest" ) ;
jest . spyOn ( GitHubClient . prototype , "getPullRequest" ) ;
describe ( "github pull request config parser" , ( ) = > {
const mergedPRUrl = ` https://github.com/ ${ TARGET_OWNER } / ${ REPO } /pull/ ${ MERGED_PR_FIXTURE . number } ` ;
const multipleCommitsPRUrl = ` https://github.com/ ${ TARGET_OWNER } / ${ REPO } /pull/ ${ MULT_COMMITS_PR_FIXTURE . number } ` ;
let configParser : PullRequestConfigsParser ;
beforeAll ( ( ) = > {
GitClientFactory . reset ( ) ;
GitClientFactory . getOrCreate ( GitClientType . GITHUB , "whatever" , "http://localhost/api/v3" ) ;
} ) ;
beforeEach ( ( ) = > {
// reset process.env variables
resetProcessArgs ( ) ;
2023-12-10 22:05:53 +01:00
2023-08-03 21:57:11 +02:00
// mock octokit
mockGitHubClient ( "http://localhost/api/v3" ) ;
// create a fresh new instance every time
configParser = new PullRequestConfigsParser ( ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "multiple backports" , async ( ) = > {
const args : Args = {
dryRun : false ,
auth : "" ,
pullRequest : mergedPRUrl ,
targetBranch : "v1, v2, v3" ,
gitUser : "Me" ,
gitEmail : "me@email.com" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body" ,
bodyPrefix : "New Body Prefix -" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
inheritReviewers : false ,
labels : [ ] ,
inheritLabels : false ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ;
const configs : Configs = await configParser . parseAndValidate ( args ) ;
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
2024-04-08 18:51:13 +02:00
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( "owner" , "reponame" , 2368 , undefined ) ;
2023-08-03 21:57:11 +02:00
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( expect . anything ( ) , [ ] ) ;
expect ( configs . dryRun ) . toEqual ( false ) ;
expect ( configs . auth ) . toEqual ( "" ) ;
expect ( configs . folder ) . toEqual ( process . cwd ( ) + "/bp" ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests . length ) . toEqual ( 3 ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests ) . toEqual (
expect . arrayContaining ( [
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v1-28f63db" ,
base : "v1" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v2-28f63db" ,
base : "v2" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v3-28f63db" ,
base : "v3" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
] )
) ;
} ) ;
test ( "multiple backports ignore duplicates" , async ( ) = > {
const args : Args = {
dryRun : false ,
auth : "" ,
pullRequest : mergedPRUrl ,
targetBranch : "v1, v2, v2, v3" ,
gitUser : "Me" ,
gitEmail : "me@email.com" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body" ,
bodyPrefix : "New Body Prefix -" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
inheritReviewers : false ,
labels : [ ] ,
inheritLabels : false ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ;
const configs : Configs = await configParser . parseAndValidate ( args ) ;
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
2024-04-08 18:51:13 +02:00
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( "owner" , "reponame" , 2368 , undefined ) ;
2023-08-03 21:57:11 +02:00
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( expect . anything ( ) , [ ] ) ;
expect ( configs . dryRun ) . toEqual ( false ) ;
expect ( configs . auth ) . toEqual ( "" ) ;
expect ( configs . folder ) . toEqual ( process . cwd ( ) + "/bp" ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests . length ) . toEqual ( 3 ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests ) . toEqual (
expect . arrayContaining ( [
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v1-28f63db" ,
base : "v1" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v2-28f63db" ,
base : "v2" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v3-28f63db" ,
base : "v3" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
] )
) ;
} ) ;
test ( "multiple backports with custom branch name" , async ( ) = > {
const args : Args = {
dryRun : false ,
auth : "" ,
pullRequest : mergedPRUrl ,
targetBranch : "v1, v2, v3" ,
gitUser : "Me" ,
gitEmail : "me@email.com" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body" ,
bodyPrefix : "New Body Prefix -" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
inheritReviewers : false ,
labels : [ ] ,
inheritLabels : false ,
comments : [ ] ,
bpBranchName : "custom-branch" ,
} ;
const configs : Configs = await configParser . parseAndValidate ( args ) ;
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
2024-04-08 18:51:13 +02:00
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( "owner" , "reponame" , 2368 , undefined ) ;
2023-08-03 21:57:11 +02:00
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( expect . anything ( ) , [ ] ) ;
expect ( configs . dryRun ) . toEqual ( false ) ;
expect ( configs . auth ) . toEqual ( "" ) ;
expect ( configs . folder ) . toEqual ( process . cwd ( ) + "/bp" ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests . length ) . toEqual ( 3 ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests ) . toEqual (
expect . arrayContaining ( [
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "custom-branch-v1" ,
base : "v1" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "custom-branch-v2" ,
base : "v2" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "custom-branch-v3" ,
base : "v3" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
] )
) ;
} ) ;
test ( "multiple backports with multiple custom branch names" , async ( ) = > {
const args : Args = {
dryRun : false ,
auth : "" ,
pullRequest : mergedPRUrl ,
targetBranch : "v1, v2, v3" ,
gitUser : "Me" ,
gitEmail : "me@email.com" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body" ,
bodyPrefix : "New Body Prefix -" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
inheritReviewers : false ,
labels : [ ] ,
inheritLabels : false ,
comments : [ ] ,
bpBranchName : "custom-branch1, custom-branch2, custom-branch3" ,
} ;
const configs : Configs = await configParser . parseAndValidate ( args ) ;
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
2024-04-08 18:51:13 +02:00
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( "owner" , "reponame" , 2368 , undefined ) ;
2023-08-03 21:57:11 +02:00
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( expect . anything ( ) , [ ] ) ;
expect ( configs . dryRun ) . toEqual ( false ) ;
expect ( configs . auth ) . toEqual ( "" ) ;
expect ( configs . folder ) . toEqual ( process . cwd ( ) + "/bp" ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests . length ) . toEqual ( 3 ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests ) . toEqual (
expect . arrayContaining ( [
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "custom-branch1" ,
base : "v1" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "custom-branch2" ,
base : "v2" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "custom-branch3" ,
base : "v3" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body Prefix -New Body" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
] )
) ;
} ) ;
test ( "multiple backports with incorrect number of bp branch names" , async ( ) = > {
const args : Args = {
dryRun : false ,
auth : "" ,
pullRequest : mergedPRUrl ,
targetBranch : "v1, v2, v3" ,
gitUser : "Me" ,
gitEmail : "me@email.com" ,
title : "New Title" ,
body : "New Body" ,
bodyPrefix : "New Body Prefix -" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ "user3" , "user4" ] ,
inheritReviewers : false ,
labels : [ ] ,
inheritLabels : false ,
comments : [ ] ,
bpBranchName : "custom-branch1, custom-branch2" ,
} ;
await expect ( ( ) = > configParser . parseAndValidate ( args ) ) . rejects . toThrow ( "The number of backport branch names, if provided, must match the number of target branches or just one, provided 2 branch names instead" ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "multiple backports and multiple commits" , async ( ) = > {
const args : Args = {
dryRun : false ,
auth : "" ,
pullRequest : multipleCommitsPRUrl ,
2024-03-30 19:19:17 +01:00
targetBranch : "v4, v5, v6" ,
gitUser : "GitHub" ,
gitEmail : "noreply@github.com" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ ] ,
inheritReviewers : true ,
squash : false ,
} ;
const configs : Configs = await configParser . parseAndValidate ( args ) ;
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( "owner" , "reponame" , 8632 , false ) ;
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( expect . anything ( ) , [ "0404fb922ab75c3a8aecad5c97d9af388df04695" , "11da4e38aa3e577ffde6d546f1c52e53b04d3151" ] ) ;
expect ( configs . dryRun ) . toEqual ( false ) ;
expect ( configs . git ) . toEqual ( {
user : "GitHub" ,
email : "noreply@github.com"
} ) ;
expect ( configs . auth ) . toEqual ( "" ) ;
expect ( configs . folder ) . toEqual ( process . cwd ( ) + "/bp" ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests . length ) . toEqual ( 3 ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests ) . toEqual (
expect . arrayContaining ( [
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v4-0404fb9-11da4e3" ,
base : "v4" ,
title : "[v4] PR Title" ,
body : "**Backport:** https://github.com/owner/reponame/pull/8632\r\n\r\nPlease review and merge" ,
reviewers : [ "gh-user" , "that-s-a-user" ] ,
assignees : [ ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v5-0404fb9-11da4e3" ,
base : "v5" ,
title : "[v5] PR Title" ,
body : "**Backport:** https://github.com/owner/reponame/pull/8632\r\n\r\nPlease review and merge" ,
reviewers : [ "gh-user" , "that-s-a-user" ] ,
assignees : [ ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v6-0404fb9-11da4e3" ,
base : "v6" ,
title : "[v6] PR Title" ,
body : "**Backport:** https://github.com/owner/reponame/pull/8632\r\n\r\nPlease review and merge" ,
reviewers : [ "gh-user" , "that-s-a-user" ] ,
assignees : [ ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
] )
) ;
} ) ;
test ( "multiple extracted branches and multiple commits" , async ( ) = > {
const args : Args = {
dryRun : false ,
auth : "" ,
pullRequest : multipleCommitsPRUrl ,
targetBranchPattern : "^backport (?<target>([^ ]+))$" ,
2023-08-03 21:57:11 +02:00
gitUser : "GitHub" ,
gitEmail : "noreply@github.com" ,
reviewers : [ ] ,
assignees : [ ] ,
inheritReviewers : true ,
squash : false ,
} ;
const configs : Configs = await configParser . parseAndValidate ( args ) ;
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( GitHubClient . prototype . getPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( "owner" , "reponame" , 8632 , false ) ;
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledTimes ( 1 ) ;
expect ( GitHubMapper . prototype . mapPullRequest ) . toBeCalledWith ( expect . anything ( ) , [ "0404fb922ab75c3a8aecad5c97d9af388df04695" , "11da4e38aa3e577ffde6d546f1c52e53b04d3151" ] ) ;
expect ( configs . dryRun ) . toEqual ( false ) ;
expect ( configs . git ) . toEqual ( {
user : "GitHub" ,
email : "noreply@github.com"
} ) ;
expect ( configs . auth ) . toEqual ( "" ) ;
expect ( configs . folder ) . toEqual ( process . cwd ( ) + "/bp" ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests . length ) . toEqual ( 3 ) ;
expect ( configs . backportPullRequests ) . toEqual (
expect . arrayContaining ( [
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v1-0404fb9-11da4e3" ,
base : "v1" ,
title : "[v1] PR Title" ,
body : "**Backport:** https://github.com/owner/reponame/pull/8632\r\n\r\nPlease review and merge" ,
reviewers : [ "gh-user" , "that-s-a-user" ] ,
assignees : [ ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v2-0404fb9-11da4e3" ,
base : "v2" ,
title : "[v2] PR Title" ,
body : "**Backport:** https://github.com/owner/reponame/pull/8632\r\n\r\nPlease review and merge" ,
reviewers : [ "gh-user" , "that-s-a-user" ] ,
assignees : [ ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
owner : "owner" ,
repo : "reponame" ,
head : "bp-v3-0404fb9-11da4e3" ,
base : "v3" ,
title : "[v3] PR Title" ,
body : "**Backport:** https://github.com/owner/reponame/pull/8632\r\n\r\nPlease review and merge" ,
reviewers : [ "gh-user" , "that-s-a-user" ] ,
assignees : [ ] ,
labels : [ ] ,
comments : [ ] ,
} ,
] )
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;