# raylib-beef ![logo](img/raylib-beef-logo.png) BeefLang bindings for **Raylib 5.0**. > **Note**: OS is limited to Windows & WebAssembly right now, I see no reason why this wouldn't work on other platforms, though. I guess only one way to find out. ## Example ```cs using System; using RaylibBeef; using static RaylibBeef.Raylib; namespace example; class Program { public static int Main(String[] args) { InitWindow(800, 600, scope $"Raylib Beef {RAYLIB_VERSION_MAJOR}.{RAYLIB_VERSION_MINOR}.{RAYLIB_VERSION_PATCH}"); InitAudioDevice(); let beefMain = Color(165, 47, 78, 255); let beefOutline = Color(243, 157, 157, 255); while (!WindowShouldClose()) { BeginDrawing(); ClearBackground(RAYWHITE); DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth() / 2 - 128, GetScreenHeight() / 2 - 128, 256, 256, beefOutline); DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth() / 2 - 112, GetScreenHeight() / 2 - 112, 224, 224, beefMain); DrawText("raylib", GetScreenWidth() / 2 - 44, GetScreenHeight() / 2, 50, beefOutline); DrawText("beef", GetScreenWidth() / 2 - 62, GetScreenHeight() / 2 + 46, 50, beefOutline); DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth() / 2 + 54, GetScreenHeight() / 2 + 54, 42, 42, beefOutline); DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth() / 2 + 62, GetScreenHeight() / 2 + 62, 26, 26, RAYWHITE); DrawCircle(GetMouseX(), GetMouseY(), 20, beefOutline); DrawCircle(GetMouseX(), GetMouseY(), 8, beefMain); DrawFPS(20, 20); EndDrawing(); } CloseAudioDevice(); CloseWindow(); return 0; } } ``` ## More Links * Raylib Repo (https://github.com/raysan5/raylib) * BeefLang (https://www.beeflang.org) ## Contribution I'll be happy to resolve any issues or pull requests.