Defines found: 86 Define 001: RLGL_H Name: RLGL_H Type: GUARD Value: Description: Define 002: RLGL_VERSION Name: RLGL_VERSION Type: STRING Value: "4.5" Description: Define 003: RLAPI Name: RLAPI Type: UNKNOWN Value: __declspec(dllexport) Description: We are building the library as a Win32 shared library (.dll) Define 004: TRACELOG(level, ...) Name: TRACELOG(level, ...) Type: MACRO Value: (void)0 Description: Define 005: TRACELOGD(...) Name: TRACELOGD(...) Type: MACRO Value: (void)0 Description: Define 006: RL_MALLOC(sz) Name: RL_MALLOC(sz) Type: MACRO Value: malloc(sz) Description: Define 007: RL_CALLOC(n,sz) Name: RL_CALLOC(n,sz) Type: MACRO Value: calloc(n,sz) Description: Define 008: RL_REALLOC(n,sz) Name: RL_REALLOC(n,sz) Type: MACRO Value: realloc(n,sz) Description: Define 009: RL_FREE(p) Name: RL_FREE(p) Type: MACRO Value: free(p) Description: Define 010: GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33 Name: GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33 Type: GUARD Value: Description: Define 011: RLGL_RENDER_TEXTURES_HINT Name: RLGL_RENDER_TEXTURES_HINT Type: GUARD Value: Description: Define 012: RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_BUFFER_ELEMENTS Name: RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_BUFFER_ELEMENTS Type: INT Value: 8192 Description: Define 013: RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_BUFFERS Name: RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_BUFFERS Type: INT Value: 1 Description: Default number of batch buffers (multi-buffering) Define 014: RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_DRAWCALLS Name: RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_DRAWCALLS Type: INT Value: 256 Description: Default number of batch draw calls (by state changes: mode, texture) Define 015: RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS Name: RL_DEFAULT_BATCH_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS Type: INT Value: 4 Description: Maximum number of textures units that can be activated on batch drawing (SetShaderValueTexture()) Define 016: RL_MAX_MATRIX_STACK_SIZE Name: RL_MAX_MATRIX_STACK_SIZE Type: INT Value: 32 Description: Maximum size of Matrix stack Define 017: RL_MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS Name: RL_MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS Type: INT Value: 32 Description: Maximum number of shader locations supported Define 018: RL_CULL_DISTANCE_NEAR Name: RL_CULL_DISTANCE_NEAR Type: DOUBLE Value: 0.01 Description: Default near cull distance Define 019: RL_CULL_DISTANCE_FAR Name: RL_CULL_DISTANCE_FAR Type: DOUBLE Value: 1000.0 Description: Default far cull distance Define 020: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S Name: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S Type: INT Value: 0x2802 Description: GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S Define 021: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T Name: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T Type: INT Value: 0x2803 Description: GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T Define 022: RL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER Name: RL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER Type: INT Value: 0x2800 Description: GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER Define 023: RL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER Name: RL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER Type: INT Value: 0x2801 Description: GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER Define 024: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST Name: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST Type: INT Value: 0x2600 Description: GL_NEAREST Define 025: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR Name: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR Type: INT Value: 0x2601 Description: GL_LINEAR Define 026: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_MIP_NEAREST Name: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_MIP_NEAREST Type: INT Value: 0x2700 Description: GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST Define 027: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST_MIP_LINEAR Name: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST_MIP_LINEAR Type: INT Value: 0x2702 Description: GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR Define 028: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIP_NEAREST Name: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIP_NEAREST Type: INT Value: 0x2701 Description: GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST Define 029: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_MIP_LINEAR Name: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_MIP_LINEAR Type: INT Value: 0x2703 Description: GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR Define 030: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_ANISOTROPIC Name: RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_ANISOTROPIC Type: INT Value: 0x3000 Description: Anisotropic filter (custom identifier) Define 031: RL_TEXTURE_MIPMAP_BIAS_RATIO Name: RL_TEXTURE_MIPMAP_BIAS_RATIO Type: INT Value: 0x4000 Description: Texture mipmap bias, percentage ratio (custom identifier) Define 032: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT Name: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT Type: INT Value: 0x2901 Description: GL_REPEAT Define 033: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_CLAMP Name: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_CLAMP Type: INT Value: 0x812F Description: GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE Define 034: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_MIRROR_REPEAT Name: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_MIRROR_REPEAT Type: INT Value: 0x8370 Description: GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT Define 035: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_MIRROR_CLAMP Name: RL_TEXTURE_WRAP_MIRROR_CLAMP Type: INT Value: 0x8742 Description: GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_EXT Define 036: RL_MODELVIEW Name: RL_MODELVIEW Type: INT Value: 0x1700 Description: GL_MODELVIEW Define 037: RL_PROJECTION Name: RL_PROJECTION Type: INT Value: 0x1701 Description: GL_PROJECTION Define 038: RL_TEXTURE Name: RL_TEXTURE Type: INT Value: 0x1702 Description: GL_TEXTURE Define 039: RL_LINES Name: RL_LINES Type: INT Value: 0x0001 Description: GL_LINES Define 040: RL_TRIANGLES Name: RL_TRIANGLES Type: INT Value: 0x0004 Description: GL_TRIANGLES Define 041: RL_QUADS Name: RL_QUADS Type: INT Value: 0x0007 Description: GL_QUADS Define 042: RL_UNSIGNED_BYTE Name: RL_UNSIGNED_BYTE Type: INT Value: 0x1401 Description: GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE Define 043: RL_FLOAT Name: RL_FLOAT Type: INT Value: 0x1406 Description: GL_FLOAT Define 044: RL_STREAM_DRAW Name: RL_STREAM_DRAW Type: INT Value: 0x88E0 Description: GL_STREAM_DRAW Define 045: RL_STREAM_READ Name: RL_STREAM_READ Type: INT Value: 0x88E1 Description: GL_STREAM_READ Define 046: RL_STREAM_COPY Name: RL_STREAM_COPY Type: INT Value: 0x88E2 Description: GL_STREAM_COPY Define 047: RL_STATIC_DRAW Name: RL_STATIC_DRAW Type: INT Value: 0x88E4 Description: GL_STATIC_DRAW Define 048: RL_STATIC_READ Name: RL_STATIC_READ Type: INT Value: 0x88E5 Description: GL_STATIC_READ Define 049: RL_STATIC_COPY Name: RL_STATIC_COPY Type: INT Value: 0x88E6 Description: GL_STATIC_COPY Define 050: RL_DYNAMIC_DRAW Name: RL_DYNAMIC_DRAW Type: INT Value: 0x88E8 Description: GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW Define 051: RL_DYNAMIC_READ Name: RL_DYNAMIC_READ Type: INT Value: 0x88E9 Description: GL_DYNAMIC_READ Define 052: RL_DYNAMIC_COPY Name: RL_DYNAMIC_COPY Type: INT Value: 0x88EA Description: GL_DYNAMIC_COPY Define 053: RL_FRAGMENT_SHADER Name: RL_FRAGMENT_SHADER Type: INT Value: 0x8B30 Description: GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER Define 054: RL_VERTEX_SHADER Name: RL_VERTEX_SHADER Type: INT Value: 0x8B31 Description: GL_VERTEX_SHADER Define 055: RL_COMPUTE_SHADER Name: RL_COMPUTE_SHADER Type: INT Value: 0x91B9 Description: GL_COMPUTE_SHADER Define 056: RL_ZERO Name: RL_ZERO Type: INT Value: 0 Description: GL_ZERO Define 057: RL_ONE Name: RL_ONE Type: INT Value: 1 Description: GL_ONE Define 058: RL_SRC_COLOR Name: RL_SRC_COLOR Type: INT Value: 0x0300 Description: GL_SRC_COLOR Define 059: RL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR Name: RL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR Type: INT Value: 0x0301 Description: GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR Define 060: RL_SRC_ALPHA Name: RL_SRC_ALPHA Type: INT Value: 0x0302 Description: GL_SRC_ALPHA Define 061: RL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA Name: RL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA Type: INT Value: 0x0303 Description: GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA Define 062: RL_DST_ALPHA Name: RL_DST_ALPHA Type: INT Value: 0x0304 Description: GL_DST_ALPHA Define 063: RL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA Name: RL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA Type: INT Value: 0x0305 Description: GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA Define 064: RL_DST_COLOR Name: RL_DST_COLOR Type: INT Value: 0x0306 Description: GL_DST_COLOR Define 065: RL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR Name: RL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR Type: INT Value: 0x0307 Description: GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR Define 066: RL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE Name: RL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE Type: INT Value: 0x0308 Description: GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE Define 067: RL_CONSTANT_COLOR Name: RL_CONSTANT_COLOR Type: INT Value: 0x8001 Description: GL_CONSTANT_COLOR Define 068: RL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR Name: RL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR Type: INT Value: 0x8002 Description: GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR Define 069: RL_CONSTANT_ALPHA Name: RL_CONSTANT_ALPHA Type: INT Value: 0x8003 Description: GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA Define 070: RL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA Name: RL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA Type: INT Value: 0x8004 Description: GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA Define 071: RL_FUNC_ADD Name: RL_FUNC_ADD Type: INT Value: 0x8006 Description: GL_FUNC_ADD Define 072: RL_MIN Name: RL_MIN Type: INT Value: 0x8007 Description: GL_MIN Define 073: RL_MAX Name: RL_MAX Type: INT Value: 0x8008 Description: GL_MAX Define 074: RL_FUNC_SUBTRACT Name: RL_FUNC_SUBTRACT Type: INT Value: 0x800A Description: GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT Define 075: RL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT Name: RL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT Type: INT Value: 0x800B Description: GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT Define 076: RL_BLEND_EQUATION Name: RL_BLEND_EQUATION Type: INT Value: 0x8009 Description: GL_BLEND_EQUATION Define 077: RL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB Name: RL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB Type: INT Value: 0x8009 Description: GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB // (Same as BLEND_EQUATION) Define 078: RL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA Name: RL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA Type: INT Value: 0x883D Description: GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA Define 079: RL_BLEND_DST_RGB Name: RL_BLEND_DST_RGB Type: INT Value: 0x80C8 Description: GL_BLEND_DST_RGB Define 080: RL_BLEND_SRC_RGB Name: RL_BLEND_SRC_RGB Type: INT Value: 0x80C9 Description: GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB Define 081: RL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA Name: RL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA Type: INT Value: 0x80CA Description: GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA Define 082: RL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA Name: RL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA Type: INT Value: 0x80CB Description: GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA Define 083: RL_BLEND_COLOR Name: RL_BLEND_COLOR Type: INT Value: 0x8005 Description: GL_BLEND_COLOR Define 084: RL_MATRIX_TYPE Name: RL_MATRIX_TYPE Type: GUARD Value: Description: Define 085: RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_DIFFUSE Name: RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_DIFFUSE Type: UNKNOWN Value: RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_ALBEDO Description: Define 086: RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_SPECULAR Name: RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_SPECULAR Type: UNKNOWN Value: RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_METALNESS Description: Structures found: 4 Struct 01: Matrix (16 fields) Name: Matrix Description: Matrix, 4x4 components, column major, OpenGL style, right handed Field[1]: float m0 // Matrix first row (4 components) Field[2]: float m4 // Matrix first row (4 components) Field[3]: float m8 // Matrix first row (4 components) Field[4]: float m12 // Matrix first row (4 components) Field[5]: float m1 // Matrix second row (4 components) Field[6]: float m5 // Matrix second row (4 components) Field[7]: float m9 // Matrix second row (4 components) Field[8]: float m13 // Matrix second row (4 components) Field[9]: float m2 // Matrix third row (4 components) Field[10]: float m6 // Matrix third row (4 components) Field[11]: float m10 // Matrix third row (4 components) Field[12]: float m14 // Matrix third row (4 components) Field[13]: float m3 // Matrix fourth row (4 components) Field[14]: float m7 // Matrix fourth row (4 components) Field[15]: float m11 // Matrix fourth row (4 components) Field[16]: float m15 // Matrix fourth row (4 components) Struct 02: rlVertexBuffer (12 fields) Name: rlVertexBuffer Description: Dynamic vertex buffers (position + texcoords + colors + indices arrays) Field[1]: int elementCount // Number of elements in the buffer (QUADS) Field[2]: float * vertices // Vertex position (XYZ - 3 components per vertex) (shader-location = 0) Field[3]: float * texcoords // Vertex texture coordinates (UV - 2 components per vertex) (shader-location = 1) Field[4]: unsigned char * colors // Vertex colors (RGBA - 4 components per vertex) (shader-location = 3) Field[5]: #if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11) || defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENunsigned int * indices // Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) (6 indices per quad) Field[6]: unsigned int * indices // Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) (6 indices per quad) Field[7]: #endif indices // Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) (6 indices per quad) Field[8]: #if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2) indices // Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) (6 indices per quad) Field[9]: unsigned short * indices // Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) (6 indices per quad) Field[10]: #endif vaoId // OpenGL Vertex Array Object id Field[11]: unsigned int vaoId // OpenGL Vertex Array Object id Field[12]: unsigned int[4] vboId // OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects id (4 types of vertex data) Struct 03: rlDrawCall (4 fields) Name: rlDrawCall Description: of those state-change happens (this is done in core module) Field[1]: int mode // Drawing mode: LINES, TRIANGLES, QUADS Field[2]: int vertexCount // Number of vertex of the draw Field[3]: int vertexAlignment // Number of vertex required for index alignment (LINES, TRIANGLES) Field[4]: unsigned int textureId // Texture id to be used on the draw -> Use to create new draw call if changes Struct 04: rlRenderBatch (6 fields) Name: rlRenderBatch Description: rlRenderBatch type Field[1]: int bufferCount // Number of vertex buffers (multi-buffering support) Field[2]: int currentBuffer // Current buffer tracking in case of multi-buffering Field[3]: rlVertexBuffer * vertexBuffer // Dynamic buffer(s) for vertex data Field[4]: rlDrawCall * draws // Draw calls array, depends on textureId Field[5]: int drawCounter // Draw calls counter Field[6]: float currentDepth // Current depth value for next draw Aliases found: 0 Enums found: 11 Enum 01: rlGlVersion (5 values) Name: rlGlVersion Description: OpenGL version Value[RL_OPENGL_11]: 1 Value[RL_OPENGL_21]: 2 Value[RL_OPENGL_33]: 3 Value[RL_OPENGL_43]: 4 Value[RL_OPENGL_ES_20]: 5 Enum 02: rlTraceLogLevel (8 values) Name: rlTraceLogLevel Description: Trace log level Value[RL_LOG_ALL]: 0 Value[RL_LOG_TRACE]: 1 Value[RL_LOG_DEBUG]: 2 Value[RL_LOG_INFO]: 3 Value[RL_LOG_WARNING]: 4 Value[RL_LOG_ERROR]: 5 Value[RL_LOG_FATAL]: 6 Value[RL_LOG_NONE]: 7 Enum 03: rlPixelFormat (21 values) Name: rlPixelFormat Description: Texture pixel formats Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_GRAYSCALE]: 1 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA]: 2 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R5G6B5]: 3 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8]: 4 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R5G5B5A1]: 5 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R4G4B4A4]: 6 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8]: 7 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R32]: 8 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32]: 9 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32A32]: 10 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGB]: 11 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGBA]: 12 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_DXT3_RGBA]: 13 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_DXT5_RGBA]: 14 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB]: 15 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_ETC2_RGB]: 16 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_ETC2_EAC_RGBA]: 17 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_PVRT_RGB]: 18 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_PVRT_RGBA]: 19 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_ASTC_4x4_RGBA]: 20 Value[RL_PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_ASTC_8x8_RGBA]: 21 Enum 04: rlTextureFilter (6 values) Name: rlTextureFilter Description: Texture parameters: filter mode Value[RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT]: 0 Value[RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_BILINEAR]: 1 Value[RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_TRILINEAR]: 2 Value[RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_ANISOTROPIC_4X]: 3 Value[RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_ANISOTROPIC_8X]: 4 Value[RL_TEXTURE_FILTER_ANISOTROPIC_16X]: 5 Enum 05: rlBlendMode (8 values) Name: rlBlendMode Description: Color blending modes (pre-defined) Value[RL_BLEND_ALPHA]: 0 Value[RL_BLEND_ADDITIVE]: 1 Value[RL_BLEND_MULTIPLIED]: 2 Value[RL_BLEND_ADD_COLORS]: 3 Value[RL_BLEND_SUBTRACT_COLORS]: 4 Value[RL_BLEND_ALPHA_PREMULTIPLY]: 5 Value[RL_BLEND_CUSTOM]: 6 Value[RL_BLEND_CUSTOM_SEPARATE]: 7 Enum 06: rlShaderLocationIndex (26 values) Name: rlShaderLocationIndex Description: Shader location point type Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_POSITION]: 0 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_TEXCOORD01]: 1 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_TEXCOORD02]: 2 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_NORMAL]: 3 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_TANGENT]: 4 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_COLOR]: 5 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_MVP]: 6 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_VIEW]: 7 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_PROJECTION]: 8 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_MODEL]: 9 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_NORMAL]: 10 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_VECTOR_VIEW]: 11 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_COLOR_DIFFUSE]: 12 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_COLOR_SPECULAR]: 13 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_COLOR_AMBIENT]: 14 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_ALBEDO]: 15 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_METALNESS]: 16 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_NORMAL]: 17 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_ROUGHNESS]: 18 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_OCCLUSION]: 19 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_EMISSION]: 20 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_HEIGHT]: 21 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_CUBEMAP]: 22 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_IRRADIANCE]: 23 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_PREFILTER]: 24 Value[RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_BRDF]: 25 Enum 07: rlShaderUniformDataType (9 values) Name: rlShaderUniformDataType Description: Shader uniform data type Value[RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT]: 0 Value[RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_VEC2]: 1 Value[RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_VEC3]: 2 Value[RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_VEC4]: 3 Value[RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_INT]: 4 Value[RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_IVEC2]: 5 Value[RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_IVEC3]: 6 Value[RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_IVEC4]: 7 Value[RL_SHADER_UNIFORM_SAMPLER2D]: 8 Enum 08: rlShaderAttributeDataType (4 values) Name: rlShaderAttributeDataType Description: Shader attribute data types Value[RL_SHADER_ATTRIB_FLOAT]: 0 Value[RL_SHADER_ATTRIB_VEC2]: 1 Value[RL_SHADER_ATTRIB_VEC3]: 2 Value[RL_SHADER_ATTRIB_VEC4]: 3 Enum 09: rlFramebufferAttachType (10 values) Name: rlFramebufferAttachType Description: Framebuffer attachment type Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL0]: 0 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL1]: 1 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL2]: 2 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL3]: 3 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL4]: 4 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL5]: 5 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL6]: 6 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL7]: 7 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH]: 100 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL]: 200 Enum 10: rlFramebufferAttachTextureType (8 values) Name: rlFramebufferAttachTextureType Description: Framebuffer texture attachment type Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_POSITIVE_X]: 0 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVE_X]: 1 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_POSITIVE_Y]: 2 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVE_Y]: 3 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_POSITIVE_Z]: 4 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVE_Z]: 5 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE2D]: 100 Value[RL_ATTACHMENT_RENDERBUFFER]: 200 Enum 11: rlCullMode (2 values) Name: rlCullMode Description: Face culling mode Value[RL_CULL_FACE_FRONT]: 0 Value[RL_CULL_FACE_BACK]: 1 Callbacks found: 0 Functions found: 147 Function 001: rlMatrixMode() (1 input parameters) Name: rlMatrixMode Return type: void Description: Choose the current matrix to be transformed Param[1]: mode (type: int) Function 002: rlPushMatrix() (0 input parameters) Name: rlPushMatrix Return type: void Description: Push the current matrix to stack No input parameters Function 003: rlPopMatrix() (0 input parameters) Name: rlPopMatrix Return type: void Description: Pop latest inserted matrix from stack No input parameters Function 004: rlLoadIdentity() (0 input parameters) Name: rlLoadIdentity Return type: void Description: Reset current matrix to identity matrix No input parameters Function 005: rlTranslatef() (3 input parameters) Name: rlTranslatef Return type: void Description: Multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix Param[1]: x (type: float) Param[2]: y (type: float) Param[3]: z (type: float) Function 006: rlRotatef() (4 input parameters) Name: rlRotatef Return type: void Description: Multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix Param[1]: angle (type: float) Param[2]: x (type: float) Param[3]: y (type: float) Param[4]: z (type: float) Function 007: rlScalef() (3 input parameters) Name: rlScalef Return type: void Description: Multiply the current matrix by a scaling matrix Param[1]: x (type: float) Param[2]: y (type: float) Param[3]: z (type: float) Function 008: rlMultMatrixf() (1 input parameters) Name: rlMultMatrixf Return type: void Description: Multiply the current matrix by another matrix Param[1]: matf (type: const float *) Function 009: rlFrustum() (6 input parameters) Name: rlFrustum Return type: void Description: Param[1]: left (type: double) Param[2]: right (type: double) Param[3]: bottom (type: double) Param[4]: top (type: double) Param[5]: znear (type: double) Param[6]: zfar (type: double) Function 010: rlOrtho() (6 input parameters) Name: rlOrtho Return type: void Description: Param[1]: left (type: double) Param[2]: right (type: double) Param[3]: bottom (type: double) Param[4]: top (type: double) Param[5]: znear (type: double) Param[6]: zfar (type: double) Function 011: rlViewport() (4 input parameters) Name: rlViewport Return type: void Description: Set the viewport area Param[1]: x (type: int) Param[2]: y (type: int) Param[3]: width (type: int) Param[4]: height (type: int) Function 012: rlBegin() (1 input parameters) Name: rlBegin Return type: void Description: Initialize drawing mode (how to organize vertex) Param[1]: mode (type: int) Function 013: rlEnd() (0 input parameters) Name: rlEnd Return type: void Description: Finish vertex providing No input parameters Function 014: rlVertex2i() (2 input parameters) Name: rlVertex2i Return type: void Description: Define one vertex (position) - 2 int Param[1]: x (type: int) Param[2]: y (type: int) Function 015: rlVertex2f() (2 input parameters) Name: rlVertex2f Return type: void Description: Define one vertex (position) - 2 float Param[1]: x (type: float) Param[2]: y (type: float) Function 016: rlVertex3f() (3 input parameters) Name: rlVertex3f Return type: void Description: Define one vertex (position) - 3 float Param[1]: x (type: float) Param[2]: y (type: float) Param[3]: z (type: float) Function 017: rlTexCoord2f() (2 input parameters) Name: rlTexCoord2f Return type: void Description: Define one vertex (texture coordinate) - 2 float Param[1]: x (type: float) Param[2]: y (type: float) Function 018: rlNormal3f() (3 input parameters) Name: rlNormal3f Return type: void Description: Define one vertex (normal) - 3 float Param[1]: x (type: float) Param[2]: y (type: float) Param[3]: z (type: float) Function 019: rlColor4ub() (4 input parameters) Name: rlColor4ub Return type: void Description: Define one vertex (color) - 4 byte Param[1]: r (type: unsigned char) Param[2]: g (type: unsigned char) Param[3]: b (type: unsigned char) Param[4]: a (type: unsigned char) Function 020: rlColor3f() (3 input parameters) Name: rlColor3f Return type: void Description: Define one vertex (color) - 3 float Param[1]: x (type: float) Param[2]: y (type: float) Param[3]: z (type: float) Function 021: rlColor4f() (4 input parameters) Name: rlColor4f Return type: void Description: Define one vertex (color) - 4 float Param[1]: x (type: float) Param[2]: y (type: float) Param[3]: z (type: float) Param[4]: w (type: float) Function 022: rlEnableVertexArray() (1 input parameters) Name: rlEnableVertexArray Return type: bool Description: Enable vertex array (VAO, if supported) Param[1]: vaoId (type: unsigned int) Function 023: rlDisableVertexArray() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableVertexArray Return type: void Description: Disable vertex array (VAO, if supported) No input parameters Function 024: rlEnableVertexBuffer() (1 input parameters) Name: rlEnableVertexBuffer Return type: void Description: Enable vertex buffer (VBO) Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 025: rlDisableVertexBuffer() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableVertexBuffer Return type: void Description: Disable vertex buffer (VBO) No input parameters Function 026: rlEnableVertexBufferElement() (1 input parameters) Name: rlEnableVertexBufferElement Return type: void Description: Enable vertex buffer element (VBO element) Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 027: rlDisableVertexBufferElement() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableVertexBufferElement Return type: void Description: Disable vertex buffer element (VBO element) No input parameters Function 028: rlEnableVertexAttribute() (1 input parameters) Name: rlEnableVertexAttribute Return type: void Description: Enable vertex attribute index Param[1]: index (type: unsigned int) Function 029: rlDisableVertexAttribute() (1 input parameters) Name: rlDisableVertexAttribute Return type: void Description: Disable vertex attribute index Param[1]: index (type: unsigned int) Function 030: rlEnableStatePointer() (2 input parameters) Name: rlEnableStatePointer Return type: void Description: Enable attribute state pointer Param[1]: vertexAttribType (type: int) Param[2]: buffer (type: void *) Function 031: rlDisableStatePointer() (1 input parameters) Name: rlDisableStatePointer Return type: void Description: Disable attribute state pointer Param[1]: vertexAttribType (type: int) Function 032: rlActiveTextureSlot() (1 input parameters) Name: rlActiveTextureSlot Return type: void Description: Select and active a texture slot Param[1]: slot (type: int) Function 033: rlEnableTexture() (1 input parameters) Name: rlEnableTexture Return type: void Description: Enable texture Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 034: rlDisableTexture() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableTexture Return type: void Description: Disable texture No input parameters Function 035: rlEnableTextureCubemap() (1 input parameters) Name: rlEnableTextureCubemap Return type: void Description: Enable texture cubemap Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 036: rlDisableTextureCubemap() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableTextureCubemap Return type: void Description: Disable texture cubemap No input parameters Function 037: rlTextureParameters() (3 input parameters) Name: rlTextureParameters Return type: void Description: Set texture parameters (filter, wrap) Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: param (type: int) Param[3]: value (type: int) Function 038: rlCubemapParameters() (3 input parameters) Name: rlCubemapParameters Return type: void Description: Set cubemap parameters (filter, wrap) Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: param (type: int) Param[3]: value (type: int) Function 039: rlEnableShader() (1 input parameters) Name: rlEnableShader Return type: void Description: Enable shader program Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 040: rlDisableShader() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableShader Return type: void Description: Disable shader program No input parameters Function 041: rlEnableFramebuffer() (1 input parameters) Name: rlEnableFramebuffer Return type: void Description: Enable render texture (fbo) Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 042: rlDisableFramebuffer() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableFramebuffer Return type: void Description: Disable render texture (fbo), return to default framebuffer No input parameters Function 043: rlActiveDrawBuffers() (1 input parameters) Name: rlActiveDrawBuffers Return type: void Description: Activate multiple draw color buffers Param[1]: count (type: int) Function 044: rlEnableColorBlend() (0 input parameters) Name: rlEnableColorBlend Return type: void Description: Enable color blending No input parameters Function 045: rlDisableColorBlend() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableColorBlend Return type: void Description: Disable color blending No input parameters Function 046: rlEnableDepthTest() (0 input parameters) Name: rlEnableDepthTest Return type: void Description: Enable depth test No input parameters Function 047: rlDisableDepthTest() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableDepthTest Return type: void Description: Disable depth test No input parameters Function 048: rlEnableDepthMask() (0 input parameters) Name: rlEnableDepthMask Return type: void Description: Enable depth write No input parameters Function 049: rlDisableDepthMask() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableDepthMask Return type: void Description: Disable depth write No input parameters Function 050: rlEnableBackfaceCulling() (0 input parameters) Name: rlEnableBackfaceCulling Return type: void Description: Enable backface culling No input parameters Function 051: rlDisableBackfaceCulling() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableBackfaceCulling Return type: void Description: Disable backface culling No input parameters Function 052: rlSetCullFace() (1 input parameters) Name: rlSetCullFace Return type: void Description: Set face culling mode Param[1]: mode (type: int) Function 053: rlEnableScissorTest() (0 input parameters) Name: rlEnableScissorTest Return type: void Description: Enable scissor test No input parameters Function 054: rlDisableScissorTest() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableScissorTest Return type: void Description: Disable scissor test No input parameters Function 055: rlScissor() (4 input parameters) Name: rlScissor Return type: void Description: Scissor test Param[1]: x (type: int) Param[2]: y (type: int) Param[3]: width (type: int) Param[4]: height (type: int) Function 056: rlEnableWireMode() (0 input parameters) Name: rlEnableWireMode Return type: void Description: Enable wire mode No input parameters Function 057: rlDisableWireMode() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableWireMode Return type: void Description: Disable wire mode No input parameters Function 058: rlSetLineWidth() (1 input parameters) Name: rlSetLineWidth Return type: void Description: Set the line drawing width Param[1]: width (type: float) Function 059: rlGetLineWidth() (0 input parameters) Name: rlGetLineWidth Return type: float Description: Get the line drawing width No input parameters Function 060: rlEnableSmoothLines() (0 input parameters) Name: rlEnableSmoothLines Return type: void Description: Enable line aliasing No input parameters Function 061: rlDisableSmoothLines() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableSmoothLines Return type: void Description: Disable line aliasing No input parameters Function 062: rlEnableStereoRender() (0 input parameters) Name: rlEnableStereoRender Return type: void Description: Enable stereo rendering No input parameters Function 063: rlDisableStereoRender() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDisableStereoRender Return type: void Description: Disable stereo rendering No input parameters Function 064: rlIsStereoRenderEnabled() (0 input parameters) Name: rlIsStereoRenderEnabled Return type: bool Description: Check if stereo render is enabled No input parameters Function 065: rlClearColor() (4 input parameters) Name: rlClearColor Return type: void Description: Clear color buffer with color Param[1]: r (type: unsigned char) Param[2]: g (type: unsigned char) Param[3]: b (type: unsigned char) Param[4]: a (type: unsigned char) Function 066: rlClearScreenBuffers() (0 input parameters) Name: rlClearScreenBuffers Return type: void Description: Clear used screen buffers (color and depth) No input parameters Function 067: rlCheckErrors() (0 input parameters) Name: rlCheckErrors Return type: void Description: Check and log OpenGL error codes No input parameters Function 068: rlSetBlendMode() (1 input parameters) Name: rlSetBlendMode Return type: void Description: Set blending mode Param[1]: mode (type: int) Function 069: rlSetBlendFactors() (3 input parameters) Name: rlSetBlendFactors Return type: void Description: Set blending mode factor and equation (using OpenGL factors) Param[1]: glSrcFactor (type: int) Param[2]: glDstFactor (type: int) Param[3]: glEquation (type: int) Function 070: rlSetBlendFactorsSeparate() (6 input parameters) Name: rlSetBlendFactorsSeparate Return type: void Description: Set blending mode factors and equations separately (using OpenGL factors) Param[1]: glSrcRGB (type: int) Param[2]: glDstRGB (type: int) Param[3]: glSrcAlpha (type: int) Param[4]: glDstAlpha (type: int) Param[5]: glEqRGB (type: int) Param[6]: glEqAlpha (type: int) Function 071: rlglInit() (2 input parameters) Name: rlglInit Return type: void Description: Initialize rlgl (buffers, shaders, textures, states) Param[1]: width (type: int) Param[2]: height (type: int) Function 072: rlglClose() (0 input parameters) Name: rlglClose Return type: void Description: De-initialize rlgl (buffers, shaders, textures) No input parameters Function 073: rlLoadExtensions() (1 input parameters) Name: rlLoadExtensions Return type: void Description: Load OpenGL extensions (loader function required) Param[1]: loader (type: void *) Function 074: rlGetVersion() (0 input parameters) Name: rlGetVersion Return type: int Description: Get current OpenGL version No input parameters Function 075: rlSetFramebufferWidth() (1 input parameters) Name: rlSetFramebufferWidth Return type: void Description: Set current framebuffer width Param[1]: width (type: int) Function 076: rlGetFramebufferWidth() (0 input parameters) Name: rlGetFramebufferWidth Return type: int Description: Get default framebuffer width No input parameters Function 077: rlSetFramebufferHeight() (1 input parameters) Name: rlSetFramebufferHeight Return type: void Description: Set current framebuffer height Param[1]: height (type: int) Function 078: rlGetFramebufferHeight() (0 input parameters) Name: rlGetFramebufferHeight Return type: int Description: Get default framebuffer height No input parameters Function 079: rlGetTextureIdDefault() (0 input parameters) Name: rlGetTextureIdDefault Return type: unsigned int Description: Get default texture id No input parameters Function 080: rlGetShaderIdDefault() (0 input parameters) Name: rlGetShaderIdDefault Return type: unsigned int Description: Get default shader id No input parameters Function 081: rlGetShaderLocsDefault() (0 input parameters) Name: rlGetShaderLocsDefault Return type: int * Description: Get default shader locations No input parameters Function 082: rlLoadRenderBatch() (2 input parameters) Name: rlLoadRenderBatch Return type: rlRenderBatch Description: Load a render batch system Param[1]: numBuffers (type: int) Param[2]: bufferElements (type: int) Function 083: rlUnloadRenderBatch() (1 input parameters) Name: rlUnloadRenderBatch Return type: void Description: Unload render batch system Param[1]: batch (type: rlRenderBatch) Function 084: rlDrawRenderBatch() (1 input parameters) Name: rlDrawRenderBatch Return type: void Description: Draw render batch data (Update->Draw->Reset) Param[1]: batch (type: rlRenderBatch *) Function 085: rlSetRenderBatchActive() (1 input parameters) Name: rlSetRenderBatchActive Return type: void Description: Set the active render batch for rlgl (NULL for default internal) Param[1]: batch (type: rlRenderBatch *) Function 086: rlDrawRenderBatchActive() (0 input parameters) Name: rlDrawRenderBatchActive Return type: void Description: Update and draw internal render batch No input parameters Function 087: rlCheckRenderBatchLimit() (1 input parameters) Name: rlCheckRenderBatchLimit Return type: bool Description: Check internal buffer overflow for a given number of vertex Param[1]: vCount (type: int) Function 088: rlSetTexture() (1 input parameters) Name: rlSetTexture Return type: void Description: Set current texture for render batch and check buffers limits Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 089: rlLoadVertexArray() (0 input parameters) Name: rlLoadVertexArray Return type: unsigned int Description: Load vertex array (vao) if supported No input parameters Function 090: rlLoadVertexBuffer() (3 input parameters) Name: rlLoadVertexBuffer Return type: unsigned int Description: Load a vertex buffer attribute Param[1]: buffer (type: const void *) Param[2]: size (type: int) Param[3]: dynamic (type: bool) Function 091: rlLoadVertexBufferElement() (3 input parameters) Name: rlLoadVertexBufferElement Return type: unsigned int Description: Load a new attributes element buffer Param[1]: buffer (type: const void *) Param[2]: size (type: int) Param[3]: dynamic (type: bool) Function 092: rlUpdateVertexBuffer() (4 input parameters) Name: rlUpdateVertexBuffer Return type: void Description: Update GPU buffer with new data Param[1]: bufferId (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: data (type: const void *) Param[3]: dataSize (type: int) Param[4]: offset (type: int) Function 093: rlUpdateVertexBufferElements() (4 input parameters) Name: rlUpdateVertexBufferElements Return type: void Description: Update vertex buffer elements with new data Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: data (type: const void *) Param[3]: dataSize (type: int) Param[4]: offset (type: int) Function 094: rlUnloadVertexArray() (1 input parameters) Name: rlUnloadVertexArray Return type: void Description: Param[1]: vaoId (type: unsigned int) Function 095: rlUnloadVertexBuffer() (1 input parameters) Name: rlUnloadVertexBuffer Return type: void Description: Param[1]: vboId (type: unsigned int) Function 096: rlSetVertexAttribute() (6 input parameters) Name: rlSetVertexAttribute Return type: void Description: Param[1]: index (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: compSize (type: int) Param[3]: type (type: int) Param[4]: normalized (type: bool) Param[5]: stride (type: int) Param[6]: pointer (type: const void *) Function 097: rlSetVertexAttributeDivisor() (2 input parameters) Name: rlSetVertexAttributeDivisor Return type: void Description: Param[1]: index (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: divisor (type: int) Function 098: rlSetVertexAttributeDefault() (4 input parameters) Name: rlSetVertexAttributeDefault Return type: void Description: Set vertex attribute default value Param[1]: locIndex (type: int) Param[2]: value (type: const void *) Param[3]: attribType (type: int) Param[4]: count (type: int) Function 099: rlDrawVertexArray() (2 input parameters) Name: rlDrawVertexArray Return type: void Description: Param[1]: offset (type: int) Param[2]: count (type: int) Function 100: rlDrawVertexArrayElements() (3 input parameters) Name: rlDrawVertexArrayElements Return type: void Description: Param[1]: offset (type: int) Param[2]: count (type: int) Param[3]: buffer (type: const void *) Function 101: rlDrawVertexArrayInstanced() (3 input parameters) Name: rlDrawVertexArrayInstanced Return type: void Description: Param[1]: offset (type: int) Param[2]: count (type: int) Param[3]: instances (type: int) Function 102: rlDrawVertexArrayElementsInstanced() (4 input parameters) Name: rlDrawVertexArrayElementsInstanced Return type: void Description: Param[1]: offset (type: int) Param[2]: count (type: int) Param[3]: buffer (type: const void *) Param[4]: instances (type: int) Function 103: rlLoadTexture() (5 input parameters) Name: rlLoadTexture Return type: unsigned int Description: Load texture in GPU Param[1]: data (type: const void *) Param[2]: width (type: int) Param[3]: height (type: int) Param[4]: format (type: int) Param[5]: mipmapCount (type: int) Function 104: rlLoadTextureDepth() (3 input parameters) Name: rlLoadTextureDepth Return type: unsigned int Description: Load depth texture/renderbuffer (to be attached to fbo) Param[1]: width (type: int) Param[2]: height (type: int) Param[3]: useRenderBuffer (type: bool) Function 105: rlLoadTextureCubemap() (3 input parameters) Name: rlLoadTextureCubemap Return type: unsigned int Description: Load texture cubemap Param[1]: data (type: const void *) Param[2]: size (type: int) Param[3]: format (type: int) Function 106: rlUpdateTexture() (7 input parameters) Name: rlUpdateTexture Return type: void Description: Update GPU texture with new data Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: offsetX (type: int) Param[3]: offsetY (type: int) Param[4]: width (type: int) Param[5]: height (type: int) Param[6]: format (type: int) Param[7]: data (type: const void *) Function 107: rlGetGlTextureFormats() (4 input parameters) Name: rlGetGlTextureFormats Return type: void Description: Get OpenGL internal formats Param[1]: format (type: int) Param[2]: glInternalFormat (type: unsigned int *) Param[3]: glFormat (type: unsigned int *) Param[4]: glType (type: unsigned int *) Function 108: rlGetPixelFormatName() (1 input parameters) Name: rlGetPixelFormatName Return type: const char * Description: Get name string for pixel format Param[1]: format (type: unsigned int) Function 109: rlUnloadTexture() (1 input parameters) Name: rlUnloadTexture Return type: void Description: Unload texture from GPU memory Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 110: rlGenTextureMipmaps() (5 input parameters) Name: rlGenTextureMipmaps Return type: void Description: Generate mipmap data for selected texture Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: width (type: int) Param[3]: height (type: int) Param[4]: format (type: int) Param[5]: mipmaps (type: int *) Function 111: rlReadTexturePixels() (4 input parameters) Name: rlReadTexturePixels Return type: void * Description: Read texture pixel data Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: width (type: int) Param[3]: height (type: int) Param[4]: format (type: int) Function 112: rlReadScreenPixels() (2 input parameters) Name: rlReadScreenPixels Return type: unsigned char * Description: Read screen pixel data (color buffer) Param[1]: width (type: int) Param[2]: height (type: int) Function 113: rlLoadFramebuffer() (2 input parameters) Name: rlLoadFramebuffer Return type: unsigned int Description: Load an empty framebuffer Param[1]: width (type: int) Param[2]: height (type: int) Function 114: rlFramebufferAttach() (5 input parameters) Name: rlFramebufferAttach Return type: void Description: Attach texture/renderbuffer to a framebuffer Param[1]: fboId (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: texId (type: unsigned int) Param[3]: attachType (type: int) Param[4]: texType (type: int) Param[5]: mipLevel (type: int) Function 115: rlFramebufferComplete() (1 input parameters) Name: rlFramebufferComplete Return type: bool Description: Verify framebuffer is complete Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 116: rlUnloadFramebuffer() (1 input parameters) Name: rlUnloadFramebuffer Return type: void Description: Delete framebuffer from GPU Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 117: rlLoadShaderCode() (2 input parameters) Name: rlLoadShaderCode Return type: unsigned int Description: Load shader from code strings Param[1]: vsCode (type: const char *) Param[2]: fsCode (type: const char *) Function 118: rlCompileShader() (2 input parameters) Name: rlCompileShader Return type: unsigned int Description: Compile custom shader and return shader id (type: RL_VERTEX_SHADER, RL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, RL_COMPUTE_SHADER) Param[1]: shaderCode (type: const char *) Param[2]: type (type: int) Function 119: rlLoadShaderProgram() (2 input parameters) Name: rlLoadShaderProgram Return type: unsigned int Description: Load custom shader program Param[1]: vShaderId (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: fShaderId (type: unsigned int) Function 120: rlUnloadShaderProgram() (1 input parameters) Name: rlUnloadShaderProgram Return type: void Description: Unload shader program Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 121: rlGetLocationUniform() (2 input parameters) Name: rlGetLocationUniform Return type: int Description: Get shader location uniform Param[1]: shaderId (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: uniformName (type: const char *) Function 122: rlGetLocationAttrib() (2 input parameters) Name: rlGetLocationAttrib Return type: int Description: Get shader location attribute Param[1]: shaderId (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: attribName (type: const char *) Function 123: rlSetUniform() (4 input parameters) Name: rlSetUniform Return type: void Description: Set shader value uniform Param[1]: locIndex (type: int) Param[2]: value (type: const void *) Param[3]: uniformType (type: int) Param[4]: count (type: int) Function 124: rlSetUniformMatrix() (2 input parameters) Name: rlSetUniformMatrix Return type: void Description: Set shader value matrix Param[1]: locIndex (type: int) Param[2]: mat (type: Matrix) Function 125: rlSetUniformSampler() (2 input parameters) Name: rlSetUniformSampler Return type: void Description: Set shader value sampler Param[1]: locIndex (type: int) Param[2]: textureId (type: unsigned int) Function 126: rlSetShader() (2 input parameters) Name: rlSetShader Return type: void Description: Set shader currently active (id and locations) Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: locs (type: int *) Function 127: rlLoadComputeShaderProgram() (1 input parameters) Name: rlLoadComputeShaderProgram Return type: unsigned int Description: Load compute shader program Param[1]: shaderId (type: unsigned int) Function 128: rlComputeShaderDispatch() (3 input parameters) Name: rlComputeShaderDispatch Return type: void Description: Dispatch compute shader (equivalent to *draw* for graphics pipeline) Param[1]: groupX (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: groupY (type: unsigned int) Param[3]: groupZ (type: unsigned int) Function 129: rlLoadShaderBuffer() (3 input parameters) Name: rlLoadShaderBuffer Return type: unsigned int Description: Load shader storage buffer object (SSBO) Param[1]: size (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: data (type: const void *) Param[3]: usageHint (type: int) Function 130: rlUnloadShaderBuffer() (1 input parameters) Name: rlUnloadShaderBuffer Return type: void Description: Unload shader storage buffer object (SSBO) Param[1]: ssboId (type: unsigned int) Function 131: rlUpdateShaderBuffer() (4 input parameters) Name: rlUpdateShaderBuffer Return type: void Description: Update SSBO buffer data Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: data (type: const void *) Param[3]: dataSize (type: unsigned int) Param[4]: offset (type: unsigned int) Function 132: rlBindShaderBuffer() (2 input parameters) Name: rlBindShaderBuffer Return type: void Description: Bind SSBO buffer Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: index (type: unsigned int) Function 133: rlReadShaderBuffer() (4 input parameters) Name: rlReadShaderBuffer Return type: void Description: Read SSBO buffer data (GPU->CPU) Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: dest (type: void *) Param[3]: count (type: unsigned int) Param[4]: offset (type: unsigned int) Function 134: rlCopyShaderBuffer() (5 input parameters) Name: rlCopyShaderBuffer Return type: void Description: Copy SSBO data between buffers Param[1]: destId (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: srcId (type: unsigned int) Param[3]: destOffset (type: unsigned int) Param[4]: srcOffset (type: unsigned int) Param[5]: count (type: unsigned int) Function 135: rlGetShaderBufferSize() (1 input parameters) Name: rlGetShaderBufferSize Return type: unsigned int Description: Get SSBO buffer size Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Function 136: rlBindImageTexture() (4 input parameters) Name: rlBindImageTexture Return type: void Description: Bind image texture Param[1]: id (type: unsigned int) Param[2]: index (type: unsigned int) Param[3]: format (type: int) Param[4]: readonly (type: bool) Function 137: rlGetMatrixModelview() (0 input parameters) Name: rlGetMatrixModelview Return type: Matrix Description: Get internal modelview matrix No input parameters Function 138: rlGetMatrixProjection() (0 input parameters) Name: rlGetMatrixProjection Return type: Matrix Description: Get internal projection matrix No input parameters Function 139: rlGetMatrixTransform() (0 input parameters) Name: rlGetMatrixTransform Return type: Matrix Description: Get internal accumulated transform matrix No input parameters Function 140: rlGetMatrixProjectionStereo() (1 input parameters) Name: rlGetMatrixProjectionStereo Return type: Matrix Description: Get internal projection matrix for stereo render (selected eye) Param[1]: eye (type: int) Function 141: rlGetMatrixViewOffsetStereo() (1 input parameters) Name: rlGetMatrixViewOffsetStereo Return type: Matrix Description: Get internal view offset matrix for stereo render (selected eye) Param[1]: eye (type: int) Function 142: rlSetMatrixProjection() (1 input parameters) Name: rlSetMatrixProjection Return type: void Description: Set a custom projection matrix (replaces internal projection matrix) Param[1]: proj (type: Matrix) Function 143: rlSetMatrixModelview() (1 input parameters) Name: rlSetMatrixModelview Return type: void Description: Set a custom modelview matrix (replaces internal modelview matrix) Param[1]: view (type: Matrix) Function 144: rlSetMatrixProjectionStereo() (2 input parameters) Name: rlSetMatrixProjectionStereo Return type: void Description: Set eyes projection matrices for stereo rendering Param[1]: right (type: Matrix) Param[2]: left (type: Matrix) Function 145: rlSetMatrixViewOffsetStereo() (2 input parameters) Name: rlSetMatrixViewOffsetStereo Return type: void Description: Set eyes view offsets matrices for stereo rendering Param[1]: right (type: Matrix) Param[2]: left (type: Matrix) Function 146: rlLoadDrawCube() (0 input parameters) Name: rlLoadDrawCube Return type: void Description: Load and draw a cube No input parameters Function 147: rlLoadDrawQuad() (0 input parameters) Name: rlLoadDrawQuad Return type: void Description: Load and draw a quad No input parameters