2024-06-25 14:45:54 +02:00

126 lines
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#include "/lib/colors/lightAndAmbientColors.glsl"
#include "/lib/colors/skyColors.glsl"
#ifdef CAVE_FOG
#include "/lib/atmospherics/fog/caveFactor.glsl"
vec3 GetSky(float VdotU, float VdotS, float dither, bool doGlare, bool doGround) {
// Prepare variables
float nightFactorM = sqrt3(nightFactor) * 0.4;
float VdotSM1 = pow2(max(VdotS, 0.0));
float VdotSM2 = pow2(VdotSM1);
float VdotSM3 = pow2(pow2(max(-VdotS, 0.0)));
float VdotSML = sunVisibility > 0.5 ? VdotS : -VdotS;
float VdotUmax0 = max(VdotU, 0.0);
float VdotUmax0M = 1.0 - pow2(VdotUmax0);
// Prepare colors
vec3 upColor = mix(nightUpSkyColor * (1.0 + nightFactorM * VdotSM3 * 1.5), dayUpSkyColor, sunFactor);
vec3 middleColor = mix(nightMiddleSkyColor, dayMiddleSkyColor * (1.0 + VdotSM2 * 0.3), sunFactor);
vec3 downColor = mix(nightDownSkyColor, dayDownSkyColor, (sunFactor + sunVisibility) * 0.5);
// Mix the colors
// Set sky gradient
float VdotUM1 = pow2(1.0 - VdotUmax0);
VdotUM1 = pow(VdotUM1, 1.0 - VdotSM2 * 0.4);
VdotUM1 = mix(VdotUM1, 1.0, rainFactor2 * 0.15);
vec3 finalSky = mix(upColor, middleColor, VdotUM1);
// Add sunset color
float VdotUM2 = pow2(1.0 - abs(VdotU));
VdotUM2 = VdotUM2 * VdotUM2 * (3.0 - 2.0 * VdotUM2);
VdotUM2 *= (0.7 - nightFactorM + VdotSM1 * (0.3 + nightFactorM)) * invNoonFactor * sunFactor;
finalSky = mix(finalSky, sunsetDownSkyColorP * (1.0 + VdotSM1 * 0.3), VdotUM2 * invRainFactor);
// Add sky ground with fake light scattering
float VdotUM3 = min(max0(-VdotU + 0.08) / 0.35, 1.0);
VdotUM3 = smoothstep1(VdotUM3);
vec3 scatteredGroundMixer = vec3(VdotUM3 * VdotUM3, sqrt1(VdotUM3), sqrt3(VdotUM3));
scatteredGroundMixer = mix(vec3(VdotUM3), scatteredGroundMixer, 0.75 - 0.5 * rainFactor);
finalSky = mix(finalSky, downColor, scatteredGroundMixer);
// Sky Ground
if (doGround)
finalSky *= smoothstep1(pow2(1.0 + min(VdotU, 0.0)));
// Apply Underwater Fog
if (isEyeInWater == 1)
finalSky = mix(finalSky * 3.0, waterFogColor, VdotUmax0M);
// Sun/Moon Glare
if (doGlare) {
if (0.0 < VdotSML) {
float glareScatter = 4.0 * (2.0 - clamp01(VdotS * 1000.0));
float VdotSM4 = pow(abs(VdotS), glareScatter);
float visfactor = 0.075;
float glare = visfactor / (1.0 - (1.0 - visfactor) * VdotSM4) - visfactor;
glare *= 0.5 + pow2(noonFactor) * 1.2;
glare *= 1.0 - rainFactor * 0.5;
float glareWaterFactor = isEyeInWater * sunVisibility;
vec3 glareColor = mix(vec3(0.38, 0.4, 0.5) * 0.7, vec3(0.5), sunVisibility);
glareColor = glareColor + glareWaterFactor * vec3(7.0);
finalSky += glare * shadowTime * glareColor;
#ifdef CAVE_FOG
// Apply Cave Fog
finalSky = mix(finalSky, caveFogColor, GetCaveFactor() * VdotUmax0M);
// Dither to fix banding
finalSky += (dither - 0.5) / 128.0;
return finalSky;
vec3 GetLowQualitySky(float VdotU, float VdotS, float dither, bool doGlare, bool doGround) {
// Prepare variables
float VdotUmax0 = max(VdotU, 0.0);
float VdotUmax0M = 1.0 - pow2(VdotUmax0);
// Prepare colors
vec3 upColor = mix(nightUpSkyColor, dayUpSkyColor, sunFactor);
vec3 middleColor = mix(nightMiddleSkyColor, dayMiddleSkyColor, sunFactor);
// Mix the colors
// Set sky gradient
float VdotUM1 = pow2(1.0 - VdotUmax0);
VdotUM1 = mix(VdotUM1, 1.0, rainFactor2 * 0.2);
vec3 finalSky = mix(upColor, middleColor, VdotUM1);
// Add sunset color
float VdotUM2 = pow2(1.0 - abs(VdotU));
VdotUM2 *= invNoonFactor * sunFactor * (0.8 + 0.2 * VdotS);
finalSky = mix(finalSky, sunsetDownSkyColorP * (shadowTime * 0.6 + 0.2), VdotUM2 * invRainFactor);
// Sky Ground
finalSky *= pow2(pow2(1.0 + min(VdotU, 0.0)));
// Apply Underwater Fog
if (isEyeInWater == 1)
finalSky = mix(finalSky, waterFogColor, VdotUmax0M);
// Sun/Moon Glare
finalSky *= 1.0 + mix(nightFactor, 0.5 + 0.7 * noonFactor, VdotS * 0.5 + 0.5) * pow2(pow2(pow2(VdotS)));
#ifdef CAVE_FOG
// Apply Cave Fog
finalSky = mix(finalSky, caveFogColor, GetCaveFactor() * VdotUmax0M);
return finalSky;
#endif //INCLUDE_SKY