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Complementary License Agreement 1.5
0. Terminology
0.1. "The Pack" and/or "This Pack" means the software package that this
specific license file you are reading from is found in.
0.2. "Normal Usage" means usage of The Pack as intended for the general
public. This includes most usage, but the following usages are
definitely NOT considered Normal Usage:
a. Redistributing (parts of) The Pack
b. Modifying code of The Pack
0.3. "User" and/or "Users" means people that are using The Pack under our
definition of Normal Usage.
0.4. "Modpack" means a modification package made for the video
game "Minecraft: Java Edition".
0.5. "Modified Pack" means a software package that consists of The Pack but
with the code intentionally being changed to differ from The Pack.
0.6. "Original Pack" means one of two things:
a. If "This Pack" is an original Complementary Development product,
meaning that this specific license file you are reading from is
found inside an original Complementary Development product, then
"Original Pack" directly means the same thing as "This Pack".
b. But if "This Pack" is not an original Complementary Development
product, meaning that this specific license file you are reading
from is found inside a pack that was created using the grant
detailed at section "1.3", then "Original Pack" refers to the
pack created by Complementary Development that must be mentioned
in the description page(s) of This Pack.
1. Grants
1.1. All Users are free to use This Pack for Normal Usage. This isn't
limited to, but includes:
a. Using The Pack for gameplay
b. Using The Pack for content creation
1.2. This Pack is allowed to be redistributed inside a Modpack as long as
the following conditions are met:
a. This Pack must be visibly credited in the Modpack's description
b. The author of the Modpack must acknowledge that any problems that
may arise from using This Pack in their Modpack is entirely under
the responsibility of the author of the Modpack.
1.3. This Pack is allowed to be redistributed as a Modified Pack as long as
the following conditions are met:
a. The Original Pack must be visibly credited in the description
page(s) of the Modified Pack, with a link to the official
Complementary Development website.
b. This license file must still be left inside the Modified Pack
without any changes being made to it, and it must be updated to
the latest one found in the latest version of the Original Pack
every time the Modified Pack gets updated to make more use of the
code from the Original Pack.
c. The Modified Pack must not have the word "Complementary" in its
name, and there should be at least 3 character difference between
the name of the Modified Pack and the Original Pack. Adding or
removing non-alphabetic characters or the removal of
"Complementary" does not count as a character difference.
d. The Modified Pack must look noticeably different from the
Original Pack in multiple common gameplay scenarios that must
include daytime overworld visuals, regardless of the setting or
variable changes in the Modified Pack and/or the Original Pack.
2. Denied Cases
2.1. Any usage or redistribution of any part of This Pack that isn't
explicitly covered in the "Grants" section of this license should be
treated as "All Rights Reserved". Only exceptions are the files that
contain a notice that they are covered by a different license.
2.2. This agreement only applies to the version of This Pack that this exact
file can be found in. This agreement is not valid for future or past
versions of The Pack unless they contain the exact same agreement.
3. License Infringement
3.1. By using This Pack for any purpose, you agree that Complementary
Development has the right to take action against you in the case of a
license infringement, regardless of This Pack being the Original Pack
or not.
3.2. Complementary Development reserves its rights to not take action
against cases that it deems harmless. For this reason, cases that
Complementary Development did not take action against in the past
cannot be used as an excuse to ignore this agreement.