
100 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2024-06-25 14:45:54 +02:00
// End Portal fix by fayer3#2332 (Modified)
vec3[8] colors = vec3[](
vec3(0.3472479, 0.6559956, 0.7387838) * 1.5,
vec3(0.6010780, 0.7153565, 1.060625 ),
vec3(0.4221090, 0.8135094, 0.9026056),
vec3(0.3492291, 1.0241201, 1.8612821),
vec3(0.7543085, 0.8238697, 0.6803233),
vec3(0.4144472, 0.5648165, 0.8037 ),
vec3(0.508905 , 0.6719649, 0.9982805),
vec3(0.5361914, 0.4476583, 0.8008522));
color.rgb = vec3(0.4214321, 0.4722309, 1.9922364) * 0.08;
float dither = Bayer64(gl_FragCoord.xy);
#ifdef TAA
dither = fract(dither + 1.61803398875 * mod(float(frameCounter), 3600.0));
int repeat = 4;
int repeat = 8;
float dismult = 0.5;
for (int j = 0; j < repeat; j++) {
float add = float(j + dither) * 0.0625 / float(repeat);
for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
float colormult = 0.9/(30.0+i);
float rotation = (i - 0.1 * i + 0.71 * i - 11 * i + 21) * 0.01 + i * 0.01;
float Cos = cos(radians(rotation));
float Sin = sin(radians(rotation));
vec2 offset = vec2(0.0, 1.0/(3600.0/24.0)) * pow(16.0 - i, 2.0) * 0.004;
vec3 wpos = normalize((gbufferModelViewInverse * vec4(viewPos * (i * dismult + 1), 1.0)).xyz);
if (abs(NdotU) > 0.9) {
wpos.xz /= wpos.y;
wpos.xz *= 0.06 * sign(- playerPos.y);
wpos.xz *= abs(playerPos.y) + i * dismult + add;
wpos.xz -= cameraPosition.xz * 0.05;
} else {
vec3 absPos = abs(playerPos);
if (abs(dot(normal, eastVec)) > 0.9) {
wpos.xz = wpos.yz / wpos.x;
wpos.xz *= 0.06 * sign(- playerPos.x);
wpos.xz *= abs(playerPos.x) + i * dismult + add;
wpos.xz -= cameraPosition.yz * 0.05;
} else {
wpos.xz = wpos.yx / wpos.z;
wpos.xz *= 0.06 * sign(- playerPos.z);
wpos.xz *= abs(playerPos.z) + i * dismult + add;
wpos.xz -= cameraPosition.yx * 0.05;
vec2 pos = wpos.xz;
vec2 wind = fract((frameTimeCounter + 984.0) * (i + 8) * 0.125 * offset);
vec2 coord = mat2(Cos, Sin, -Sin, Cos) * pos + wind;
if (mod(float(i), 4) < 1.5) coord = coord.yx + vec2(-1.0, 1.0) * wind.y;
vec3 psample = pow(texture2D(tex, coord).rgb, vec3(0.85)) * colors[i-1] * colormult;
color.rgb += psample * length(psample.rgb) * (3000.0 / repeat);
color.rgb *= vec3(0.09, 0.077, 0.07);
emission = 10.0;
noDirectionalShading = true;
noiseFactor = 0.0;
//vec3 voxelPos = SceneToVoxel(mix(playerPos, vec3(0.0), -0.02)); // Fixes weird parallax offset
vec3 voxelPos = SceneToVoxel(playerPos);
float portalOffset = 0.08333 * dither;
vec3[4] portalOffsets = vec3[](
vec3( portalOffset, 0, portalOffset),
vec3( portalOffset, 0,-portalOffset),
vec3(-portalOffset, 0, portalOffset),
vec3(-portalOffset, 0,-portalOffset)
float edge = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int voxel = int(texelFetch(voxel_sampler, ivec3(voxelPos + portalOffsets[i]), 0).r);
if (voxel == 58 || voxel == 255) { // End Portal Frame or Bedrock
edge = 1.0; break;
#ifdef END
// No edge effect in the middle of the return fountain
vec2 var1 = abs(playerPos.xz + cameraPosition.xz - 0.5);
float var2 = max(var1.x, var1.y);
if (var2 > 1.0)
vec4 edgeColor = vec4(vec3(0.3, 0.6, 0.7), 1.0);
color = mix(color, edgeColor, edge);
emission = mix(emission, 5.0, edge);