extends CharacterBody2D @export var normalspeed = 400 @export var Progressar : TextureProgressBar @export var bashbar : TextureProgressBar @onready var animations = $Animation var knockback_dir = Vector2() var knockback_wait = 10 var activeTimer = 3; const dashspeed = 1200 const dashlength = .1 var lastDash = 2 @onready var dash = $Dash func _ready(): get_node("Scythe").set_process_mode(PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED) func get_input(): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("dash") and lastDash < 0: lastDash = 2 dash.start_dash(dashlength) var speed = dashspeed if dash.is_dashing() else normalspeed var input_direction = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down") velocity = input_direction * speed func _process(_delta): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack") and activeTimer <= 0: animations.play("attack") get_node("Scythe").set_process_mode(PROCESS_MODE_ALWAYS) activeTimer = 3 lastDash = lastDash - _delta activeTimer = activeTimer - _delta Progressar.value = 4 - activeTimer bashbar.value = 2 - clamp(lastDash,0,2) if activeTimer <= 2.5: get_node("Scythe").set_process_mode(PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED) if Input.is_action_pressed("left"): get_node("Sprite").set_flip_h(true) animations.play("walkRight") elif Input.is_action_pressed("right"): get_node("Sprite").set_flip_h(false) animations.play("walkRight") else: animations.play("idle") func _physics_process(_delta): get_input() move_and_slide() func _on_area_2d_body_entered(body): body.queue_free()