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71 lines
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extends CharacterBody2D
@export var speed : float = 10
@export var attack : Area2D
@export var ability : TextureProgressBar
@export var dash_abilit : TextureProgressBar
@export var toRotate : Sprite2D
@export var projectile : PackedScene
var tween : Tween
var dash : Tween
var dash_timer = 100
var timer = 100
var attack_timer = 1
func _ready():
var q = get_node("/root/DataStore").read("quick_attack",false)
if q:
attack_timer = 0.5
position.x = 500
position.y = 300
func _physics_process(delta):
var mov = Input.get_vector("player_left","player_right","player_up","player_down").normalized()
velocity = mov * speed * delta * 100
if position.x < 0:
position.x = 0
ability.value = timer
dash_abilit.value = dash_timer
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("player_action") and timer == 100:
attack.visible = true
attack.monitoring = true
var _timer = Timer.new()
_timer.wait_time = 0.1
_timer.one_shot = true
toRotate.rotation = 0
tween = get_tree().create_tween()
timer = 0
tween.parallel().tween_property(self, "timer", 100, attack_timer)
tween.parallel().tween_property(toRotate, "rotation_degrees", 90, 0.1)
var to_instantiate = projectile.instantiate()
to_instantiate.position = global_position
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("player_dash") and dash_timer == 100:
dash_timer = 0
var base_speed = speed
speed = speed * 4
dash = get_tree().create_tween()
dash.parallel().tween_property(self, "speed", base_speed, 0.3)
dash.parallel().tween_property(self, "dash_timer", 100, 3)
func attack_end():
attack.visible = false
attack.monitoring = false