Rewrite #2
13 changed files with 11 additions and 904 deletions
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa;
using System;
struct BofaAbleAttribute : Attribute
public StringView Name;
public this(StringView pName)
Name = pName;
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa;
using System;
struct BofaObjectAttribute : Attribute, IOnTypeInit
public StringView Name;
public this(StringView pName)
Name = pName;
public void OnTypeInit(Type type, Self* prev)
Compiler.EmitTypeBody(type, "public override void ToString(String str)\n{\n");
for (var fieldInfo in type.GetFields())
if (!fieldInfo.IsInstanceField)
if (@fieldInfo.Index > 0)
Compiler.EmitTypeBody(type, "\tstr.Append(\", \");\n");
Compiler.EmitTypeBody(type, scope $"\tstr.AppendF($\"{fieldInfo.Name}={{ {fieldInfo.Name} }}\");\n");
Compiler.EmitTypeBody(type, "}");
@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa.Builder;
using System;
using System.Collections;
typealias bb = BofaBuilder;
class BofaBuilder
Allows users to easily build a bofa file via code
name, typename, typeindicator, value
This is really fucking slow, because we are allocating so much
In a sensible application you wouldnd call this all that much anyways, so I dont care
public struct b
public String Name; //This is always dynamic
public String Type; //Never dynamic
public String TypeName; //Only dynamic on custom types
public String Value; //Dynamic on everything that isnt a array or object
public Span<b> Members;
public this(String name, String type, String typeName, String value, Span<b> members)
Name = name;
Type = type;
TypeName = typeName;
Value = value;
Members = members;
public void Cleanup()
delete Name;
if(Type == "c")
delete TypeName;
if(Type != "a" && Type != "o")
delete Value;
for(let e in Members)
public void ToString(String toAppend, uint32 depth)
String toAdd = scope .(scope $"{Type} ");
toAdd.PadLeft(depth+toAdd.Length,' ');
if(Type == "c")
toAdd.Append(scope $"{TypeName} ");
toAdd.Append(scope $"{Name} ");
//Every single
if(Type != "a" && Type != "o") //In this case we can just normally return
if(Type != "t")
toAdd.Append(scope $"{Value}");
var en = Value.Split('\n');
for(var e in en)
String n = scope .();
n.PadLeft(depth+1, ' ');
n.Append("- ");
if(Type == "a" || Type == "o")
for(var b in Members)
private Span<b> values;
private List<b> valueList = new .();
public this(params Span<b> input)
values = input;
public ~this()
for(var a in values)
for(var a in valueList)
delete valueList;
public override void ToString(String strBuffer)
for(var a in values)
a.ToString(strBuffer, 0);
for(var a in valueList)
a.ToString(strBuffer, 0);
if(strBuffer[strBuffer.Length-1] == '\n')
strBuffer.RemoveFromEnd(1); //There are probably better ways to do this but I dont care
///Adds a single entry after the creation
public void Add(b pToAdd)
public static b Num(StringView name, float number)
return .(new .(name), "n", null, new .(number.ToString(.. scope .())),null);
public static b Bool(StringView name, bool bool)
return .(new .(name), "b", null, new .(bool.ToString(.. scope .())),null);
public static b Line(StringView name, StringView line)
return .(new .(name), "l", null, new .(line),null);
public static b BigNum(StringView name, double bigNum)
return .(new .(name), "bn", null, new .(bigNum.ToString(.. scope .())),null);
public static b Int(StringView name, int32 number)
return .(new .(name), "i", null, new .(number.ToString(.. scope .())),null);
public static b BigInt(StringView name, int64 number)
return .(new .(name), "bi", null, new .(number.ToString(.. scope .())),null);
public static b Text(StringView name, StringView text)
return .(new .(name),"t", null, new .(text),null);
public static b Custom(StringView name, StringView type, StringView value)
return .(new .(name), "c",new .(type), new .(value), null);
public static b Object(StringView name, params Span<b> input)
return .(new .(name), "o", null,null,input);
public static b Array(StringView name, params Span<b> input)
return .(new .(name), "a", null,new .(""),input);
//Array functions, that dont take a name
public static b NumA(float value)
return Num("-", value);
public static b BoolA(bool value)
return Bool("-", value);
public static b LineA(StringView value)
return Line("-", value);
public static b BigNumA(double value)
return BigNum("-", value);
public static b IntA(int32 value)
return Int("-", value);
public static b BigIntA(int64 value)
return BigInt("-", value);
public static b TextA(StringView value)
return Text("-", value);
public static b CustomA(StringView type, StringView value)
return Custom("-", type, value);
public static b ObjectA(params Span<b> input)
return .("-", "o", null, null, input);
public static b ArrayA(params Span<b> input)
return .("-", "a", null, null, input);
public static void Test()
BofaBuilder builder = scope .(
bb.Custom("farbe", "color", "255 0 255"),
bb.Text("Text", "multi \nLine"),
bb.Object( "obj",
bb.Num("SubObject", 123)
Console.WriteLine(builder.ToString(.. scope .()));
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
class BofaReflector
///Parse an object into its bofa representation
public static void ToBofa<T>(T pInput, Bofa buffer)
Recursivly loop through all fields of the object and parse all marked fields
if a custom parser is supplied via IBofaParseable we use that.
//User supplied their own parser
if(let iface = pInput as IBofaParseable)
//Simply just call the user supplied parser
buffer.Type = .Object;
buffer.TypeName = "Object";
buffer.Value.Object = new .();
var fields = typeof(T).GetFields();
for(var i in fields) //Loop through all fields of the object
//If we should actually parse the field
if(i.GetCustomAttribute<BofaAbleAttribute>() case .Ok(let attr))
if(i.GetValue(pInput) case .Ok(let value))
Bofa fieldContent = new .();
fieldContent.Name = attr.Name;
Compiler.Mixin(scope $"ToBofa<{i.GetType()}>(value,fieldContent);");
//ToBofa<typeof(value)>(value, fieldContent);
buffer.Value.Object.Add(fieldContent.Name, fieldContent);
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa;
using System;
using System.Collections;
class BofaResult
BofaResult contains the result of an interaction with the Bofa Parser Library
If you parse a String the parser will return a BofaResult Object
Querying an existing Bofa Result will also return a sub BofaResult
This exist in order to keep the bofa data objects clean and instead manage access via this class
It also contains information about wether any one query was sucessfull
private bool _isResult = false; //If this is true we dont delete any actual object data
private String _data = null; //The backing data, needs to be cleared on destruction if set
private Dictionary<StringView, Bofa> _contents = new Dictionary<StringView, Bofa>(10); //Storage
private List<Bofa> _result = null;
private Bofa _lastObject = null; //Keeps track of the last object we have added
public bool OK { //Keeps track of wether the parsing failed at some point
public get;
private set;
} = true;
public ~this()
if(_result != null)
delete _result;
if(_data != null)
delete _data;
for(let i in _contents)
delete i.value;
} //We only delete values on the core object in order to not have error with dumb shit
delete _contents;
private bool Insert(BofaParser.lineParserResult pResult)
{ //This is guaranteed to be a valid pResult, because no one would ever call this from somewhere else with different params
if(pResult.Bofa.0 > 0 && (_lastObject == null || (_lastObject.Type != .Object && _lastObject.Type != .Array && _lastObject.Type != .Text)))
return false;
if(pResult.Bofa.0 > 0)
return _lastObject.[Friend]Insert(pResult.Bofa.0-1, pResult.Bofa.1);
return _lastObject.[Friend]Insert(pResult.Text.0-1, null, pResult.Text.1);
//Okay so we really need to add it in on this layer
{ //For text entries on the current layer
if(_lastObject.Type != .Text)
return false;
_lastObject.Value.Text.Append(scope $"\n{pResult.Text.1}");
return true;
let toAdd = pResult.Bofa.1;
return false; //Dublicate name error
_contents.Add(toAdd.Name, toAdd);
_lastObject = toAdd;
return true;
///Interface functions go here
public Result<Bofa> this[StringView pValue]
public get {
return .Err;
return _contents[pValue];
public Result<Bofa> GetByName(StringView pValue)
return this[pValue];
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa;
using System;
using System.Collections;
struct BofaValue
public float Number;
public double BigNumber;
public int32 Integer;
public int64 BigInteger;
public bool Boolean;
public StringView Line;
public StringView Custom;
public String Text;
public Dictionary<StringView, Bofa> Object = null;
public List<Bofa> Array = null;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa;
interface IBofaParseable
public void ToBofa(Bofa target);
public void FromBofa(Bofa input);
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa.Testing.Parsing;
class T_Bofa
//TODO: Add some testcases that cover multiple lines and insertions
//Such as texts, objects and arrays
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa.Testing.Parsing;
class T_BofaError
//TODO; add some testcases that fail the parser
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa.Testing.Parsing;
using System;
using Bofa;
using Bofa.Builder;
class T_SingleLine
This class checks the validity of any single line bofa object
[Test] //Any line that should be parsed as empty
public static void EmptyLine()
StringView[] lineArr = scope .(
" ",
" ",
" # asdasdasdasd",
BofaParser p = .();
for(let e in lineArr)
var r = p.[Friend]parseLine(e);
[Test] //Some lines that should be parsed as text
public static void Text()
StringView[] lineArr = scope .(
"- text", //Depth 0
" - text", //Depth 1
" - TEasdasdas iodfjoidfiosduiofsd", //Depth 2
" - dadsadasdasdasfjrdfiofjiofdsghjniodfgdf" //Depth 3
BofaParser p = .();
for(int i < lineArr.Count)
var r = p.[Friend]parseLine(lineArr[i]);
if(!r.Ok || r.IsEmpty)
if(r.Text.0 != i+1)
[Test] //Doing some parsing
public static void Parse()
StringView[] lineArr = scope .(
"n float 1223",
"n float 1.232",
"b bool true",
"b bool false",
"l line text goes here",
"bn BigNumber 3242343242354543",
"i integer 12423423",
"bi BigInteger 344234323454365",
"t text sdfsdgdfgdfgdf",
"t text ",
"c color redd 255 0 0",
"a array",
"o object"
BofaParser p = .();
for(var e in lineArr)
var r = p.[Friend]parseLine(e);
if(!r.Ok || r.IsEmpty || !r.IsBofa)
delete r.Bofa.1;
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa;
using System;
class Bofa
public eBofaType Type;
public StringView TypeName;
public StringView Name;
public BofaValue Value;
private Bofa LastObject = null;
public ~this()
if(Type == .Text)
delete Value.Text;
else if(Type == .Object && Value.Object != null)
else if(Type == .Array && Value.Array != null)
private bool Insert(uint32 depth, Bofa toInsert, StringView toAdd = "")
if(depth > 0 && (LastObject == null || (LastObject.Type != .Array && LastObject.Type != .Object && LastObject.Type != .Text)))
return false;
if(depth > 0)
return LastObject.Insert(depth-1, toInsert, toAdd);
//Actually insert it now
case .Text:
Value.Text.Append(scope $"\n{toAdd}");
case .Array:
case .Object:
return false; //Error
Value.Object.Add(toInsert.Name, toInsert);
return false;
LastObject = toInsert;
return true;
//Finding specific entries easier
public Result<Bofa> this[StringView name]
public get {
if(Type != .Object)
return .Err;
return .Err;
return .Ok(Value.Object[name]);
public Result<Bofa> this[uint32 number]
public get {
if(Type != .Array)
return .Err;
if(Value.Array.Count <= number)
return .Err;
return Value.Array[number];
public static mixin GetValueOrDefault<T>(Result<T> result, T dfault)
result case .Err ? dfault : result
@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
namespace Bofa;
using System;
struct BofaParser
public BofaResult Parse(StringView pLine)
BofaResult toReturn = new .();
toReturn.[Friend]_data = new String(pLine);
var enumerator = toReturn.[Friend]_data.Split('\n');
for(let e in enumerator)
{ //Loop through each line
var res = parseLine(e); //Handle the result and do the inserting
toReturn.[Friend]OK = false;
return toReturn;
var result = toReturn.[Friend]Insert(res);
if(result == false)
toReturn.[Friend]OK = false;
delete res.Bofa.1;
return toReturn;
return toReturn;
///Atttempts to parse a single line into a bofa object and returns its depth
private lineParserResult parseLine(StringView pLine)
StringView line = pLine; //So that we can work on it
#region Depth
//Get the depth of the line
uint32 depth = 0;
var hasContent = false; //In order to check wether it just ran out, or wether we actually have content
for(var c in line)
if(c == ' ' || c == ' ')
else if(c == '#')
return .(); //Comment
hasContent = true;
return .(); //Is empty
line = .(line, depth);
#region Type
//Get the type of the line
let type = NextPart(line);
line = type.1;
if(type.0 == "") //Shouldnt be empty
return .();
else if(type.0 == "-")
return .(type.1, depth+1);
//We have now assured, that the object we are handling is seemingly a normal one
StringView typeName;
case "c":
let tnameres = NextPart(line);
if(tnameres.0 == "")
return .(false);
line = tnameres.1;
typeName = tnameres.0;
case "n":
typeName = "Number";
case "b":
typeName = "Boolean";
case "l":
typeName = "Line";
case "bn":
typeName = "BigNumber";
case "i":
typeName = "Integer";
case "bi":
typeName = "BigInteger";
case "t":
typeName = "Text";
case "a":
typeName = "Array";
case "o":
typeName = "Object";
return .(false); //Unsupported type error
#region Name
//Get the name and return if its a array or object
let nameres = NextPart(line);
line = nameres.1;
if(nameres.0 == "")
return .(false);
if(type.0 == "o" || type.0 == "a")
Bofa toReturn = new Bofa();
toReturn.Name = nameres.0;
toReturn.TypeName = typeName;
if(type.0 == "o")
toReturn.Type = .Object;
toReturn.Value.Object = new .();
return .(toReturn, depth);
toReturn.Type = .Array;
toReturn.Value.Array = new .();
return .(toReturn, depth);
#region Value
if(line == "")
return .(false);
Bofa toReturn = new .();
toReturn.Name = nameres.0;
toReturn.TypeName = typeName;
case "n":
toReturn.Type = .Number;
var result = float.Parse(line);
if(result case .Err)
delete toReturn;
return .(false);
toReturn.Value.Number = result.Value;
case "b":
if(line == "true")
toReturn.Value.Boolean = true;
else if(line == "false")
toReturn.Value.Boolean = false;
delete toReturn;
return .(false);
toReturn.Type = .Boolean;
case "l":
toReturn.Value.Line = line;
toReturn.Type = .Line;
case "bn":
toReturn.Type = .BigNumber;
var result = double.Parse(line);
if(result case .Err)
delete toReturn;
return .(false);
toReturn.Value.BigNumber = result.Value;
case "i":
toReturn.Type = .Integer;
var result = int32.Parse(line);
if(result case .Err)
delete toReturn;
return .(false);
toReturn.Value.Integer = result.Value;
case "bi":
toReturn.Type = .BigInteger;
var result = int64.Parse(line);
if(result case .Err)
delete toReturn;
return .(false);
toReturn.Value.BigInteger = result.Value;
case "t":
toReturn.Value.Text = new .(line);
toReturn.Type = .Text;
case "c":
toReturn.Value.Custom = line;
toReturn.Type = .Custom;
delete toReturn;
return .(false);
//If this ever returns something went wrong
return .(toReturn,depth);
private static (StringView, StringView) NextPart(StringView pLine)
int i = 0;
for(var c in pLine)
if(c == ' ')
if(@c.GetNext() case .Ok(let val))
return (.(pLine, 0, (i < pLine.Length) ? i-1 : i), .(pLine, i));
public struct lineParserResult
{ //I hate that this is necessary to handle parseLine, but its just so much data that needs to be moved
private bool ok = true;
private bool isEmpty = false;
private uint32 depth = 0;
private bool isBofa = true; //Wether this is a bofa or a string extension
private StringView text = "";
private Bofa bofa = null;
public this(bool pIsEmpty = true)
{ //Either for errors or incase its an empty line
//the difference is that empty lines should be skipped, while an error would
isEmpty = true;
ok = false;
public this(StringView pText, uint32 pDepth = 0)
{ //For text addendums
depth = pDepth;
isBofa = false;
text = pText;
public this(Bofa pBofa, uint32 pDepth = 0)
{ //For normal bofa objects
depth = pDepth;
bofa = pBofa;
public bool Ok
public get {
return ok;
public bool IsEmpty
public get {
return isEmpty;
public bool IsBofa
public get {
return isBofa;
public (uint32, Bofa) Bofa
public get {
return (depth, bofa);
public (uint32, StringView) Text
public get {
return (depth, text);
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
namespace Bofa;
enum eBofaType
enum EBofaType
Line, //String without \n
Text, //String with \n
Number, //32bit floating point number
BigNumber, //64bit floating point number
Integer, //32bit signed integer
BigInteger, //64bit signed integer
Boolean, //8bit true or false
Object, // Key-Value container
Array, //Numeric container
Custom //String with a type attached to it
Add table
Reference in a new issue