Beefbuild on Windows
- Download the version you want from
- If the current version is not higher than 1.0 yet you should download the nightly
- Run the installer and select the options you want
- The installer can also be opened as a zip by zip programs, if you want to preview the files or install manually
From source
- Microsoft C++ build tools >= Visual Studio 2017
- Platform Toolset 141
- Windows SDK 10.0.17763.0
- CMake >= 3.15
- Python >= 3.6
- git cli
- Clone the Beef Repostiory
- Run the build scrip located at bin/build.bat
- The output will be available in IDE/dist
BeefBuild on Linux
- There is a third party apt repository maintained by me, which contains the .deb packages for Beefbuild
- The repository is hosted at
- There is a oneliner script that you can use to register the repository
- Aftertwards you are able to install Beefbuild using apt
wget -qO - | bash
apt install beefbuild
From source
- CMake >= 3.15
- Python 2.7
- Git
- Clone the Beef Repostiory
- Run the build scrip located at bin/
- The output will be available in IDE/dist
Maintained by Booklordofthedings | This is an unofficial website and not affiliated with Beefytech | The source code for this website is available on