Rewrite to improve performance and the overall api

This commit is contained in:
Booklordofthedings 2024-12-06 14:56:47 +01:00
parent 1fbb94e9a2
commit 9f9cff55fa
12 changed files with 237 additions and 323 deletions

View file

@ -1,34 +1,20 @@
namespace Example_Website;
using System;
using Aven;
using Aven.HTML;
class Index : Page
class Index : Template
public override void LoadPageContents()
public this()
Div("Content aisjdoasjiodashuihnsduijhnuisdhfsd",
H1("Hello from Aven"),
Raw("Aven is a website generation library, that can be used from"), A("Beef")..SetValue("href", ""), Raw("to generate reuseable html."), Br(),
Raw("By being integrated into a programming language you can freely write your own templating and generation logic"), Br()
)..SetValue("style", "padding: 15px;")
Title = "An aven website";
OutputFile = "\\Index.html";
public this() : base()
public override void Body(HTML body)
Title = scope $"Aven - {Aven.Version}";
body {
H1("Aven Website"),
Div("adssadsadsadsadsad", "asidosadsadsd")..SetValue("Style", "color:red;")

View file

@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ class Program
public static void Main()
Aven aven = scope .();
aven.Pages.Add(scope Example_Website.Index());
aven.OutputDirectory = "../output/";
aven.Register(.Owning(new Example_Website.Index()));

View file

@ -1,94 +1,88 @@
namespace Aven;
using Aven.Internal;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
class Aven
private static readonly Logger _defaultLogger = new .() ~ delete _;
private static readonly Builder _defaultBuilder = new .() ~ delete _;
private List<Template> _templates = new .() ~ DeleteContainerAndItems!(_);
private Stopwatch _timer = new .() ~ delete _;
public static readonly String Version = "0.5.0";
private Dictionary<String, String> _dirs = new .() ~ DeleteDictionaryAndKeysAndValues!(_);
private Dictionary<String, String> _files = new .() ~ DeleteDictionaryAndKeysAndValues!(_);
public List<Page> Pages = new .(10) ~ delete _;
public Logger Log = _defaultLogger;
public Builder Builder = _defaultBuilder;
public String OutputDirectory = null;
///Copy a directory to the output directory
public Result<void> IncludeDirInOutput(StringView dir, StringView outdir)
///Registers an instance of a web template
public Result<void> Register(Owning<Template> template)
return .Err;
_dirs.Add(new .(dir), new .(outdir));
return .Ok;
///Copy a file to the output directory
public Result<void> IncludeFileInOutput(StringView dir, StringView outdir)
return .Err;
_files.Add(new .(dir), new .(outdir));
return .Ok;
///Builds the website
public void Build()
Log.Info(scope $"Starting Aven {Version}");
Log.Info("Start building");
Log.Info("Successfully build");
///Writes a file to the location specified by output
private Result<void> WriteToOutput(StringView file, StringView data)
String outdir = scope .();
if (Path.GetDirectoryPath(scope $"{OutputDirectory}/{file}", outdir) case .Ok)
if (template case .Owning(let val))
if (Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir) case .Ok)
if(File.WriteAllText(scope $"{OutputDirectory}/{file}", data) case .Ok)
Log.Info(scope $"Wrote file to {OutputDirectory}/{file}");
Log.Debug("Registered new template instance");
return .Ok;
Log.Error(scope $"Attempt to write to {OutputDirectory}/{file} failed");
Log.Warn("Unable to register template instance");
return .Err;
private bool EnsureOutputExists()
public void Build(StringView outputDir = "./output")
if(OutputDirectory == null)
String toWrite = new .(10000);
defer delete toWrite;
Log.Info("Start building");
for (var page in _templates)
Log.Error("No output directory is has been set");
return false;
<!doctype html>
var body = page.Body(.. Custom("body"))..ToString(toWrite);
delete body;
Log.Debug("Successfully build page");
String outFile = scope $"{outputDir}/{page.OutputFile}";
String outDir = scope .();
if (Path.GetDirectoryPath(outFile, outDir) case .Err)
Log.Error(scope $"Unable to write to file: {outputDir}{page.OutputFile}");
if (File.WriteAllText(scope $"{outputDir}{page.OutputFile}", toWrite) case .Err)
Log.Error(scope $"Unable to write to file: {outputDir}{page.OutputFile}");
Log.Info(scope $"Wrote to file: {outputDir}{page.OutputFile}");
return true;
if(Directory.CreateDirectory(OutputDirectory) case .Err)
Log.Error("Unable to create output directoy");
return false;
Log.Info("Output directory has been created");
return true;
Log.Info(scope $"Finished generation in: {_timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");

View file

@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
namespace Aven.HTML;
namespace Aven;
using System;
using System.Collections;
class HTML
static public implicit operator HTML (StringView v) => Raw(v);
private String _Name = new .("") ~ delete _;
private String _Body = new .("") ~ delete _;
private String _Id = new .("") ~ delete _;
private HashSet<String> _Classes = new .() ~ DeleteContainerAndItems!(_);
private List<HTML> _Children = new .() ~ DeleteContainerAndItems!(_);
private bool _SelfClosing = false; //makes an object <name />
private Dictionary<String, String> _Values = new .() ~ DeleteDictionaryAndKeysAndValues!(_); //Most of these values should come from fields
//This is just used to allow arbitrary values for stuff ive missed
static public implicit operator HTML(StringView v) => Raw(v);
public List<HTML> Children = new .() ~ DeleteContainerAndItems!(_);
public Dictionary<String, String> Values = new .() ~ DeleteDictionaryAndKeysAndValues!(_);
public HashSet<String> Classes = new .() ~ DeleteContainerAndItems!(_);
public bool SelfClosing = false; //<name />
private String _name = new .("") ~ delete _;
public StringView Name
get => _Name;
get => _name;
private String _body = new .("") ~ delete _;
public StringView Body
get => _Body;
get => _body;
private String _id = new .("") ~ delete _;
public StringView Id
get => _Id;
get => _id;
public this(params Span<HTML> children)
for (var i in children)
public void SetValue(StringView key, StringView value)
if (_Values.ContainsKeyAlt<StringView>(key))
_Values[scope .(key)]..Clear().Append(value);
if (Values.ContainsKeyAlt<StringView>(key))
Values[scope .(key)]..Clear().Append(value);
_Values.Add(new .(key), new .(value));
Values.Add(new .(key), new .(value));
public void AddClass(StringView clas) => _Classes.Add(new .(clas));
public void SetBody(StringView value) => Body = value;
public void SetId(StringView value) => Id = value;
public void AddClass(StringView clas) => Classes.Add(new .(clas));
public void RemoveClass(StringView clas) => Classes.Remove(scope .(clas));
public void RemoveClass(StringView clas) => _Classes.Remove(scope .(clas));
public void Build(String buffer)
public override void ToString(String buffer)
if (_SelfClosing && _Name != "")
if (SelfClosing && Name != "")
buffer.Append(scope $"<{Name} {CalculateValues(.. scope .())} />");
@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ class HTML
if (Name != "")
buffer.Append(scope $"<{Name} {CalculateValues(.. scope .())}>\n");
if (_Body != .Empty)
if (_body != .Empty)
for (var i in _Children)
for (var i in Children)
if (Name != "")
buffer.Append(scope $"</{Name}>\n");
@ -89,21 +89,19 @@ class HTML
private void CalculateValues(String buffer)
if(_Id != .Empty)
buffer.Append(scope $"id=\"{_Id}\"");
if(_id != .Empty)
buffer.Append(scope $"id=\"{_id}\"");
if(_Classes.Count > 0)
if(Classes.Count > 0)
for(var i in _Classes)
for(var i in Classes)
buffer.Append(scope $"{i} ");
buffer.Append("\" ");
for(var i in _Values)
for(var i in Values)
buffer.Append(scope $"{i.key}=\"{i.value}\"");
@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ static
public static HTML Raw(StringView body = "")
var toReturn = new HTML();
toReturn.Body = body;
return toReturn;
@ -137,9 +135,9 @@ static
var sum = new HTML(children: summary);
sum.Name = .("summary");
for(var i in details)
return toReturn;
@ -309,7 +307,7 @@ static
public static HTML Hr()
var toReturn = new HTML();
toReturn.[Friend]_SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.Name = .("hr");
return toReturn;
@ -394,7 +392,7 @@ static
public static HTML Br()
var toReturn = new HTML();
toReturn.[Friend]_SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.Name = .("br");
return toReturn;
@ -556,7 +554,7 @@ static
public static HTML Wbr()
var toReturn = new HTML();
toReturn.[Friend]_SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.Name = .("wbr");
return toReturn;
@ -564,7 +562,7 @@ static
public static HTML Area()
var toReturn = new HTML();
toReturn.[Friend]_SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.Name = .("area");
return toReturn;
@ -579,7 +577,7 @@ static
public static HTML Img(StringView src = "", int64 width = -1, int64 height = -1, StringView alt = "")
var toReturn = new HTML();
toReturn.[Friend]_SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.SelfClosing = true;
if(src != "") toReturn.SetValue("src", src);
if(alt != "") toReturn.SetValue("alt", alt);
if(width > 0) toReturn.SetValue("width", width.ToString(.. scope .()));
@ -598,7 +596,7 @@ static
public static HTML Track()
var toReturn = new HTML();
toReturn.[Friend]_SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.Name = .("track");
return toReturn;
@ -613,7 +611,7 @@ static
public static HTML Embed()
var toReturn = new HTML();
toReturn.[Friend]_SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.Name = .("embed");
return toReturn;
@ -656,7 +654,7 @@ static
public static HTML Source()
var toReturn = new HTML();
toReturn.[Friend]_SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.Name = .("source");
return toReturn;
@ -720,7 +718,7 @@ static
public static HTML Col()
var toReturn = new HTML();
toReturn.[Friend]_SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.Name = .("col");
return toReturn;
@ -812,7 +810,7 @@ static
public static HTML Input()
var toReturn = new HTML();
toReturn.[Friend]_SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.SelfClosing = true;
toReturn.Name = .("input");
return toReturn;

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
namespace Aven;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
class Builder
public void Build(Aven aven)
aven.Log.Debug("Default Builder");
String output = new .(1000);
defer delete output;
for(var page in aven.Pages)
if(aven.[Friend]WriteToOutput(page.GetPageFileOutput(), output) case .Err)
aven.Log.Warn("Page has not been written");

src/Internal/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
namespace Aven.Internal;
using System;
class Log
public static LogLevel LogLevel = .Debug;
public static LogLevel LogLevel = .Info;
public static void Log(LogLevel level, StringView message)
if(level.Underlying >= LogLevel.Underlying)
case .Debug:
Console.WriteLine(scope $"\x1b[36m[Debug]:{message}\x1b[39m");
case .Info:
Console.WriteLine(scope $"\x1b[34m[Info]:{message}\x1b[39m");
case .Warning:
Console.WriteLine(scope $"\x1b[33m[Warn]:{message}\x1b[39m");
case .Error:
Console.WriteLine(scope $"\x1b[31m[Err]:{message}\x1b[39m");
public static void Debug(StringView message) => Log(.Debug, message);
public static void Info(StringView message) => Log(.Info, message);
public static void Warn(StringView message) => Log(.Warning, message);
public static void Error(StringView message) => Log(.Error, message);

src/Internal/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace Aven.Internal;
enum LogLevel

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
namespace Aven;
using System;
class Logger
public enum LogLevel
public LogLevel CurrentLogLevel = .Debug;
public LogLevel CurrentLogLevel = .Info;
///Log a message
public virtual void Log(LogLevel logLevel, StringView message)
case .Debug:
Console.WriteLine(scope $"[Aven][Debug]: {message}");
case .Info:
Console.WriteLine(scope $"[Aven][Info]: {message}");
case .Warn:
Console.WriteLine(scope $"[Aven][Warn]: {message}");
case .Error:
Console.WriteLine(scope $"[Aven][Error]: {message}");
public void Debug(StringView message) => Log(.Debug, message);
public void Info(StringView message) => Log(.Info, message);
public void Warn(StringView message) => Log(.Warn, message);
public void Error(StringView message) => Log(.Error, message);

src/Internal/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
namespace Aven.Internal;
Owning indicates object ownership.
A method which has this enum as a parameter takes
over ownership of the object and ensures proper deletion
enum Owning<T>
case Owning(T val);

View file

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
namespace Aven;
using Aven.HTML;
using System;
using System.Collections;
An instance of this class represents a single .html website
abstract class Page
private String _title = new .("") ~ delete _;
private List<HTML> _elements = new .() ~ DeleteContainerAndItems!(_);
private List<String> _scripts = new .() ~ DeleteContainerAndItems!(_);
private List<String> _inlineStyle = new .() ~ DeleteContainerAndItems!(_);
private List<String> _styles = new .() ~ DeleteContainerAndItems!(_);
public virtual StringView GetPageFileOutput() => "Index.html";
public void AddElement(params Span<HTML> elmt)
for(var i in elmt)
public void Build(String buffer)
buffer.Append(scope $"""
<!Doctype HTML>
<!-- Made with Quill version 0.1 -->
{BuildStyles(.. scope .())}
{BuildScripts(.. scope .())}
{BuildElements(.. scope .())}
private void BuildElements(String buffer)
for(var i in _elements)
private void BuildStyles(String buffer)
for(var i in _styles)
buffer.Append(scope $"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{i}\" />\n");
for(var i in _inlineStyle)
buffer.Append(scope $"""
private void BuildScripts(String buffer)
for(var i in _scripts)
buffer.Append(scope $"<script src=\"{i}\"></script>\n");

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
namespace Aven;
using System;
extension Page
public StringView Title
get => _title;
public void AddScripts(params Span<StringView> scripts)
for(var i in scripts)
_scripts.Add(new .(i));
public void AddStyles(params Span<StringView> styles)
for(var i in styles)
_styles.Add(new .(i));
public void AddInlineStyle(StringView style)
_inlineStyle.Add(new .(style));
public abstract void LoadPageContents();

src/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
namespace Aven;
using System;
abstract class Template
private String _output = new .("Index.html") ~ delete _;
public StringView OutputFile
get => _output;
private String _title = new .() ~ delete _;
public StringView Title
get => _title;
private String _scripts = new .() ~ delete _;
public StringView Scripts
get => _scripts;
private String _styles = new .() ~ delete _;
public StringView Styles
get => _styles;
public abstract void Body(HTML body); ///Returns the html element thats supposed to be the page body
public virtual void Head(String buffer) {}; //Allows template files to have their own custom head beyond our defaults